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solar systems短语²⁹⁷⁶⁰ 基本例句 n.太阳系;🌏太阳能系统;太阳能系统公司;光伏系统事业部原型solarsystem的复数 All of that is the good news. But things are not quite so simple, because galaxies— like solar systems— have habitability zones of their own. 虽然好消息有很多,但事情也没那么简单,因为银河和太阳系一样,也有他自己的可居住带。 yeeyan But with a fifth planet, the simulations produced familiar solar systems10 times more often. 但是加入第五个行星后,模拟10多次都重新了我们所熟知的太阳系。 yeeyan Given the current Gulf of Mexico oil- spill disaster it’s easy to become cynical and imagine the fragile terrestrial worlds of the solar systems being ravaged for greed and profit. 鉴于最近的墨西哥湾的燃油泄漏灾害,已经被冷嘲热讽了,想象一下脆弱的太阳系陆地世界被贪婪和利润蹂躏。 yeeyan Scientists believe planets often are ejected from their solar systems due to scuffles with other planets and stars. 科学家们认为星球会因其他星球及行星与之相碰撞而被踢出太阳系。 yeeyan That is probably not because most solar systems contain only one planet, but rather because it is hard to spot several at once. 其中的原因可能并不是由于多数的类太阳系仅包含一颗行星,而这是因为在同一时间很难发现多颗的行星。 ecocn They suggest that any alien civilisation worth its salt would alight not on the photons of the electromagnetic spectrum—whether optical or radio-frequency— to send messages to other solar systems. 他们指出,任何有头脑的外星文明都不会发射电磁波谱中的光子——无论是可见光波段还是射频波段——向另一个太阳系传送信息。 ecocn What they do: Astronomers use their physics and math skills to study the universe and its origin, which includes galaxies, solar systems and the planets within. 他们的工作:天文学家利用他们在物理学和数学方面的能力来研究宇宙和它的起源,包括银河第、太阳系以及其中的行星。 yeeyan |