

单词 solider
释义 sol·id·er 英sɒ'lɪdər美sɒ'lɪdər 高COCA⁸⁵⁵⁰³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
形容词 solid:
characterized by good substantial qualityof definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseousentirely of one substance with no holes insideof one substance or character throughoutuninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaksproviding abundant nourishmentof good quality and condition; solidly builtnot soft or yielding to pressurehaving three dimensionsimpenetrable for the eyefinancially soundof a substantial character and not frivolous or superficialmeriting respect or esteemof the same color throughoutacting together as a single undiversified whole For we were solider once, and young.
我们曾是战士,也年轻过。 tianya

Of all the movie and TV directors with whom you've worked, who best understands the solider?
所有跟你合作过的电影导演和电视导演,你觉得他们谁最了解士兵? yeeyan

On seeing the atrocities committed by the enemies, every solider was filled with righteous indignation.
看到敌人的残暴行为,战士们个个义愤填膺。 tdict

The solider delivered the boy from the flood.
士兵把小男孩从洪水中解救了出来。 gzenxx

A solider stepped in, dressed in a long coat.
一个士兵跨步进来,他穿着一件长外套。 dictall

An Iraqi solider lies dead in a hole after attempting to ambush a U. S. tank column.
一个意图伏击美军坦克纵队的伊拉克士兵殒命于土坑之中。 cnnas

As an Israeli solider, Mr Shalit is seen somewhat differently to many long-term hostages.
作为一名以色列士兵,在绑匪的眼里, Shalit同其他长期被绑架的人质是不同的。 ecocn

At this stage the neophyte starts the real battle against his lower self, a solider is one actively struggles with the real enemy.
在这个阶段,新信徒会开始真正的战役,去对抗较低的自我,一位士兵活跃地与真正的敌人作斗争。 tingvoa

Being a runaway solider, the punishment was severe. He was sent to the battle immediately.
做为一个逃兵,惩罚是非常严厉的,他被立即送往前线。 cttbchinese

Forgive the captain. He's a good solider.
原谅队长,他是个好士兵。 mynit

He operated on the leg of the wounded solider.
他给那个腿受伤的战士动了手术。 hotdic

Human diversity is an important approach for enriching the scene of war field in Virtual solider Simulation application.
在虚拟士兵仿真应用中,人物多样化是丰富战场场景的重要途径。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

The solider jumped into the river and saved the boy's life.
这个士兵跳下水去,就起了男孩。 blog.sina.com.cn

The solider didn't know he was under suspicion.
士兵不知道他受到猜疑。 ebigear

The solider tried to throw a pineapple in the enemy, but failed.
战士试图向敌人扔一颗手榴弹,但没有投中。 lzwz

To show both sides of the story, the film contains a sympathetic portrayal of a Japanese solider, who eventually commits suicide.
为了显示事件的两面性,该影片剧情中刻画了一个具有同情心而最终自杀的日军士兵。 blog.sina.com.cn

When a solider was refused his earned due, or kudos, it was considered a very serious insult.
如果一个士兵拒绝接受他应得的报酬或荣誉,那可以说是一种很严重的侮辱。 yeeyan

Whereas before an injured solider may have had to wait as long as one hour and41 minutes to be evacuated, that time has improved to an hour or less.
而先前受伤的士兵不得不等待1小时41分才能被撤离,现在这个时间已经被缩短到1小时或更少。 yeeyan

You trained Charlie Sheen for his role as Chris, the young solider in Platoon, so you worked closely with him.
《野战排》的年轻士兵克里斯,你为这个角色训练查理辛,因此你曾和他很亲密的接触。 yeeyan

Solider is the assault class, there you aim to defend and capture points.
士兵是攻击型职业,他的目标是防守、占据据点。 yeeyan




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