

单词 somatic
释义 so·mat·ic 英səʊˈmætɪk美soˈmætɪkAHDsō-mătʹĭk 高四GIS宝COCA¹⁹⁶⁹³BNC³⁶²³⁰iWeb¹⁹¹⁵⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit;

bodily needs

a corporal defect

corporeal suffering

a somatic symptom or somatic illness

soma,身体,肉体,-atic,形容词后缀。somatic cell体细胞somatic segregation体细胞分离somatic doubling体细胞加倍somatic mutation体细胞突变somatic nerve体干神经,躯体神经…somatic mesoderm体壁中胚层somatic layer体壁层somatic induction体细胞诱导somatic embryo体细胞胚somatic nucleus巨核somatic muscle体肌somatic sensation躯体觉somatic antigen菌体抗原,O抗原…somatic effect躯体效应somatic chromosome体细胞染色体, 常染…somatic sense体感觉,躯体觉…somatic reflex体性反射somatic copulation体细胞接合
GRE红宝书som = some有肉体的意思
som-是身体的字根;soul mate,精神上的异性好友的
非常记忆so〖象50〗+ma马〖拼音〗+tic体操〖拼音〗⇒50只马通过做体操锻炼躯体的灵活性GRE难词记忆somatic→atomics n.原子学→人体原子学词根记忆somat-躯体+ ic ⇒肉体的词根记忆somat躯体+ ic ⇒肉体的词根记忆som+atic近义词 bodily肉体的fleshly肉体的physical物质的corporal肉体的corporeal肉体的

用作形容词The computerists make no real distinction between behavioral learning andsomaticlearning.计算机专家没有真正区别行为的学习和肉体的学习。adj.bodily
同义词 actual,animal,carnal,corporal,corporeal,fleshly,gross,human,material,natural,normal,organic,personal,physical,sensual,substantial,tangible,unspiritual
bodilyadjective concerning animate structure
corporaladjective bodily, physical
corporealadjective bodily, physical
fleshlyadjective bodily
corporal,corporeal,earthly,human,material,mundane,of this world,physical,secular,somatic,terrestrial,worldly
physicaladjective concerning the body
bodily,brute,carnal,corporal,corporeal,earthly,fleshly,incarnate,mortal,personal,somatic,unspiritual,visceral The 23% success rate is much higher than the typical3% seen with somatic cell nuclear transfer, Poeschla says.
Poeschla说23%的成功率远远高于体细胞核转移典型的3%成功率。 yeeyan

What happens is called somatic dissociation; this also happens to incest survivors and people who are tortured.
这种现象称之为体细胞联合,在乱伦幸存者和受虐者身上亦有发生。 yeeyan

But the only proven way of getting a new gene into a cat, somatic cell nuclear transfer, is tricky.
但是唯一已经验证可行的向猫体内植入新基因的方法,即体细胞核移植,却有些困难。 yeeyan

Characteristics of cytology and physiology and biochemistry of high vigor quiescent carrot somatic embryos obtained by using the method of regulation culture were studied here.
本研究测定了用调控培养法获得的具高活力的静止状态胡萝卜体细胞胚的细胞学及生理生化特性。 cnki

Cloning by a method known as “ somatic cell nuclear transfer” SCNF has become a fundamental research tool with numerous applications, including in human medicine.
通过体细胞核移植的办法来克隆,已经成为基础研究工具的众多应用,包括治疗人类疾病。 yeeyan

Contrady, it is good for increasing quantity and quality of somatic embryogenesis with activated charcoal.
当该比值高时,必须添加活性碳才有利于提高体细胞胚胎发生的数量和质量。 iciba

Cornell health questionnaire is composed of18 sections, including195 questions, involving4 aspects, named somatic symptoms, medial and family history, general health and habit and mental symptoms.
康奈尔健康问卷分18个部分,195个问题,涉及4个方面内容:躯体症状,既往史和家庭史,一般健康和习惯,精神症状。 iciba

Here, we investigate the possibility of whether a tumor cell nucleus, in which transformation is caused by somatic mutation, can be epigenetically reprogrammed into normal tissues.
在这里,我们调查的,是由体细胞突变引起的肿瘤细胞的细胞核,能被后生重编程进入正常组织的可能性。 www.bio.hbnu.edu.cn

I call this, cat- like, brain-and- body kind of tacit knowledge“ somatic tacit knowledge”: it is knowledge stored in the muscles, nerve pathways, and synaptic connections.
我称之为类猫化脑体型隐性知识,即“躯体隐性知识”:它是存储于肌肉、神经通路以及突触连接中的知识。 yeeyan

In regard to that, learning how to live with conscious awareness via yoga, meditation and the “ somatic inquiry” helps us develop emotional balance and mental composure.
他们通过练习瑜伽,冥想和“自我询问”来调节情绪平衡,以获得精神上的平静。 yeeyan

Methods: The163 elderly with neurosis selected by random sample and other163 elderly matched by sex and age with them were researched about the situation of somatic disease.
方法:采用随机抽样163例社区老年神经症患者以及用性别、年龄配对的163例老年人调查他们躯体疾病的发生情况。 cnki

Second, sacral nerves are mixed nerves carrying the autonomic outflow to the pelvic organs as well as the somatic outflow to the pelvic floor muscles and sphincters.
其次,骶神经为混合神经,包含到盆腔器官的自主传出神经和到盆底肌和括约肌的体传出神经。 blog.sina.com.cn

Such experiences ex- somatic, which the dreamer feels to be out of his physical body, are called lucid dreams.
这种经验超脱于肉体,做梦者感觉到自己在脱离他的身体,这被称为清醒梦。 yeeyan

The lumbar ventral spinal roots, one of which is used in this procedure as donor, are mixed nerves with predominant somatic and some autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic outflow.
腰神经前根主要是躯体神经和一些自主神经交感神经和副交感神经混合而成的传出神经,其中一条在此手术中用作供体。 blog.sina.com.cn

The result shows that there is no difference in intensity score of cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety of excellent table tennis athletes and ordinary undergraduate.
研究结果表明:优秀乒乓球运动员与普通大学生乒乓球运动员在认知焦虑和躯体焦虑的强度分数上无差异; cnki

The sacral ventral spinal roots, one of which is used in this procedure as recipient, are also mixed nerves with somatic and autonomic outflow.
骶神经前根也是躯体神经和自主神经混合传出神经,其中一条在本手术中用作受体。 blog.sina.com.cn

The third step was to use a process known as Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer to generate an embryo.
第三步是使用一个称为体细胞核移植过程形生一个胚胎。 yeeyan

To balance on a bike we need somatic tacit knowledge, but to ride it in traffic we need collective tacit knowledge.
为了在自行车上取得平衡,我们需要躯体隐性知识,此外为了在车流中骑行,我们还需要集体隐性知识。 yeeyan

When transected, the somatic motor innervation of this specific spinal root to its effector muscles remains interrupted.
切断后,该神经根至其肌肉效应器的躯体运动神经支配被中断了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Somatic embryos can be encapsulated in hydrated gel to produce a ' synthetic seed' or propagule.
体细胞胚可以包入水合凝胶中生产“人工种子”或无性繁殖体。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn

Somatic symptoms include symptoms like breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, headache, and swelling of hands and feet.
肉体上的症状包括乳房胀痛、腹胀、头疼及手脚肿胀之类的症状。 yeeyan




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