

单词 solos
释义 so·lo·s 英'səʊləʊ美'soʊloʊ COCA³⁰²⁶⁶BNC¹⁹⁵⁶⁵
C 独唱曲,独奏曲

a piece of music that is played or sung by one person


done by a single person;without a companion or partner


alone ;by oneself

any activity that is performed alone without assistancea musical composition for one voice or instrument with or without accompanimenta flight in which the aircraft pilot is unaccompanied
composed or performed by a single voice or instrument;

a passage for solo clarinet

without anybody else or anything else;

the child stayed home alone

the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing

he flew solo

fly alone, without a co-pilot or passengersperform a piece written for a single instrumentsolo seat单人座first solo独唱曲solo man梭罗人solo circuit单独对讲电路…vocal solo独唱fly solo单飞solo climb单人登山solo homer一分本垒打solo spin单人旋转solo flight单飞solo dance单人舞,独舞…
sol-oS,⇒n.独奏⁶¹;独唱adj.单独的adv.单独地v.单独表演;空放单飞飞行员一个人开飞机;无教练陪同n.单人表演;空单飞;单人纸牌戏;音独奏⁶¹曲独唱²⁷曲一种惠斯特纸牌戏由一人对抗三人单人全场运球直奔篮下或球门;独舞adj.独唱的;独奏的;单独的;单人的;单个的;独自的;单独表演的adv.单独地³;独自地;无人陪伴地v.放单飞;独唱²⁷近义词 song歌曲lone孤单的alone单独的single单一的singly一个一个地by yourself单独地unaccompanied无伴侣的on your own独立地凭自己的力量…
用作名词n.In the concert,there are three pianosolos.在音乐会上,有三首钢琴独奏曲。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.I made my first solo flight.我第一次做了单人飞行。
Composers have written vast amounts of music for solo piano.作曲家们已谱写了大量的钢琴独奏曲。用作副词adv.The flying-instructor told her she was to fly solo the next day.飞行教练告诉她第二天单飞。
Mr. Burke carried on with the climb solo.伯克先生孤身一人继续登山。
用作名词The first piece is a pianosoloby Berio.第一个节目是贝里奥的钢琴独奏。
The concert began with pianosolo.音乐会以一首钢琴独奏开始。
He has been asked to sing asoloat the concert.他已被邀请在演奏会上表演独唱。用作形容词The student essayed his firstsoloflight.该学员尝试作首次单独飞行。用作副词His landing was awkward,but it was only the second time he'd flownsolo.他的着陆技术很不熟练,但这只是他第二次单飞。as in.sing
同义词 belt out,chant,croon,hum,intone,serenade,shout,wait,warble,whistlebuzz,cantillate,carol,chirp,choir,descant,groan,harmonize,hymn,mouth,pipe,purr,resound,roar,singsong,solo,trill,troll,tune,vocalize,whine,yodelburst into song,canary,duet,lift up a voice,line out,lullaby,make melody
反义词 be quiet Example : The talented group of jazz musicians were famous for creating bright little riffs that repeated as backgrounds for improvised solos.
这支天才的爵士乐团以为即兴的独唱创作重复演奏的明快背景的音乐而知名。 blog.sina.com.cn

The early1970s were the era of noodling jams and10- minute drum solos that would have to be torpedoed, a few years later, by punk-rock.
70年代初流行起了没完没了的吉他即兴和长达10分钟的鼓手表演,但几年后很快被朋客音乐打的落花流水。 yeeyan

A long marriage is two people trying to dance a duet and two solos at the same time.
一个长久的婚姻是两个人尝试跳舞表演了合唱和独唱在两个时间相同。 www.gt366.com

As fans know, in these jams, a player shouts a tune and the group is off— melody in unison, then solos, each picking up on a phrase left by another; one starting an idea, another finishing it.
乐迷们都知道的,在这些混搭里,一位乐手确定表演曲目,小组即开演——合奏旋律,独奏,一个一个地沿着前面留下的余曲跟进;别人出了点子,另一个来完成它。 yeeyan

At the state festivals, I won several medals for solos and ensembles, and a couple for student conducting, of which I was especially proud.
在几次州管乐节上,我荣获了好几枚独奏与合奏奖章,还有几枚是学生指挥奖,对此我颇为自豪。 blog.sina.com.cn

Before Louis Armstrong, solos were brief or non- existent, and the urgent sound of an old New Orleans jazz band came from the polyphony of players winding their melodies around each other.
在路易斯阿姆斯特朗之前,独奏是一种可有可无或完全不存在的表演形式,旧式奥尔良乐团中,各路乐手用不同的旋律共同交织出复调音乐,通常急促而又紧凑。 yeeyan

Even if you do not have the confidence to approach someone you will still feel more comfortable surrounded by other solos.
就算你没这个搭讪的胆儿,你也会因为周边有单独食客而感觉舒服一些。 yeeyan

Follow the blues lessons on the site and learn the solos. In particular, learn how to play them without looking at the tab.
跟着本站的课程学习其中的独奏曲,有一点特别值得一提,学习如何扔掉谱子去学习。 www.kouqin.com.cn

Fragile ranged agility solos. They have good last hitting ability, mainly good spells for early game and they heavily depend on runes.
脆弱的远程敏捷英雄,他们有较好的补刀能力,同时在早期都有不错的技能,却十分依赖于神符。 blog.sina.com.cn

In 1953, Tatum tracked a record124 solos for noted producer Norman Granz, and while the sessions were hasty, they yielded material for13 albums.
1953年泰特姆为著名制作人诺曼·格兰兹录制了124首独奏,尽管匆匆忙忙,他们仍推出了13张唱片。 yeeyan

Nothing is prewritten or planned for the solos; all is made up on the spot.
独奏的表演都没有事先编曲或计划,一切都是当场编造。 xueasy

Player that solos mid is usually one of the best if not the best player in the team.
在中单的选手一般都是一个队伍里最好的选手或者最好之一。 blog.sina.com.cn

Some of the songs are group efforts, while the others are solos, featuring each member.
有些歌曲组的努力,而另一些独奏,包括每一个成员。 blog.sina.com.cn

The only contemporary of Louis Armstrong who could hold a candle to the legendary trumpeter, cornetist Bix Beiderbecke had a smooth tone and constructed elegant and subdued solos.
阿姆斯特朗同时代唯一可以与其相媲美的传奇人物,毕斯‧贝德贝克,小号兼铜管演奏家。 他的演奏曲调轻柔流畅,独奏优雅和缓。 yeeyan

The solos are a celebration of individual brilliance that can't take place without thesgroupsefforts of the rhythm section.
爵士乐中的独奏是对个人才气的颂扬,但若没有整个乐队的节奏伴奏,个人才气也无法展现。 edu.sina.com.cn

Then mix the solos up a little.
接着可以把独奏曲稍微混合一下。 www.kouqin.com.cn

There is a clarinet and the sheet music for clarinet solos.
还有单簧管和用于单簧管独奏的乐谱。 yeeyan

They uploaded their backyard science projects, their delivery-room footage and their interminable guitar solos.
他们上传了后院科学计划,分娩画面,以及冗长的吉他独奏。 yeeyan

Solos need to be fast but do not give the impression that you are just hitting drums without structure.
独奏需要速度,但是不要给人以你只是毫无章法的乱敲的印象。 yeeyan




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