

单词 solemnity
释义 so·lem·ni·ty 英səˈlemnɪtiː美səˈlɛmnɪtiAHDsə-lĕmʹnĭ-tē 高四GS宝八COCA³⁵⁹⁹⁶BNC²⁸⁹¹⁸iWeb²⁶⁵⁴³

a trait of dignified seriousnessa solemn and dignified feelingsolemn,仪式的,-ity,名词后缀。引申诸相关词义。 solemnize 举行仪式GRE红宝书solemnadj 庄严的; 严肃的
solemn-ity表状态表名词,指具备某种性质⇒solemnity n.庄严,严肃GRE难词记忆solemnity→solemn a.庄严的+ity→严肃词根记忆solemn严肃的+ ity ⇒庄严GRE难词记忆solemn→lemon n.柠檬→近义词 glory光荣weight重量gravity重力dignity尊严ceremony仪式solemness庄重staidness认真importance重要ceremonial仪式somberness昏暗seriousness严肃earnestness坚定sedateness镇静庄重的…

用作名词The judge took up the gavel withsolemnity.法官严肃地拿起了小木槌。
The monument was unveiled with greatsolemnity.纪念碑的揭幕庄严而肃穆。
All thesolemnitiesof the occasion were observed.那种场合下应该具有的一切庄重的仪式都举行了。noun.sobriety
同义词 earnestness,gravity,seriousnessceremony,impressiveness
反义词 unimportance
austeritynoun severity
ceremoniesnoun ritual;celebratory observation
ceremonials,conformities,decorum,formal courtesies,formalisms,formalities,forms,niceties,politeness,pomp,preciseness,prescriptions,proprieties,protocols,strictness,usages
ceremonynoun ritual;celebratory observation
dignitynoun excellence, nobility
earnestnessnoun determination;seriousness
fervornoun excitement, enthusiasm
animation,ardency,ardor,devoutness,eagerness,earnestness,fervency,fire,heartiness,heat,hurrah,intensity,jazz,love,oomph,passion,pep talk,piety,piousness,religiousness,seriousness,sincerity,solemnity,vehemence,warmth,weakness,wholeheartedness,zeal,zealousness And in my dream Larry David replied, with great solemnity: “ I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in Jews.”
在我的梦中,拉里郑重回答说,“我不信神,但我信犹太教”。 yeeyan

The many festivals and sacrificial rites unfailingly impress visitors with their hilarity or solemnity, as the case may be.
许多节日和祭祀仪式都始终给旅游者留下了喜庆或庄严的深刻印象。 blog.sina.com.cn

The monument was unveiled with great solemnity.
纪念碑的揭幕庄严而肃穆。 iciba

The sculpture works from CAFA reveal a taste of academic solemnity.
中央美院的雕塑作品略显一丝学院派的严谨。 iciba

The seneschal noted that none of the others stirred the solemnity of the challenge and, for an instant, the sanctity that had for so long loomed within the chapel seemed tainted.
总管看到其他人没有搅乱反对的严肃,这一刻笼罩在礼拜堂上空的圣洁似乎被玷污了。 yeeyan

“ I will cry! ” He says in a solemnity.
“你不给我我就哭!”他一本正经的说。 suxuewang.com

Dining with the van der Luydens was at best no light matter, and dining there with a Duke who was their cousin was almost a religious solemnity.
和范德卢顿夫妇一起用餐,本来就不是件轻松事,而与他们一位公爵表亲一起用餐,更不啻是履行一种宗教仪式了。 kekenet

For example, if you are walking, without unnecessary solemnity or self- consciousness, lightheartedly walk toward the open space of truth.
譬如,当你走路时,不要有无谓的严肃和自我意识;相反地,你要自在地走向真理的宽广空间。 kuenglish

Having a Starbucks in the Forbidden City, he wrote on his blog, “ undermines the Forbidden City's solemnity” and is“ an insult to Chinese civilisation”.
由于在故宫中有星巴克,他在博客中写道:“这种做法破坏了故宫的庄严性,同时也侮辱了中国文化。” blog.sina.com.cn

Her tone changed to one of obsequious solemnity as she turned to the banker: “ The parlor is ready, Mr. Phelps.”
她转过身来,声调一下变得毕恭毕敬,对银行家说:“菲利普先生,客厅准备好了。” yeeyan

It appears that Lord Janner and I fundamentally disagree on the importance of solemnity where discussion of Hitler is concerned.
看来就讨论希特勒地点的严肃性的重要意义而言,我和詹纳勋爵持有完全不同的看法。 yeeyan

It arches over them like a temple, this unity of thought, in which every heart beats with a nobler sense of power and duty, and thinks and acts with unusual solemnity.
交流令他们如临圣殿,思想的结合赋予每一颗心灵更崇高的力量和责任,思想和行动具有了独特的庄重。 yeeyan

Its purity and solemnity are symbols of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and it is considered one of the three holy lakes in Tibet.
它的纯粹和庄严是青藏高原的象征。 纳木错湖是西藏三个圣湖之一。 yeeyan

Mounted on the front around the middle of a long cross-shaped star, a symbol of dignity and solemnity.
镶嵌在车头正中长形围绕的十字星,象征着尊严和庄重。 yeeyan

My style of easy banter at first drove him up the wall; it was clearly in consistent with his image of the solemnity of the occasion.
我喜欢开玩笑的轻松风格最初弄得他十分狼狈,这显然是同他心目中的这类场合的严肃空气格格不入的。 jukuu




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