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词汇 soft drink
释义 soft drink 英sɒft drɪŋk美sɔːft drɪŋk ★☆☆☆☆高I短语³⁰⁶⁷⁹

nonalcoholic beverage usually carbonated近义词 beverage饮料
An extension product, such as a diet version of asoft drinkor a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product.名牌辅助产品,系列新产品一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系列产品中以促进主要产品销售
Asoft drinkturns away company.软饮料会赶走伙伴。
Asoft drinkwith ice cream floating in it.饮料一种上面浮有冰淇淋的软饮料
I'd prefer asoft drink.我喜欢喝软饮料。noun.carbonated beverage
同义词 cola,soda,soda popcarbonated drink,carbonated water,pop,soda water,tonic
soda popnoun carbonated soft drink
carbonated beverage,pop,soda,soft drink,tonic Inca Cola, Peru. A sickly sweet soft drink that tastes like Creaming Soda without the bubbles.
产自秘鲁,一种含糖量很高的软饮料,像是没有泡沫的奶油苏打水。 yeeyan

The burger is served with fries or potato wedges, and the paper suggested it could be washed down with a soft drink or a camel milkshake, also available in Dubai.
汉堡一般搭配薯条之类的油炸食品一起吃,该报纸还建议可以要一杯软饮料或是骆驼奶昔,这种搭配在迪拜很常见。 yeeyan

Claims Coke will not make children fat or rot their teeth have landed Coca-Cola in trouble with Australia's consumer watchdog, which Thursday ordered the soft drink company to correct its advertising.
可口可乐公司不久前刊登的一则广告让其惹祸上身,该广告声称可乐不会导致儿童肥胖或损害牙齿。澳大利亚一家消费者权益机构于本周四要求这家软饮料公司对广告作出修正。 ebigear

Coca- Cola has been the world leader in every department of the soft drink industry.
可口可乐一直是世界软饮料工业每一部门的先驱者。 ebigear

It lists the soft drink market shares for Coca- Cola and PepsiCo in95 countries last year.
数据表里里面列着去年95个国家可口可乐和百事可乐的软饮料市场份额。 yeeyan

One major soft drink company, for example, was talking about turning their brand open source.
比如,一个主要的软饮料公司在谈论他们的品牌开源。 yeeyan

Overall, frequent soft drink consumption was associated with a 9 percent to 15 percent increased likelihood of engaging in aggressive behaviour.
总而言之,频繁的饮用软饮料与从事暴力行径的可能性之间的联系增加了9%—15%。 huanqiu

Still, Coca- Cola and PepsiCo have relented on calls for clearer calorie information on packages and a ban on soft drink sales in schools.
尽管如此,可口可乐和百事对于包装上更清楚的卡路里信息和软饮料在学校的销售禁令的要求还是温和的。 yeeyan

The last time I drank a soft drink I actually felt disgusted because I didn’t enjoy the taste my preference is moving towards drinking water.
最后一次我喝软饮料时,我并感觉恶心因为我不喜欢它的味道我的偏好正偏向喝纯净水。 yeeyan

The theater has a monopoly on soft drink sales, and you'll pay what they charge.
电影院垄断了软饮料销售,它说多少您就得付多少。 yeeyan

The tea is sweet but it has less sugar than a typical soft drink.
这种茶是甜味的,但它所含的糖分却比一般的软饮料要少。 ebigear

The soft drink giants seems to just be Tweeting for the fun of it.
这个软饮料巨人似乎只是因为好玩才发微的。 yeeyan

They have gained as carbonated soft drink sales have declined.
随着碳酸软饮料销量的下降,他们已经赢得了市场。 yeeyan

This would be akin to knowing the secret ingredients in your favorite beer or soft drink.
这类似于,你能够知晓你所喜欢的啤酒或软饮料的秘密配方。 yeeyan

Soft drink consumption in Singapore was associated with several other adverse health behaviors such as smoking and red meat intake, which we can't accurately control for.
在新加坡,喝苏打软饮料的人同时还有一些其它不利于健康的习惯,比如吸烟和红肉过量摄入,这些都是我们所不能精确控制的。 yeeyan

Soft drink sales have been in decline for years as consumers grew concerned about the high- fructose corn syrup that sweetened the drinks.
这几年碳酸饮料的销售一直在下滑,而使用高果糖玉米糖浆的饮料的消费者在增长。 yeeyan




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