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词汇 solid/gas ratio
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In this paper,a brand new gas carburizing technology,sealedsolidgas carburizing was established.研究了一种崭新的气体渗碳方法-密封式固体气相渗碳。
The results show that different feedgas ratiocould have been produced synthesis gas of different H/C radio.而二氧化碳和水蒸汽的含量可以调节合成气中H/C值。
Storage methods for nature gas include gaseous storage, liquid gas sto rage andsolidgas storage, and there are corresponding characteristic for every storage techniques.天然气可以气态、液态和固态三种方式储存,每种储存方式都有其相应特点。
Comparedwithchitosan,MAPhad a better preser-vative effectandthe meathada bette r sensory quality. The meatpackaged withthegas ratioof50%O 2 +25%CO2 +25% N2 couldbepreservedformorethan7days.与壳聚糖相比,气调包装对冷却肉具有更好的保鲜效果,且感官质量也更好,气体配比为50%O2+25%CO2+25%N2的处理组效果最佳,能使冷却肉保质期达到7d以上;
The CH4 conversion reached 99% , which was 5% higher than that of dry reforming.TG-DSC showed that the increase of O2/rawgas ratiocould decrease the carbon deposition on the surface of the catalyst.O2的加入可明显提高催化剂的催化活性和稳定性,随着O2 含量的增加出口合成气中的CH4含量降低,临氧重整条件下焦油的转化率较无氧条件时提高了5%,转化率达到99%以上。
The results show that high reaction temperature and low reaction pressure can accelerate the reaction and different feedgas ratiocould have been produced synthesis gas of different H/C radio.原料气各物质的比例不同,可以制备不同C/H比的合成气;升高压力对该反应不利。




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