

单词 somatoform
释义 somatoform 英sə'mɑːtɔːfɔːm美sə'mɑːtɔːfɔːm COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
The somatoform type of hypochondriac has many physical symptoms and assumes there’s a serious underlying cause but doesn’t necessarily jump to catastrophic conclusions.
身体形式的疑病症类型有许多躯体症状,并假定有一个严重的内在原因,但不一定会导致灾难性结论。 yeeyan

What is important, according to Frieser, is that not everyone who has somatoform symptoms is diagnosed as having a somatoform disorder.
在佛雷泽看来,重要的问题是,并不是每个躯体症状患者都被确诊为躯体疾病。 yeeyan

Conclusion: Citalopram was effective and safe in the treatment of persistent somatoform pain disorder with a low incidence of adverse reactions.
结论:西酞普兰对持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍与阿米替林疗效相当,但不良反应小。 cnki

Conclusion: Venlafaxime was shown to be fairly effective and safe in the treatment of persistent somatoform pain disorder, with a low incidence of adverse reactions.
结论:文拉法辛对持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍疗效好,不良反应小,安全性高。 cnki

Conclusion:Patients with somatoform disorder tend to have visible alexithymia and poor psychological status.
结论:躯体形式障碍患者存在明显的述情障碍,其心理健康状况较差。 www2.chkd.cnki.net

Conclusion Fluoxetine hydrochloride has notable efficacy, higher safety and better compliance in the treatment of persistent somatoform pain disorder.
结论氟西汀治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍疗效显著,安全性高,依从性好。 cnki

ConclusionPatients with somatoform disorder tend to have visiblealexithymia and poor mental health status.
结论躯体形式障碍患者存在明显的述情障碍,其心理健康状况较差。 qikan

Conclusions The psychotic disorders as well as seen in patients in general hospital are hypochondriasis and somatoform disorder, and depression of the female.
结论综合医院理精神障碍患者的主要问题均为疑病躯体化障碍,女性主要为抑郁。 cnki

Current ways of categorizing somatoform disorders are problematic.
目前身体形式疑病症的分类方法也有问题。 yeeyan

Objective To compare the curative effects and safety of paroxetine and amitriptyline in the treatment of somatoform disorders.
目的比较帕罗西汀与阿米替林治疗躯体形式障碍的疗效及安全性。 cnki

Objective To explore alexithymia and psychological status in patients with somatoform disorder.
目的探讨躯体形式障碍患者的述情障碍及其心理健康状况。 qikan

Objective: To survey the therapeutic effectiveness of venlafaxine in the treatment of persistent somatoform pain disorder.
目的:观察文拉法辛治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍的疗效。 cnki

Objective:To study the effects of citalopram in the persistent somatoform pain disorder.
目的:观察西酞普兰治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍的疗效。 cnki

Such patients resemble those with somatoform disorder, but worry that there’s a significant illness.
这类病人真有某种躯体疾病,但更担心其背后掩盖着更严重的疾病。 yeeyan

Somatoform symptoms, i. e., symptoms that cannot or not fully be explained in medical terms, are an astonishingly widespread phenomenon.
躯体症状如不能或不能完全用医学术语解释的症状是一个惊人的普遍现象。 yeeyan

Somatoform symptoms are very real; they impair quality of life, and can also cause clinically relevant disorders that may require psychological treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.
躯体症状是非常真实的,他们损害了生活质量,也可以导致临床上相关的疾病,可能需要心理治疗,如认知行为疗法。 yeeyan

Objective To observe therapeutic effect of electroacupuncture combined with moving cupping therapy on somatoform disorders.
目的:观察电针配合走罐治疗躯体形式障碍的临床疗效。 cnki




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