

单词 barajas
释义 barajas baˈraɪaz COCA⁹⁵⁵⁶³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
A day later ETA set off a bomb that killed two people at Madrid's Barajas airport, in an unequivocal sign that the process was collapsing long before the formal end of the ceasefire.
翌日,“埃塔”就在马德里机场引爆一颗炸弹,毫不含糊地指明该和平进程在正式终止停火前早已夭折。 ecocn

At least153 people were killed Wednesday when the passenger plane crashed on takeoff at Madrid Barajas International Airport.
一架客机星期三在马德里巴拉哈斯国际机场起飞时坠毁,造成了至少153人死亡,19人受伤。 yeeyan

But nine months later, the group claimed responsibility for a car bomb that killed two people at Madrid's Barajas airport.
但9个月后,该组织声称对在马德里巴拉哈斯机场导致两人死亡的一起汽车爆炸事件负责。 tingvoa

Iberia will bring it extra capacity at Madrid Barajas airport, which has four runways, and fast- growing long- haul routes between Spain and Latin America.
伊比利亚将为马德里的 Barajas机场注入新的活力, Barajas拥有四条跑道和从西班牙到拉丁美洲的快速增长的持久航线。 ecocn

I'm Al Goodman in Terminal4 at Madrid's Barajas airport.
我是艾尔·高特曼,我现在位于马德里的巴拉哈斯机场的4号通道上。 hjenglish

Sainz de Baranda Metro Station is200 metres from the hotel. This allows excellent connections with the IFEMA Centre, Barajas Airport and the city centre.
Sainz de Baranda地铁站距离酒店仅200米,方便您快捷前往马德里展览中心、巴拉哈斯机场和市中心。 orangeway

The last ceasefire, called in March2006, came to an end nine months later with a surprise bomb attack at Madrid's Barajas airport which killed two people.
最近一次停火协议是在2006年3月。 然而9个月之后,马德里机场再次发生炸弹爆炸导致2人死亡,停火协议无果而终。 yeeyan

The volunteer, Jose Barajas Jr., says the dog had slipped its chain and menaced him and a neighbor.
的这名志愿者表示,这条狗逃脱了绳索,危及到他和一名邻居的安全。 iciba

Upon arrival on Thursday, Spain's royal family will greet Pope Benedict at Madrid's Barajas airport.
星期四,教皇抵达马德里那一天,将受到西班牙皇室在机场为他举行的欢迎仪式。 voanews




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