

单词 soliloquy
释义 so·lil·o·quy 英səˈlɪləkwiː美səˈlɪləkwiAHDsə-lĭlʹə-kwē ☆☆☆☆☆高GS八COCA³⁹⁵⁴⁹BNC³²⁸³⁷iWeb²⁹⁰⁸⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

speech you make to yourselfa usually long dramatic speech intended to give the illusion of unspoken reflectionssol-,单独的,独自的,-loq,说话,词源同 colloquy,loquacious.引申词义独白。钱博士sol唯一,独自+i连接字母+loqu说+y名词后缀→一个人说的话⇒独白,自言自语
GRE难词记忆soliloquy→soli单独的,独自的+loquy=topseak→独自一个人说话→独白sol唯一,独自+i连接字母+loqu说+y名词后缀→一个人说的话⇒独白,自言自语。词根记忆soli+loqu说+y=一个人说近义词 speech演说oration演说monologue独白declamation朗诵dramatic monologue戏剧独白

用作名词This man was engaged in a longsoliloquyin his room.这个人长时间在自己的房间内自言自语。
Hamlet'ssoliloquyis probably the most famous in English drama.哈姆雷特的独白在英国戏剧中大概是最出名的了。noun.apostrophe
同义词 discourse,monologueaside,speechmonology
反义词 dialoguenoun.speech by one
同义词 discourse,monologueaddress,speech
反义词 dialogue
interior monologuenoun expression of character's thoughts
stream of consciousness
monologuenoun speech by one person
address,descant,discourse,disquisition,harangue,lecture,sermon,soliloquy,speech,stand-up bit,talk The writer of the paper is good at portraying characters through dynamic description and the soliloquy of inner world.
善于用细节,动态描写和内心独白来刻画人物。 cnki

Dialogue Instruction is the opposite of Soliloquy Instruction.
对话教学相对于独白教学而言。 cnki

For example, how many times have you said“to X, or not to X,” in a reference to Hamlet's famous soliloquy?
比如说,你有多少次在像哈姆雷特一样说着“ XX,还是不 XX”? yeeyan

He had just gained an entrance into English literature, and would recite Hamlet's soliloquy with great gusto.
他对英国文学刚入门道,用巨大的热忱背诵着哈姆雷特的独白。 yeeyan

I have been in two minds as to the treatment of Julia's outburst about mortal sin and lord Marchmain's dying soliloquy.
关于朱莉亚对罪孽深重的感情爆发和马奇梅因临终独白的处理,我心里是犹豫不决的。 jukuu

In the final scene, there remains only the terrifying soliloquy in which the anguish of the hero's mind is poignantly pressed.
在最后一幕,只剩下一段恐惧的独白,生动透彻地揭示了浮士德内心的巨大痛苦。 blog.sina.com.cn

Logue won't indulge his patient's stuffiness, while Bertie considers Logue a charlatan until a breakthrough moment that involves Hamlet's soliloquy and a recording machine.
洛格不愿纵容他的病人的自负,而伯蒂则一直认为他的医生是一个江湖骗子,直到某个涉及哈姆雷特独白和录音机的突破性契机。 yeeyan

Now for my soliloquy.
现在我练独白吧。 tingroom

On the screen, a shadow flickered— a shadow with feet like boxcars and a smile like the last soliloquy of Hamlet. He was a tenderfoot.
在萤幕上,一个影子跳动着——这个影子脚上穿着硕大的鞋子,脸上有着仿佛哈姆雷特在最后独白时的诡异笑容。 yeeyan

Perhaps the series eight finale will conclude with the housewives' bodies strewn across the lane, as Mary Alice delivers a soliloquy straight off a tea towel.
也许第八季结束季会以主妇们横尸街头收场,正如玛丽·爱丽丝在茶巾旁说的一段独白。 yeeyan

Second, poetesses were provided with two kinds of different tactics of expression on the basis of their soliloquy and conversation in order to promote mutual understanding.
其次,女诗人的自我独白与企求沟通以实现多层次的思想对话,又成为女性两种不同的言情策略和立身姿态。 cnki

She ended her soliloquy, “ I want to die.”
她最后的自言自语是“我想去死”。 yeeyan

Such expressions in literary works are called as soliloquy.
这种现象在文学作品中的表现就是独白。 dictall

The soliloquy of movie clearly showed us the old man's inward world. It is not only so peaceful and beneficent, but also brave and beneficent.
电影中的独白,它清楚地把老人的内心世界展现给了人们。他是如此的平和和慈祥,却又如此的勇敢和无所畏惧。 italki

There are two kinds of language appearance in the research of the psychology, namely the psychology of the soliloquy and the psychology of the dialogue.
心理学的研究中存在着两种话语形态,即独白的心理学与对话的心理学。 cnki

We see him trying out for an amateur company by doing Richard III's “ winter of our discontent” soliloquy.
我们看到他试图为一个业余的喜剧公司表演理查德三世“烦恼的冬天”的独白。 yeeyan

Soliloquy could help release the press from a psychology view.
从心理学角度看,自言自语可以帮助释放压力。 douban




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