

单词 softeners
释义 softeners 英'sɒfnəz美'sɒfnəz COCA⁷⁷⁴⁹³BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
名词 softener:
a substance added to another to make it less hardIt combines Vitamins, Skin Softeners and Petroleum Jelly to protect extremely dry, sore skin.它结合了维生素,皮肤柔软剂和凡士林保护极为干燥,皮肤疼痛。
In this paper, development history of the organosiliconesoftenerswas introduced detailedly.本文详细介绍了有机硅柔软剂的发展历程。 For this product with other softeners or auxiliaries to fight with, please do blending process test, in order to achieve good results.
本品如需与其他柔软剂或印染助剂拼用时,请做拚混工艺试验,以达到良好效果。 qianyan

The ingredients used in sizing are usually starches, gums or synthetic adhesives and fatty or oily substancesto act as lubricants or softeners called assistants.
通常浆料配方包括淀粉、胶或合成的粘着剂,以及油脂或油类物质用作润滑剂或柔软剂等助剂。 bab

What's more, the chemicals used to clean hospitals— chlorine, laundry detergents and softeners, ammonia— contain toxic ingredients and can cause respiratory disease.
更糟的是,医院常用的清洁用化学药品——液氯、洗涤剂、软化剂及氨水等也含有有毒成分,而且能导致呼吸系统疾病。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Avoid using Powdered detergents, Bleach or any kind of Fabric softeners as these products will leave a chemical residue on your towels that will cause streaking and scratching.
应避免使用洗衣粉,漂白水或是柔软精,这些物质若是残留在毛巾上将会刮伤你的车漆或是留下一些痕迹。 autobling

Classification, varieties, simple synthesis process and application of cationic softeners were introduced.
介绍了阳离子柔软剂的分类、品种、简单合成方法及应用。 cnki

Describes the properties and main uses of cationic and silicone softeners most commonly used for silk fabrics, with some concrete measures suggested for improving their performances.
介绍厂目前丝织物柔软剂中最为重要的阳离子柔软剂和有机硅柔软剂的特性和主要用途,并对提高这类柔软剂的性能提出了具体措施。 cnki

Dryer- sheets and fabric softeners coat clothing and linens with thin layers of chemicals that cause liver cancer.
干燥机,床单和织物软化剂大衣衣服和床单与薄层的化学物质,导致肝癌。 www.en400.com

EcoWater water softeners and the brand relative to other provinces of salt water softeners have a more, power, water.
而且怡口的软水机相对于别的品牌的软水机也要更省盐、省电、省水。 warmlive.com

Fabric softeners, disinfectants, shampoos and other household products are spreading drug-resistant bacteria around Britain, scientists have warned.
科学家警告说,柔顺剂、消毒剂、洗发香波和其他家居清洁产品使抗药细菌在全英蔓延。 yeeyan

For the United States sign EcoWater water softeners, the production of soft water has a long history, since EcoWater water softeners is the first production of soft water machine.
对于美国的牌子怡口软水机来说,生产软水机的历史已经很长了,因为怡口软水机是第一家生产软水机的。 warmlive.com

In this paper, development history of the organosilicon softeners was introduced detailedly.
本文详细介绍了有机硅柔软剂的发展历程。 dictall

It combines Vitamins, Skin Softeners and Petroleum Jelly to protect extremely dry, sore skin.
它结合了维生素,皮肤柔软剂和凡士林保护极为干燥,皮肤疼痛。 umbdf

Negative emotional intensity can be lowered through the use of modifiers and softeners.
负面的情绪可以通过使用夸张和软化的词语得到降解。 blog.sina.com.cn

Results The body weight gains of pregnant mice were gradually decreased with the increasing of the dosages of fabric softeners.
试验期间,小鼠的体重随着衣物柔顺剂剂量增加有降低的趋势。 com

The effects of combination ratio and dosage of masterbatch and softeners on the properties of SBS elastomer were investigated.
讨论了母料的配比、用量和软化剂对热塑性弹性体 SBS各种性能的影响。 chemyq

The cation resin used in softeners is easily contaminated by iron ion.
软化器中使用的阳离子交换树脂容易受到铁离子的污染。 chemyq

Two units of water softeners are installed and are completely managed by a specific programmer that controls the regeneration and production cycle.
安装有两组软水器,并完全由控制再生和生产周期的特定编程器进行管理。 edctrans.com

Using water softeners to de-mineralize drinking water may reduce some of the potentially helpful effects.
如果使用水质软化器减少饮用水中的矿物含量,就会降低水的作用。 yeeyan

What is more, the length of Chinese learning has directly affected their awareness of face and the use of softeners.

Softeners with more superior characteristics and more functions can be manufactured with the development of compounding technology.
随着复配技术的发展,可制出性能更优、功能更全的柔软剂。 cnki




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