

单词 soggy
释义 sog·gy 英ˈsɒgiː, ˈsɔːgiː美ˈsɑgi, ˈsɔgiAHDsŏgʹē, sôʹgē ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA¹⁹¹⁶⁴BNC²⁰³⁵⁸iWeb¹⁵⁹⁶³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

of soil soft and watery;

the ground was boggy under foot

a marshy coastline

miry roads

wet mucky lowland

muddy barnyard

quaggy terrain

the sloughy edge of the pond

swampy bayous

having the consistency of dough because of insufficient leavening or improper cooking;

the cake fell; it's a doughy mess

slow and apathetic;

she was fat and inert

a sluggish worker

a mind grown torpid in old age

sog,沼泽,湿地,-y,形容词后缀。引申词义潮湿的,湿而软的。soggy bread未烤透的面包…
GRE难词记忆soggy→saggy a.下垂的,下陷的→湿透的衣服直往下垂 saggya.下垂的,下陷的⇒湿透的衣服直往下垂GRE红宝书源自soak,g=k近义词 wet湿的mucky粪的damp潮湿的miry泥泞的muddy泥泞的moist潮湿的mushy糊状的soaked湿透的sloppy肥大的torpid迟钝的quaggy沼地的boggy似沼泽的sloughy泥泞的inert无行动的marshy沼泽般的swampy沼泽似的doughy面团似的sluggish缓慢的saturated饱和的sodden浑身湿透的sopping浑身湿透的squashy容易压坏的waterlogged浸满水的

用作形容词In thesoggyground his footsteps made the smallest sounds.他的脚步在潮湿的地上几乎没有声音。
It rained last night and the earth was stillsoggynow.昨夜下了雨, 现在地面还湿着。
The ground wassoggyafter the heavy rain.大雨过后, 地面湿透了。
Moisten the soil, but do not make it muddy andsoggy.濡湿的土壤,但不泥泞,使其浸湿。It 'ssoggy.太烂了⎤adj.damp or soaking
同义词 humid,moist,muggy,mushy,saturated,soaked,sodden,soft,spongy,sticky,sultry,waterloggedclammy,dank,dripping,heavy,mucky,pasty,pulpy,sopping
反义词 arid,cool,dry,harddehydrated
clammyadjective damp
dampadjective wet, humid
clammy,cloudy,dank,dewy,drenched,dripping,drippy,drizzly,irriguous,misty,moist,muggy,oozy,saturated,soaked,soaking,sodden,soggy,sopping,steam bath,steamy,sticky,vaporous,waterlogged,wettish
dankadjective clammy
heaviestadjective depressed, gloomy
heavyadjective depressed;gloomy weather
humidadjective very damp, referring to weather
boiling,clammy,close,dank,irriguous,moist,mucky,muggy,oppressive,sodden,soggy,steamy,sticky,stifling,stuffy,sultry,sweaty,sweltering,watery,wet A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.
一般朋友从没见过你流泪,而好朋友的肩头留有你的泪水。 tingvoa

Make up sandwiches ahead of time but keep the condiments separate. Use squeeze bottles for the mustard and mayo so the bread does not get soggy.
三明治要提前做好但是调味品先不要放。用那种挤的芥末酱和蛋黄酱,这样面包就不会变得湿湿的了。 yeeyan

The prevailing view has been that soggy median wages can be explained by widening income inequality.
主导的看法是,工资中位数增幅不大可以通过收入差距扩大来解释。 ecocn

“ Now this is the fun part,” he says a few minutes later, holding it under the tap to wash away soggy paper pulp and reveal a clear plastic film.
“接下来就是有意思的地方了,”几分钟后他边说,边把它放在水管下,将湿透的纸浆冲走,显露出一层干净的塑料薄膜。 yeeyan

Don't toss that soggy lettuce into the garbage.
不要把变软的生菜扔进垃圾箱。 yeeyan

Either way, drying may take two or three days, which will give you time to turn the pieces and make sure there are no soggy patches.
任何一种办法都需要两到三天时间,期间你需要不时翻动这些西红柿,保证它们不会一直浸在水中。 yeeyan

Even in richer places the cost can be offset in part if the soggy ground can be put to lucrative use.
在较为富裕的地区,这些花费可以通过营利性的沼泽开发来获得补偿。 ecocn

He got up and waded downstream, his boots quickly soggy with water.
他站起来,顺着小溪趟过去,靴子很快就湿透了。 yeeyan

Indeed, since1922, only seven tournaments have not been interrupted by England's soggy summer weather.
的确,自1922年以来,只有七届的温网比赛没有受到雨水的困扰。 yeeyan

Languidly, and with no thought of going in, I watched him, his hard little body, skinny and bare, saw him wince slightly as he pulled up around his vitals the small, soggy, icy garment.
我无心去游,而是慵倦地看着他结实的小身子,精瘦,赤裸,看到在把那件小小的、浸透水的凉衣服扯上要害部位时,他轻轻皱了下眉。 putclub

Mikey’s soggy laces tangled around her ankles. Blinking sleet from her eyelashes, she struggled to get out of her skates.
米奇的脚踝缠着湿透了的鞋带,眼睫毛上也挂上了闪闪的冰霜,她使劲地把脚上的冰鞋脱下来。 yeeyan

Mr Donnelly has spent months pumping hands, wolfing soggy dinners with gusto and begging strangers to let him serve them in the House of Representatives.
数月以来,唐纳利几乎成了握手机器,还要满脸堆笑地参加各色沉闷的宴会,并恳请那些陌生人能让他进入众议院以便为他们服务。 ecocn

Ms Didion has a remarkable ability to consider her own feelings without letting her prose turn soggy with emotion.
琼•迪丹有一种非凡的能力,将沉闷的情绪排除在自己的散文之外,不带感情地思考。 ecocn

Now that there was no longer the sound of my soggy footsteps, the silence was piercing.
既然这里已经不会再有我沉闷的脚步声了,这片沉寂就更加显得讽刺。 putclub.com

SINGAPORE’S average annual rainfall is more than double that of notoriously soggy Britain, so the casual observer might be surprised to learn that the place has a shortage of drinking water.
众所周知,英国是气候潮湿的国家,但新加坡的年均降水量却是那里的两倍还多。因此粗心的观察者可能会惊讶这样的地方竟然会缺乏饮用水。 ecocn

Sovereign- debt worries and soggy growth rates have helped shift the currency towards its fair value over the past12 months.
在过去12个月里,主权债务危机以及停滞的增长率已经帮助欧元接近于公平价值。 ecocn

Steveston and Richmond around it is at or below sea level and the soggy grass of the backyard impeded their taking the party outside.
因为史蒂文斯顿以及它附近的里士满在海平面或者海平面以下,所以后院这些湿透了的草阻碍了他们在室外开派对。 ebigear

That’s how you want to remember Angelique, not the way she looked in the newspaper the next day, fished out of the river in a soggy mink coat.
那才是你要记住安吉丽的样子,而不是她隔天登上报纸的样子,穿着湿漉漉的貂皮大衣被人从河里捞出来。 yeeyan

The government is planning to invest billions in a system of canals, pipelines and aqueducts to divert water from the soggy south to the parched north.
政府正在计划投资几十亿建一个由水渠、水管和高架水道购成的系统,将水从潮湿的南方转移到干旱的北方。 ecocn

Then he replaced the paper with paraffin- coated Manila paper so that straws do not become soggy.
后来他用涂上石蜡的马尼拉纸代替了普通纸,这样吸管就不会被弄湿。 yeeyan

They will seek to inject soggy corporatism into financial reform, the promotion of high-tech industry, climate- change policy and the other areas the EU wants to address in 2010.
他们会试图将沉闷的组合主义引人金融系统,开始欧盟2010年工作核心——高科技产业、气候变化政策等领域——的宣传。 ecocn

Until now, for the Ice Age cook, leaves were soggy, baskets and skins leaked and burned, and meat charred.
从冰河时代的厨师们,到此之前,人类学会了浸渍树叶,编制篮子,革制兽皮,烘烤兽肉。 yeeyan

Use squeeze bottles for the mustard and mayo so the bread does not get soggy.
用那种挤的芥末酱和蛋黄酱,这样面包就不会变得湿湿的了。 yeeyan




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