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词汇 Soini
释义 SoiniEconomist¹⁶⁷⁸³
n.索伊尼在芬兰;东经 24º10' 北纬 62º53'
By contrast, Mr Soini's sound bites about helping impoverished Finns instead of bailing out profligate Greeks or handing cash to immigrants have struck a chord.
另一方面,索依尼发表言论说他们将会把钱用于帮助那些贫困的芬兰人,而非那些挥霍成性的希腊人或者赚取别人同情的移民者。 ecocn

Her finance minister, Jyrki Katainen, leader of the conservative National Coalition Party, says Mr Soini could be prime minister.
身为财政部长的民族联合党领导人 Jyrki Katainen说 Soini先生可以成为总理。 ecocn

The leader of the True Finns, Timo Soini pictured, has pledged to veto future aid packages for struggling euro- zone countries, such as Portugal.
真芬党领袖蒂莫 索伊尼图中人物曾誓言将就增加对苦苦挣扎的欧元区内诸如葡萄牙等伙伴国救助一事投否决票。 ecocn

The True Finns’ chances probably rest on the degree to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti- EU position.
正统芬兰人党的机会或许将取决于索依尼准备对其反欧盟立场作出让步的程度。 ecocn

When Soini was in the US last week, he spoke on Fox News. Last month he spoke at the Conservative party conference in Manchester.
索伊尼上星期在美国时他在福克斯新闻发表讲话,上个月他在曼彻斯特的保守党全国大会上演说。 yeeyan

“ When do you need most hope? When there's no hope at all,” Jukka Jusula, the spin-doctor who has run Soini's nine previous elections, explains softly.
帮助索伊尼进行过九次竞选的公关专家尤卡·尤苏拉语调柔和地解释说:“人什么时候最需要希望呢?在他根本就没有希望的时候。” yeeyan

Destruction seems to be part of Soini's plan.
毁灭看来是索伊尼计划中的一部分。 yeeyan

Mr Soini suggests that his party could enter government with an independent line on European matters.
索依尼提议让他的政党在政府中保持对欧洲问题的意见的独立性。 ecocn

Some Finns see Mr Soini as a breath of fresh air. But others echo concerns elsewhere in the EU about his potential as a refusenik.
一些芬兰人觉得索依尼为芬兰带来了新鲜的空气,但是其他的欧盟成员国却担心其会成为一个“职业反对者”。 ecocn

Timo Soini's True Finns may enter government after winning votes by arguing against using the taxes of hard-working Finns to prop up the bust economies of lazy southern Europeans.
Timo Soini领导的正统芬兰人党反对拿人民用辛苦钱缴纳的税款资助破产而慵懒的南欧经济体,这帮助他们赢得了支持,并有可能上台执政; ecocn

With his lumbering build, baggy grey suits, football scarf and booming voice, Soini is a long way from the sober consensus politicians who built Finland's welfare state.
索伊尼长得粗笨,穿着麻袋一样的灰西装,围着足球围巾,声音洪亮。他和当初在芬兰建设福利国家的冷静的政治家的形象截然不同。 yeeyan

Within a month, Soini launches his campaign for the Finnish presidency, and last week he returned from a tour of the UK and the US to begin agitating.
索伊尼会在一个月内开始他竞选芬兰总统的活动,他上周刚从英国和美国旅行归来,准备为竞选造势。 yeeyan

Soini,49, is arguably the most successful eurosceptic politician in Europe today, and certainly in the euro zone.
索伊尼现年49岁,可以说他是如今欧元区内乃至整个欧洲最成功的怀疑欧洲一体化的政治家。 yeeyan

Soini insists that his campaign is going to have a positive spirit.
索伊尼坚持说他的竞选活动有积极的意义。 yeeyan

Timo Soini is excited about Italian bond yields.
谈到意大利债券收益率时,蒂莫·索伊尼非常兴奋。 yeeyan




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