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词汇 solar system
释义 solar system ˈsəʊləsɪstəm ★☆☆☆☆高T短语⁸⁶¹⁴

the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational fieldhub of the solar system宇宙的中心
Thesolar systemwas formed 4.5 billion years ago.太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。noun.planets orbiting sun
同义词 earthCopernican system,Jupiter,Mars,Mercury,Neptune,Pluto,Saturn,Uranus,Venus,heliocentric system,planetary system
cosmosnoun universe
creation,galaxy,macrocosm,macrocosmos,megacosm,nature,solar system,star system,world The problem is that if life exists elsewhere in the solar system it must be living underground on places like Mars, Europa, and Enceladus.
问题是如果有生命存在在太阳系的其它地方,那他一定是生活在像火星,欧罗巴和恩克拉多斯的地下。 yeeyan

Although some of these nebulas appear like planets on the sky hence their name, they actually surround stars far outside our Solar System.
尽管其中一些星云酷似行星因此而得名,但是它们实际上环绕着远在太阳系以外的恒星。 yeeyan

But here an audacious experiment is about to try to replicate the cramped, claustrophobic conditions of a voyage across the Solar System.
然而此地即将进行一场极具冒险的试验---在狭窄、幽闭的条件下复制一场穿越太阳系的航行。 yeeyan

But occasionally, NASA helps us all take a step back to see the big picture of our place in the solar system and universe.
但是偶尔, NASA帮助我们退后一步去欣赏一幅我们的地球在太阳系和宇宙中的更大尺度上的图片。 yeeyan

For example, in Solar System, when I have a little bucket and I calculate the energy output of the sun.
例如,在《太阳系的奇迹》中,我提着一个小桶来计算太阳输出能量的场面。 yeeyan

If the solar system has an underachiever, it has to be Venus.
如果太阳系中有一个“失败者”,那它一定是金星。 yeeyan

If water is created in this way, it could happen on all airless planets throughout the inner Solar System that have oxygen-rich rocks scattered on their surfaces.
如果水是以这种方式生成的话,那么在整个太阳系内部所有无空气但表面上存在富含氧的矿物的行星上,都可能生成水。 yeeyan

If we want to survive as a species, we have to expand into the solar system and likely beyond.
如果我们希望作为一个物种生存下去,就必须扩张到太阳系之中或超越太阳系。 yeeyan

It has already spotted hundreds of planets outside the Solar System, although full data have not yet been released.
这个望远镜已经发现的太阳系外的几百个行星,虽然完整的数据尚未公布。 yeeyan

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Those are the gas giants, the four heavyweights of the solar system. But was there once a fifth?
木星,土星,天王星和海王星。这些都是气体行星,太阳系的四个重量级。但曾经存在第五个行星吗? kekenet

Most models of planets assume that they are similar to the terrestrial planets in our own Solar System, with about half as much carbon as oxygen in the atmosphere.
而多数行星模型均假设它们和我们太阳系的类地行星相似,即在大气中碳含量是氧含量的一半左右。 yeeyan

Our Solar System has the most planets of any known star, most probably because it is so hard to detect planets around other stars.
我们的太阳系是已知的恒星星系中拥有行星数量最多的,这很可能是由于在其他的恒星周围探测到行星的存在是非常困难的。 yeeyan

Scientific American readers go on a journey of the imagination with an artist, based on the latest scientific research, to “ Eight Wonders of the Solar System”.
基于最新的科学研究成果,科学美国人如艺术家一般带领读者踏上想象之旅,探讨“太阳系的八大猜想”。 yeeyan

So there are probably gravitational waves passing through our solar system all the time, though scientists have yet to detect them.
所以尽管科学家还没有探测到重力波,但它有可能早已是途经太阳系的常客。 yeeyan

The unusual jets will continue to be studied, and may yield further clues as to how comets and asteroids formed and evolved during the early years of our Solar System.
科学家们还会继续研究这种不同寻常的喷射物,并可能获取有关彗星与小行星在太阳系初期是如何形成与演变的进一步证据。 yeeyan

They propose that it's caused by the gravity of something massive and still undiscovered lurking out in the Solar System, and they head to their telescopes to search for it.
他们假设这是由某颗大型星体的引力吸引作用造成的,该星体远离太阳系,至今尚未发现,目前他们正用望远镜搜寻这颗未知星体。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, the focal point is far beyond the edge of the Solar System and too far to reach using current technology, said Dr Drake.
德雷克博士说,遗憾的是,那个焦点远远超出了太阳系的边界,太远了,利用目前的技术根本无法到达那里。 yeeyan

You can do so much more with the moon— its not just the moon, it’s the solar system and beyond.
“你可以在月球上做如此之多的事情——它不仅仅是月球,还意味着整个太阳系乃至更多”。 yeeyan




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