

单词 soles
释义 so·les 英ˈsəʊleɪs美ˈsolesAHDsōʹlās COCA¹⁷⁰²⁶BNC¹⁶⁹¹⁸Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
A 单独的,唯一的

one and only

A 专有的,独占的

belonging to or restricted to one

the underside of footwear or a golf clublean flesh of any of several flatfishthe underside of the footright-eyed flatfish; many are valued as food; most common in warm seas especially European
not divided or shared with others;

they have exclusive use of the machine

sole rights of publication

being the only one; single and isolated from others;

the lone doctor in the entire county

a lonesome pine

an only child

the sole heir

the sole example

a solitary instance of cowardice

a solitary speck in the sky

put a new sole on;

sole the shoes

sole, only, single




That is the only fault to be found with him.那是他身上挑得出来的唯一毛病。
We were the only women there.那儿的女生只有我们几个。


The sole survivor of the crash was a little baby.这次撞车的唯一幸存者是一个婴儿。
He is the sales representative with sole responsibility for sales in the North East.他是负责东北地区销售业务的销售代表。

4.语义上, sole>single>only。








用作形容词 adj.
~+名词sole agent〔right of sell〕独家代理商〔经销权〕sole cause〔heir, reason〕唯一原因〔继承人,理由〕
近义词 oneonlyalonesingleexclusive反义词 sharedmultiple
~+ n.He was the sole heir to his father's property.他是他父亲财产的唯一继承人。
We have the sole right to sell these computers.我们有独家出售这些计算机的权利。
用作形容词He has thesoleagency for Ford car.他有福特汽车的独家代理权。
Hissolemotive is to make more money.他唯一的动机就是多赚钱。
Farming is hissolelivelihood.他唯一的谋生之道就是务农。用作名词He has pain on thesoleof his feet.他脚底很痛。
Thesolesof my shoes are broken.我的鞋底都断了。用作及物动词I'm having my shoessoledand heeled.我要叫人给鞋子换鞋底和鞋跟。as in.bottom
同义词 basement,bed,floor,ground,seat,undersidebase,basis,bedrock,depths,foot,footing,groundwork,nadir,pedestal,pediment,rest,substratum,substructure,support,underbellydeepest part,lowest part,nether portion,terra firma,underneath
反义词 ceiling,topexteriority,outsideas in.sun
同义词 star,sunlightbask,daylight,flare,shine,sol,sunrise,tanaubade
反义词 darkness,sunsetas in.underside
同义词 belly,root,soffit,soleunderneath
反义词 ceiling,top,topsideas in.undersurface
同义词 base,basement,basis,bed,bedrock,belly,depths,floor,foot,footing,ground,groundwork,nadir,pedestal,pediment,rest,seat,sole,substratum,substructure,support,underbelly,undersidedeepest part,lowest part,nether portion,terra firma,underneath
反义词 annex,ceiling,top Iron or wooden studs were added in some cases to the soles to raise and protect the embroidered silk shoe from the dirt of the streets.
有时会在鞋底钉上铁钉或木钉以增高和保护丝绸绣鞋不沾染街上的灰尘。 yeeyan

The leather creaked when he flexed the soles, and the laces looked like coiled snakes. Each toe was tipped with a small steel plate.
他弯折鞋底时,皮面吱嘎作响,鞋带像是盘曲的蛇,每个鞋尖都钉着一块小钢板。 ebigear

The soles don’t have to be leather, but the uppers do.
鞋底不必是皮质的,但是鞋帮得是。 yeeyan

The soles of his shoes were broken.
他的鞋底已经断了。 ebigear

These slippers also have non-slip soles and interiors made with fleece.
并且鞋底防滑,鞋内里是羊毛制作的。 yeeyan

“ Dear me, what pretty dancing- shoes!” said the soldier. “Sit fast, when you dance,” said he, addressing the shoes, and slapping the soles with his hand.
“天哪!多漂亮的舞鞋啊!”士兵惊呼,然后他对着鞋子说“跳起舞来的时候可要”士兵,然后用手拍了拍鞋底。 yeeyan

“Sit fast, when you dance,” said he, addressing the shoes, and slapping the soles with his hand.
士兵惊呼,然后他对着鞋子说“跳起舞来的时候可要” 士兵,然后用手拍了拍鞋底。 yeeyan

“Sit fast, when you dance,” said he, addressing the shoes, and slapping the soles with his hand.
老兵说,“你在跳舞的时候穿它最合适!” 于是他就用手在鞋底上敲了几下。 ebigear

Begin by drawing your attention to the soles of your feet.
从将注意力转移到你的脚底开始。 yeeyan

But now I could feel the pressure under the soles of my feet: The bridge ran under me too.
但是,现在我能够深深感受到脚底以及脚下的大桥传来的压力。 yeeyan

Dr Catherine Cordell sprinted down the hospital corridor, the soles of her running shoes squeaking on the linoleum, and pushed through the double doors into the emergency room.
柯瑟琳医生在医院走廊上一路快跑,鞋底与地板摩擦发出吱吱的声音。她推开急诊室的大门。 yeeyan

I feel some fruit juices on the soles of my feet.
我感觉到我脚底有果汁。 ebigear

I sewed the new soles to the shoes with copper wire and put the cardboard back inside.
我用铜丝把鞋底和鞋面缝合起来,把那硬纸板放进鞋内。 ebigear

Instead, I sat on the chair inside the booth, the soles of my shoes against the seat, my knees bunched up in front of me with my arms around them.
然而,我只是在亭子里的椅子上坐下来,鞋底抵着座位,两手环抱着屈在胸前的双膝。 yeeyan

Launched in1991 in France, these shoes are unique because they all have red soles.
这个品牌于1991年创立于法国,它的鞋子非常独特:拥有红色的鞋底。 yeeyan

My soles were worn out after a long time trip.
经过长时间的旅行,我的鞋底已经破旧不堪。 examw

One day they will push you to your death, and all those shuffling aforementioned zombies will likely trample you under their distracted soles.
有一天他们把你推倒,之前提到的那些如僵尸般木然的人们很可能会用他们无情的鞋底将你践踏致死。 yeeyan

Radiotherapy can also be used, especially in hard- to reach sites such as the inner mouth, eyes, face and soles of the feet.
放射治疗也可以使用,特别是在难以接触到的部位,如口腔内部,眼,面部和脚底等。 yeeyan

Running about without sandals, the bare soles of my feet were soon burning.
因为光着脚跑,我的脚底很快就像要烧起来一样。 yeeyan

Showing the soles of shoes to someone is a sign of contempt in Arab culture.
在阿拉伯文化中,对他人露出鞋底是一种表示蔑视的举动。 yeeyan

So they wore rubber soles, which melted after a month or two and had to be replaced.
所以他们穿橡胶底,一两个月鞋底化了还能换新的。 yeeyan

They looked gaunt and exhausted. Clad in authentic costume, they were cooking buckwheat pancakes at a remote log cabin and wiring the soles back on to their authentic boots.
他们看上去憔悴而筋疲力尽,身穿道地的矿工服装,在一处遥远的原木小屋里做荞麦饼,还把鞋底缝回到地道的矿工靴子上去。 yeeyan

Torture methods included suspending people by their wrists, beating the soles of the feet, electric shocks, twisting detainees' genitals and removing toe nails.
酷刑的方式包括用手腕勒人,打他们的脚底心,电击,扭曲被拘留者的生殖器,还有剥去他们的趾甲。 yeeyan

Wages were even lower than those in Bangladesh but he could not find the supporting industries, such as manufacturers of shoe soles and cardboard.
那里的工资更低,但就是找不到配套产业,如鞋底厂和纸板厂。 englishto

When is the last time you felt your feet and pressure on your soles as you walked along the sidewalk?
你最后一次在人行道上行走时感受到脚底传来的力量时是什么时候? yeeyan

While we were apparently eating, they never found out how our legs and hands met, pressing our knees together, touching each other's soles, or linking our ankles.
最明显的就是吃饭的时候,我们膝盖压着膝盖,鞋底挨着鞋底、脚踝连着脚踝,他们怎么也想不出我们的腿和手是怎么搅在一起的。 yeeyan




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