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词汇 Solaris
释义 Solaris soˈleˌrɪs 
SUN微系统公司开发的一种网络操作系统¹⁰⁰原型solari的复数 The system would run on Linux in its early versions, although it could later run on Solaris.
系统的早期版本将运行在 Linux系统上,虽然之后将运行在 Solaris系统之上。 ibm

The Solaris zones are very useful for product installation tests, GVT tests, and resource manager tests.
Solaris专区对于产品安装测试、 GVT测试和资源管理器测试非常有用。 ibm

To the end user, it looks like as a separate Solaris system.
从最终用户的角度看,它就像是一个独立的 Solaris系统。 ibm

A whole root zone requires a full Solaris10 install.
一个完全根区域需要完整的 Solaris10安装。 ibm

After identifying scripts with Solaris- specific code, you need to search for equivalent modules that work on Linux as well.
在使用特定 Solaris代码识别脚本之后,您需要搜索可以在 Linux 系统上运行的等价模块。 ibm

AIX and Solaris offer different methods for using logical volumes.
AIX和 Solaris提供不同的使用逻辑卷的方法。 ibm

Allowing Solaris containers to automatically update its environment when moving from one system to another.
在从一个系统转移到另一个系统时,允许 Solaris容器自动地更新它的环境。 ibm

As a Solaris administrator, you are very familiar with partitioning your systems, creating replicas and running dozens of commands to mirror your logical volumes.
作为一名 Solaris管理员,您对给系统分区、创建副本和运行大量命令为您的逻辑卷进行镜像极为熟悉。 ibm

In short, it's all about identifying Perl core functions and operators leveraged in the script that carries Solaris- specific system commands.
简而言之,都是关于识别在含有特定 Solaris系统命令的脚本中使用的 Perl核心函数和操作符。 ibm

In Domino7, this limitation has been removed, and on Solaris, we can run up to18,000 users in our test configuration.
在 Domino7中,这种限制已经取消了;在 Solaris上,在我们的测试配置环境中,可以运行多达18,000 个用户。 ibm

In other operating systems, you can find containers Solaris and jails BSD.
在其他操作系统中,您可以找到容器 Solaris和 jail BSD。 ibm

In this section, compare the filesystems of Solaris and AIX.
在这一部分,将比较 Solaris与 AIX的文件系统。 ibm

Insert the Oracle Solaris Cluster installation media into the appropriate media device of the cluster node.
将 Oracle Solaris集群安装媒介插入到适当的集群节点的媒介设备上。 yeeyan

It contains a complete installation of Solaris and is aware of all devices and file systems in the box.
它包含 Solaris的完整安装,并且可以识别系统中的所有设备和文件系统。 ibm

Let's look at the roadmap to porting Perl scripts from Solaris to Linux. This roadmap builds on the classes of portability issues in Table1.
让我们来看看将 Perl脚本从 Solaris移植到 Linux的路线图,这个路线图是根据表1中的可移植性问题分类构建的。 ibm

Non- global zones contains subset of the Solaris operating installed in the global zone and some additional packages.
非全局专区包含在全局专区中安装的 Solaris操作系统子集以及一些附加包。 ibm

Some core Perl functions are either not implemented or have been implemented differently on various platforms; these functions will behave differently on Solaris and Linux.
有些核心 Perl函数要么不能实现,要么在各个平台上的实现都不相同;这些函数在 Solaris和 Linux上的表现也不同。 ibm

Still, be aware of the difference in case your users are on a Solaris platform.
但是,如果用户是在 Solaris平台上,那么还是应当注意这个差别。 ibm

Sun Microsystems is warning users about a remote code execution vulnerability in Sun Solaris and is recommending that users work around the issue.
Sun日前面向用户发布警告称, Sun Solaris系统存在多个远程代码执行漏洞,并建议用户提高警惕。 yeeyan

The first64- bit version of Sparc Solaris7 would add support for file system metadata logging.
Sparc Solaris7的第一个64位版本增加了文件系统元数据日志记录支持。 ibm

The most basic thing a Solaris administrator should know about managing System p hardware is how to access the servers and get things running.
Solaris管理员应该了解的关于管理 System p硬件的最基础的知识是如何访问数据库并运行程序。 ibm

The code pages on natural language support in Solaris may be different from those in Linux, or they could just be named differently.
在 Solaris中对于自然语言的支持的代码也与 Linux中可能会有所不同,或者它们只是名字有所不同而已。 ibm

They are used to provide an isolated and secure environment for running applications, which are created from a single instance of Solaris.
它们用来为运行的应用程序提供隔离的安全的环境,这些环境是从单一 Solaris实例创建的。 ibm

This is works on all operating systems except Solaris.
这适用于所有的操作系统 Solaris除外。 ibm

Virtually all Solaris administrators who have made the transition to AIX have come to really enjoy this tool.
事实上,正在向 AIX过渡的所有 Solaris管理员都已经开始真正喜欢上这个工具了。 ibm

We will have a technology partner program to permit our industry partners full access to the in- development Solaris source code through the Oracle Technology Network OTN.
我们会开展一项技术合作者项目,让我们的业界合作者通过 Oracle技术网络 OTN完全访问到开发中的 Solaris的源代码。 infoq

You should inspect resources referenced on Perl scripts to ensure that no problems due Solaris- specific code will arise when running them on a Linux system.
您应该检查 Perl脚本中引用的参考资料,来确保脚本在 Linux系统中运行时不会出现由特定 Solaris代码引起的问题。 ibm

Solaris achieves this by adding sensitivity labels to all objects, giving you control over device, file, and networking access and even window- management services.
Solaris通过向所有对象添加敏感性标签实现了这一点,使您能够控制设备、文件、连网访问,甚至窗口管理服务。 ibm

Solaris is one of the industry’s most reliable operating systems.
Solaris是行业里最为值得依赖的操作系统之一。 yeeyan




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