

单词 soliton
释义 sol·i·ton 英ˈsɒlɪˌtɒn美ˈsɑlɪˌtɑnAHDsŏlʹĭ-tŏn' COCA⁸⁹²⁸⁵BNC⁷⁰²⁸⁷iWeb⁵²⁴¹¹

physics a quantum of energy or quasiparticle that can be propagated as a traveling wave in nonlinear systems and is neither preceded nor followed by another such disturbance; does not obey the superposition principle and does not dissipate;

soliton waves can travel long distances with little loss of energy or structure

近义词 solitary wave孤波

用作名词Thesolitonformation and transmission have been simulated numerically by using split-step Fourier method in the single mode fiber.应用分布傅立叶法数值模拟了单模光纤中光孤子的形成和传输。
Thesolitonprofile is Gaussian-shaped for strongly nonlocal cases, but not Gaussian-shaped for any other cases.When the degrees of nonlocality are weak, solitons do not exist.强非局域时,光孤子的波形是高斯型,其它的非局域程度下,不是高斯型,当非局域程度较弱时,不存在孤子解。
Soliton waves can travel long distances with little loss of energy or structure.孤波可以长距离传播而能量或声波结构几乎不损伤。 In this paper, the influence of parameter N and initial chirp on optical soliton formation and transmission is studied by solving the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation in the single mode fiber.
通过求解非线性薛定谔方程,分别研究了参量 N和入射脉冲的初始啁啾两个重要因素对单模光纤中光孤子形成与传输的影响; cnki

The influence of optical source chirp on femtosecond soliton interaction is studied numerically, and the unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction.
数值研究了源啁啾飞秒孤子间相互作用,提出了抑制该作用的可能方案; cnki

The effect of optical fiber dispersion parameter on the transmission performance of dynamic- soliton system using PSA as in-line amplifiers has been analyzed theoretically by computer simulation.
通过计算机系统仿真研究光纤色散参量对以相敏光放大器 PSA作为在线放大器的动态孤子系统传输性能的影响。 cnki

The evolution trend for chirp of high-order soliton is complicated.
高阶孤子的啁啾演变趋势比较复杂。 cnki

The perturbation systems of discrete soliton equations are investigated.
研究了离散孤立子方程的扰动系统。 cnki

The pulse compressors based on the nonlinear effects in optical fibers can be classified into two broad categories, referred to here as fiber- grating compressors and soliton- effect compressors.
以光纤中非线性效应为基础的脉冲压缩器可分为两大类,我们称之为光纤-光栅对压缩器和孤子效应压缩器。 cnki

The relationship of the ground state, soliton and polaron excitations with the net- charges in doped polyacetylene chains and with the counterion potentials were studied.
在给定掺杂离子浓度下,研究了聚乙炔链的基态,孤子,极化子等非线性激发态与链上净电荷之间的关系。 cnki

Under the condition that the beam is chirped, demands for soliton formation from Gauss beam and the evolution equations of the beam chirp in the propagation are obtained.
结果表明:线性空间啁啾虽然对光束传输的中心位置没有任何影响,但它打破了衍射与非线性效应的平衡,导致光束发散,从而破坏了孤子形成的条件。 cnki

We also, discuss the features of a single charge soliton in detail, such as peak potential, peak width, threshold voltage and their dependences on the array parameters.
文中还详细讨论了单电荷孤子的峰高、峰宽和阈电压等方面的特征以及它们随结链结构参数的依赖关系。 cnki

We develop a direct approach to the soliton perturbation based on the separation variables.
发展了一种以分离变量为基础的孤子微扰的直接方法。 cnki

As one of the soliton equations, long wave equation takes on profound significance of theory and reality.
长水波方程作为一种孤子方程具有很强的理论和现实意义。 dictall

In this paper fundamental structures, principle, and applications in modern science and technology of several soliton lasers are introduced.
本文介绍了几种常用孤子激光器的结构、原理以及它在现代科学技术方面的应用。 cnki

It shows that the stochastic dispersion variation connected with frequency affects the frequence and the position of the black soliton.
结果表明:只有与频率有关的随机色散变化对黑孤子的频率和位置产生影响。 cnki

It is well- known that optical soliton described by a nonlinear Schrodinger NLS equation may propagate stably in single-mode optical fiber.
人们熟知,由非线性薛定谔 NLS方程描述的光学孤子可以在单模光纤中稳定地传输。 cnki

It is found that the loss in the crystal can make a mismatched incident Gaussian beam evolve to a matched one, and then become to a steady- state bright soliton.
同时我们还发现,在一定条件下,晶体损耗能使振幅失配的高斯光束演化成匹配的高斯光束,并最终演化成稳定的明孤波。 cnki

Once the soliton is established, the magnetic orientation oscillates at more than a billion times a second.
一旦建立了孤波,磁场方向的振动频率高达每秒十亿次以上。 yeeyan

Raman amplification can compensate the fiber loss, does not change the temporal waveform and has little influence on the linear chirp of the soliton.
研究表明,拉曼放大能够补偿光纤损耗,但不改变孤子脉冲的时域波形,对孤子脉冲的啁啾影响不大。 dictall

The numerical simulation also shows that fundamental soliton pulses with high repetition rate can be generated in this kind of fiber by modulation instability.
数值模拟显示,利用色散缓变光纤中的调制不稳定性可以产生高重复率的基本孤子脉冲串。 cnki

The result indicate that the soliton wave which is responsible for transporting bioenergy and bio information is strongly influenced by the free radical injury from ionization irradiation.
研究表明:电离辐射产生的自由基对蛋白质分子的伤害将会对携带能量、信息的孤立子波传播产生较为显著的影响。 ilib

The results also show unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction between femtosecond soliton in the presence of optical source chirp in a certain degree.
研究结果还表明,不等幅传输法在一定程度上可有效地抑制源啁啾飞秒孤子间的相互作用。 cnki

The non-linear characteristics of the energy transferring along meridian is figured out through the model of soliton excitation in collagen molecules.
并以林先哲所建立的胶原分子的孤子激发模型为例,描述了经络能量转移的非线性特性。 cnki

Thereby, the application of the theory of soliton perturbations in optical fibre communication has significant scientific research value.
所以,孤子微扰理论在光纤通讯中的应用具有非常重要的科研应用价值。 cnki

Using the soliton theory we obtain a method to contract isometric immersions from indefinite space forms into indefinite space forms with the same index.
我们利用孤立子理论得到了构造有相同指标的不定度量空间型到不定度量空间型的等距浸入的方法。 cnki

While soliton can restrain pulse split and excess spread, so it is considered can counteract PMD effect at some degrees.
光孤子被认为在一定程度上具有抵制偏振模色散效应的能力,它能够抑制脉冲的分裂和过度展宽。 cnki

Soliton, like particles, can travel over long-distances without attenuation and changes of wave shapes, which is the result from the balance of the interplay between dispersion and nonlinearity.
孤立子能够既不发生衰减也不会改变波形地传播到较远的地方且具有类似粒子的特性,这主要是色散效应和非线性效应相互平衡的结果。 cnki




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