

单词 barbell
释义 bar·bell 英ˈbɑːˌbel美ˈbɑrˌbɛlAHDbärʹbĕl' ○○○○○高COCA³²⁰⁸⁷BNC⁵⁵²⁸¹iWeb¹³⁹⁰⁴

a bar to which heavy discs are attached at each end; used in weightliftingbarbell stand杠铃架barbell curl弯举barbell exercise杠铃练习
用作名词He strained and raised thebarbellof 205 kilograms.他奋力一举,举起了205公斤重的杠铃。
How robust of the athlete to lift such a heavybarbell.能举起这么重的杠铃,这个运动员可真强壮啊。as in.free weight
同义词 dumbbell
free weightnoun unattached exercise weight
dumbbell But the “ memorable Olympic assets”, including Yao Ming's big bed and the barbell kissed by gold medalist Zhang Xiangxiang, will not be available until the last stage.
姚明睡过的大床、张湘祥亲吻过的杠铃等“有纪念意义的奥运资产”,将会在最后一个阶段亮相。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

By using barbell to do some exercise, the bodybuilding class maybe produces the positive thinking and emotion.
健美课杠铃负重练习的特点可能诱发大学生积极的思维和情感。 cnki

The relative maximum height of the upcast barbell center the percentage relative to the height of the body was high.
杠铃上抛最高点相对高度与身高的百分比高; cnki

A weight, such as a barbell or dumbbell, that is unattached to another structural device and can be raised and lowered by use of the hands and arms.
一种重体,如杠铃或哑铃,不与其它结构装置相连并能用手和胳膊被举起和降下。 odict.net

By the statics analysis of knee joint, the article has a further research on the mechanics characteristic of knee joint in the barbell strength training.
通过膝关节载荷静力学分析,进一步认识了杠铃力量训练过程中膝关节的力学特点和变化规律。 dictall

Configuration of the barbell simulator is presented, adjusting parameters and range are made, and simulating error is analyzed.
介绍了杠铃式模拟件的结构特点,确定调整参数,调整范围,对模拟误差进行了分析。 cnki

Dad, how can this weightlifter lift such a heavy barbell?
爸爸,这个举重运动员怎么能举起那么重的杠铃呢? iciba

He strained and raised the barbell of205 kilograms.

Hold a barbell with an overhand grip so that it rests comfortably on your upper back.
正手握杠铃,让它舒服地架在你的后肩上。 jingcaijs

In the past, there was some research on one-dimensional testing system, that is movement in one direction. This kind of system can only analyze simple training such as lifting the barbell.
过去有研究一维运动的仪器,即一个方向上的运动分析,这样的仪器只能分析简单的运动过程,比如举杠铃。 jiaotong.whut.edu.cn

In the snatch competition, requests the contestant to unbend the double arm, continuously act with the barbell has lifted the top of the head.
在抓举比赛中,要求选手伸直双臂,用一次连续动作将杠铃举过头顶。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

Moreover, with the weight level going higher, the event dedicated shape of excellent weight lifting athletes is suitable for the athletes to lift a heavier barbell.
另外,随着重量级别的提高,优秀举重运动员专项形态适合运动员举起更重的杠铃。 cnki

Results show that the barbell mass and inertia simulator is a novel structure with accuracy, simplicity and convenience.
结果表明杠铃式质量惯量模拟件模拟准确,调整简单、方便。 cnki

Stand while holding a barbell in front of you, palms facing out, with your hands shoulder- width apart and your arms hanging in front of you.
站立,在你面前手持杠铃,手心向外,双手与肩同宽并且双臂在身前下垂。 jingcaijs

University of Buffalo researchers noticed that local high school students who had a barbell-type tongue stud commonly pushed the piercings against their front teeth.
布法罗大学的研究人员发现当地高校的有些学生的又一种杠铃式的舌钉,这种舌钉经常抵着他们的门牙。 hjenglish

Uses the barbell, the dumb bells, pot shape equipment and so on dumb bells carries on the exercise and the competition movement project, is the weight lifting.
使用杠铃、哑铃、壶铃等器材进行锻炼和比赛的运动项目,为举重。 bbs.ahradio.com.cn

We researched in: Trace and speed of the centre of gravity of barbell;
着重研究了杠铃重心的轨迹及速度; cnki

When I began lifting weights, I got injured so often I might as well have simply beaten myself about the head and face with a barbell.
当我开始举重锻炼时,受伤之频繁,差不多等于在用杠铃敲自己。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

You can use a bench press machine, barbell or even dumbbells to perform this exercise.
做这个练习,你可以用胸推机器、杠铃甚至是哑铃。 yeeyan




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