

单词 solfeggio
释义 sol·feg·gio 英səʊlˈfedʒiːˌəʊ, -ˈfedʒəʊ美solˈfɛdʒiˌo, -ˈfɛdʒoAHDsōl-fĕjʹē-ō', -fĕjʹō COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
singing using solfa syllables to denote the notes of the scale of C majora voice exercise; singing scales or runs to the same syllable近义词 solmization阶名唱法solfege著重母音或阶名的声乐唱法…
In this thesis, the author tries to introduce the Grand Song into the classroom teaching of Solfeggio, as a way to strengthen the National music education.
笔者选择将侗族大歌引入视唱练耳课堂教学,以此来作为加强民族音乐教育的突破口。 fabiao

Secondly, solfeggio teaching in teachers college should be combined with musical works to foster students' comprehensive musical listening ability.
高师视唱练耳课教学应通过音乐作品来培养学生的综合音乐听觉能力; cnki

The main courses include Solfeggio, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis, History of Music, Music Aesthetics and Research of World Music.
主要课程包括:视唱练耳、和声、复调、曲式、音乐史、音乐美学、世界音乐研究等。 www.shmec.gov.cn

The main courses include Chinese Traditional Music Theories, Solfeggio, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Rehearsal.
主要课程包括中国传统音乐理论、视唱练耳、和声、复调、曲式、乐队训练等。 www.shmec.gov.cn

The proficiency in classification and selection of Sol-fa and the mastery over training methods and steps of intonation are fundamental prerequisites for learning solfeggio.
对唱名法的分类与选择、音准的训练方法与步骤等内容的熟练掌握是学习视唱练耳的基本前提。 cnki

All this shows that the traditional teaching model of solfeggio is separated from the present multimedia settings of music.
这都说明一点:传统视唱练耳教学模式与当代多媒体音乐环境脱节。 fabiao

As an important part of basic music subject, High normal school's solfeggio course is a course with strong technical nature and artistry.
高师视唱练耳课作为基本乐科的重要组成部分,是一门技术性、艺术性和师范性都很强的课程。 fabiao

But because of the limitations of teaching facilities and the effect of traditional teaching model, the result of solfeggio teaching in colleges and universities is not satisfactory.
但是,由于长期以来受教学条件的限制和传统教学模式的影响,高校视唱练耳课程教学效果并不明显。 fabiao

In the professional teaching of solfeggio, solmization goes the very first.
在视唱练耳的专业教学中,首先牵涉到的就是唱名法的问题。 fabiao

Intonation, as the most basic and important aspect in today's Solfeggio teaching, supports a number of important knowledge points in the whole of music theory.
音准,为当今视唱练耳教学中最基本、重要的方面,它支撑整体音乐理论中许多重要知识点。 fabiao

The article was a book review to the Modern Music Course of Solfeggio by Professor Liu Yong-ping.
本文是就刘永平教授的《现代音乐视唱教程》而写的书评。 cnki

The first part states the present solfeggio teaching in normal universities.
第一部分概述高师视唱练耳教学现状。 fabiao

The fourth part emphasizes the application of two kinds of softwares in solfeggio teaching in normal universities and makes some comments on them.
第四部分提到两种视唱练耳专用软件在视唱练耳课中的运用,并对其作出评价。 fabiao

The thesis is innovative in that it unites the teaching of the two independent subjects in basic music courses— basic music theory and solfeggio, breaking the originally simplex teaching mode.
本文的创新之处在于把音乐基础课程中两门独立的学科基本乐理和视唱练耳进行合并教学,打破了原有的、单一的教学模式。 fabiao

The last part discusses the limitations of solfeggio teaching in multimedia settings and suggested some solutions to the problem.
在最后一部分中探讨了多媒体手段用于视唱练耳教学的局限性,并提出解决方法。 fabiao

The solfeggio is a basic course in the music education, which is play the extremely vital role in the entire music teaching system.
视唱练耳是音乐教育中的一门基础课,在整个音乐教学体系中占有非常重要的地位。 fabiao

Therefore metacognition is significant in solfeggio learning.
因此,元认知对视唱练耳学习极其重要。 fabiao

This article discusses the uses and characteristics of sol-fa in solfeggio at different stages.
本文着重讨论了视唱练耳中不同阶段各种唱名法的运用及特点。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Through research to explore ideas and enrich method of solfeggio teaching, and provides the inspired and reference significance for solfeggio subject reform.
通过研究对开拓视唱练耳教学思路丰富教学法,以及视唱练耳教学改革具有一定的启示和借鉴的意义。 fabiao

You'll meet sol-fa system problem in the solfeggio teaching first.
在视唱练耳教学实践中首先要遇到唱名法的问题。 fabiao

Solfeggio teaching, with the skill practice as its main content, is one of the main courses in music subject.
视唱练耳是高师基本乐科重要课程之一,以技术训练为主要教学内容。 cnki

Solfeggio, as a basic theoretical course, plays an important role in vocal and instrumental music performance.
作为高等音乐院校中的一门基础理论课,视唱练耳是声乐演唱和器乐演奏中的重要环节。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Solfeggio is the essence of music learning, and the cultivation of inner audition is the key link in the teaching of solfeggio.
视唱练耳是学习音乐的基础,培养内在听觉是掌握好视唱与练耳的关键环节。 cnki

Solfeggio is a basic training on musical sense of hearing. It is a course combining technique, theory and art, and it plays an important part in professional music education.
视唱练耳是训练我们音乐听觉的一门音乐基础学科,它是集技术性、理论性、艺术性相结合的课程,在专业音乐教育中有着非常重要的意义。 fabiao

Solfeggio is a basis subject of studying Music specialty.
视唱练耳是学习音乐专业的一门基础性学科。 fabiao

The main courses include Solfeggio, Harmony, Polyphony, Musical Analysis and Rehearsal.
主要课程包括视唱练耳、和声、复调、曲式、乐队训练等。 www.shmec.gov.cn




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