

单词 solfege
释义 solfege 英sɔl'feʒ美sɔl'feʒ COCA¹⁰⁴³⁷⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹

singing using solfa syllables to denote the notes of the scale of C majora voice exercise; singing scales or runs to the same syllable近义词 solmization阶名唱法solfeggio著重母音或阶名的声乐唱法…
Like Solfege it can be used as a “ fixed do” or“ movable do” nomenclature.
如同视唱练习可以使用“固定唱名”或者“首调唱名”方法。 myscore

Textbooks are very important to Solfege teaching and teachers must choose proper and various materials according to the students' level.
对于视唱教学而言,教材的问题十分重要,教师根据学生程度选择既适当又多样的视唱素材至为关键。 cnki

The essay analysis the importance and training method of hear notes in four part harmony in solfege and the relation to hear discriminate in harmony.
本文就视唱练耳课练耳教学环节中四部和声听记的重要性和训练方式与和声学中和声听辨的关系,进行了探索性的分析与思考。 cnki

The standard way to learn AP in music classes is via the solfegesinging exercises route.
在音乐班里公认学绝对音高的方法就是通过视唱练耳的路线。 popiano

There is an accompanying note naming scheme based upon the standard Solfege system, but with novel names for the five black key notes.
相应的音符命名基于标准的视唱系统,但是有五个新颖的黑键音的唱名在一起。 myscore

Solfege books are best used in a class environment with a teacher.
视练书最好是在有老师的情况下使用。 popiano

Solfege is a primary course in the music major of normal universities.
视唱练耳是专业音乐教育中一门重要的基础课程。 cnki




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