

单词 solid mass
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A kidney stone is a solid mass formed when minerals in our urine crystallise.
肾结石是尿液中的矿物质结晶而成为的固体。 yeeyan

The director of photography, Robert Richardson, has an extraordinary knack of allowing physical structures to brood over us, in their solid mass, and yet to hover as ungraspably as a dream.
摄影导演罗伯特.理查森的技巧十分高明,他总是能让现实的建筑赫然出现在眼前,却又让人觉得这些只是一个遥不可及的梦。 yeeyan

The spatial concept was to present a significant solid mass that connects the entrance of the hall to the serving counter and also illustrates the roof and the walls as a continuous element.
这个设计的空间理念是呈现一个可以连接大厅入口和服务台的巨大块体,它同时还能照明屋顶和墙面,使其成为连续的元素。 zhulong

With time and pressure form above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to large crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.
随着时间的流逝以及压力的增加,小冰凌结合在一起变成了大块的冰,最后底层的冰块聚合起来形成大冰块。 blog.sina.com.cn




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