

单词 soleus
释义 so·le·us 英ˈsəʊliːəs美ˈsoliəsAHDsōʹlē-əs 高COCA¹⁰³⁸⁹⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁴²⁵⁰⁷
a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg under the gastrocnemius muscle近义词 soleus muscle比目鱼肌

用作名词Thesoleusoriginates on the upper tibia and fibula, then runs down the calf to attach to the heel.比目鱼肌起自胫骨和腓骨的上部,然后沿着小腿一直到脚后跟。
Objective To study changes in electrophysiological characteristics of muscle spindles induced by simulated weightlessness in isolated ratssoleus.目的观察模拟失重不同时期大鼠离体比目鱼肌肌梭电生理特性的改变。 Exercise-induced muscle damage was reflected by Z-band abnormality of rat soleus muscle, with changes of serum and red gastrocnemius muscle CK measured simultaneously.
用大鼠比目鱼肌 Z线异常率来反映骨骼肌的损伤程度,同时检测大鼠红腓肠肌和血浆 CK变化。 cnki

In 30% cases, the nerve into the soleus muscle originates from the nerve into the lateral gastrocnemius muscle.
比目鱼肌肌支与腓肠肌外侧头肌支共干起始30%。 cnki

The muscular branches of the arteria tibialis posterior mainly distribute to the muscle flexor digitorum longus, and muscle soleus.
胫后动脉的肌支主要分布于趾长屈肌和比目鱼肌。 cnki

The overstretched knee ligaments and tendons are also usually accompanied by changes in adjacent muscle groups, including the soleus muscle, which is deep in the calf.
过度伸展的膝关节韧带和肌腱通常也伴随着相邻肌群的变化,比如小腿深层的比目鱼肌。 blog.sina.com.cn

The soleus is a broad, flat muscle which is located beneath the gastrocnemius and which also helps straighten the ankle.
比目鱼肌是一块扁平的肌肉,位于腓肠肌下方,功能也是伸直踝关节。 wy300.net

To stretch the second musclethe soleus, flex the knee, place the other hand under the calf, and push in the opposite direction.
第二伸展肌肉比目鱼肌,弯曲的膝盖,小腿置于另一方面,推动向相反的方向。 ziwoniu

Conclusiont is simple surgery that application of the soleus muscle flap and free skin graft, and well in the appearance and function in postoperative.
结论:应用比目鱼肌肌瓣加游离皮片的手术方法简单易行,术后外观和功能良好。 mdchome

Gastrocnemius and soleus muscle are very important leg muscles. So their characteristic affect the improvement of many sports programmes athletes' performance, such as track and field, high jump, etc.
腓肠肌和比目鱼肌是小腿上重要的两块肌肉,它们的机能水平影响许多项目运动员的成绩的提高,如田径、跳高等等。 fabiao

However dexterous it may be though, its power does not match that of muscles such as the soleus.
无论如何,从灵活性的角度来看舌头可能是最强的,但是它的力量是不能和小腿肌这样的肌肉相提并论的。 yeeyan

Nutrient vessel of cutaneous nerve- superficial vein and its blood supply relationship with tibia, fibula and gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle.
皮神经-浅静脉营养血管与胫骨、腓骨、腓肠肌和比目鱼肌的供血关系。 cnki

Objective To elucidate the underlying mechanisms of the high fatigability in mouse atrophic soleus during high- frequency tetanic contraction.
目的探讨萎缩比目鱼肌高频强直收缩疲劳性增加涉及细胞膜离子通道的可能机理。 dictall

Objective To explore effects of the simulated weightlessness on wet weight and dry weight of the rat soleus muscle and its microscopic and ultrastructural morphology.
目的研究模拟失重对大鼠抗重力肌—比目鱼肌的湿重、干重及形态结构的影响。 cnki

Objective To study changes in electrophysiological characteristics of muscle spindles induced by simulated weightlessness in isolated rats soleus.
目的观察模拟失重不同时期大鼠离体比目鱼肌肌梭电生理特性的改变。 dictall

Objective To study counteracting effects of high frequency vibration on simulated weightlessness-induced atrophy of soleus muscles in rats.
目的探讨高频正弦波振动对模拟失重条件下大鼠比目鱼肌萎缩的对抗作用。 cnki

So the reversed transposition of muscle flap pedicled with medial half of soleus could be designed.
从而设计出比目鱼肌内侧半肌瓣逆行转位的新术式。 cnki

Spatium intermuscular branches of posterior tibial artery provide nutrition for the wall half of canna major and soleus muscle.
胫后动脉肌间隙支营养胫骨、比目鱼肌内侧半。 cnki

The gastrocnemius and soleus press the sole of the foot into the floor.
腓肠肌和比目鱼肌将脚底压向地板。 blog.sina.com.cn

The muscle interval perforating branch of peroneal artery provided nutrition for lateral half of fibula and soleus muscle.
腓动脉肌间隔穿支营养腓骨、比目鱼肌外侧半。 cnki

The control group showed a decrease in soleus muscle mass and strength, the development of insulin resistance, and a loss of bone mineral density and resistance to breakage.
控制组的老鼠表现出比目鱼肌质量和力量下降,胰岛素抵抗上升,骨密度和抗折能力降低。 forbeschina




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