

单词 soda pop
释义 soda pop 英'səʊdə pɒp美'soʊdə pɑːp ☆☆☆☆☆高短语³²⁹⁰⁰

a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring;

in New England they call sodas tonics

近义词 soda汽水tonic补药soda water苏打水pop发出砰的响声…
noun.carbonated soft drink
同义词 soda,soft drinkcarbonated beverage,pop,tonic
soft drinknoun carbonated beverage
carbonated drink,carbonated water,cola,pop,soda,soda pop,soda water,tonic The carbon dioxide in your favorite soda pop tastes sour to your tongue, thanks to an enzyme that converts CO2 into protons that sour- sensing cells can detect.
你爱喝的碳酸汽水尝起来是酸的,这归功于一种酶,这种酶能将二氧化碳转化为酸感应细胞能察觉的质子。 yeeyan

“ Fast food fanatics” always buy mineral water for soda pop;
“快餐狂热分子”总是买些用作汽水的矿泉水; iask.sina.com.cn

Although it still has that peaty, smoky taste, it’s not throat burning and I didn’t feel I wanted to mix it with soda pop.
尽管它仍然具有似烟的呛味,但我的喉咙不再有烧灼感,也无需用苏打水来混着喝了。 yeeyan

And here, drinking sugary soda pop was again linked with elevated systolic blood pressure.
这次饮用含糖汽水仍与收缩血压升高有关。 yeeyan

Avoid sugary drinks such as soda pop, which can cause your blood sugar to peak and then drop, or caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks or coffee, which can cause or increase anxiety.
请不要喝类似汽水的含糖饮料,因为它们会使你的血糖飚升,然后下降;也不要喝含咖啡因的功能性饮料或者咖啡,它们会引发或者加剧紧张。 yeeyan

Caffeine can be found in expected places like coffee, soda pop, or tea, but also in unexpected foods like chocolate.
咖啡因可以在预料中的地方发现,比如咖啡,汽水,或者茶,但是也会在预料外的食物中发现,比如像巧克力。 yeeyan

Carbonic acid essentially soda pop dissolved in silicate rocks is transported to our oceans by rain.
碳酸本质上就是汽水溶解在硅酸盐岩中通过雨水的方式传送到大海中。 yeeyan

If you do enter a restaurant occasionally, skip the soda pop.
如果你偶尔进餐厅也别要汽水。 收集优惠卷。 yeeyan

It wants to raise taxes on cigarettes, adult beverages, and sugar-sweetened elixirs such as soda pop, fruit juices, iced teas, and sweetened coffee drinks.
它还想对香烟、酒精饮料、像汽水、果汁饮料和冰茶这样的含糖饮料,以及甜味咖啡饮品增税。 focus

Of21 studies,19 showed that as people drink more soda pop, the number of calories they consume rises.
在21项研究中,19项指出当人们饮用越多的汽水,他们消耗的卡路里就越多。 go.on-line-degree-1.org

On the surface, it's just a soda pop, a cold drink you can buy almost anywhere. But it's come to be more than that.
从表面上看,它只是一种普通的汽水,一种你差不多在任何地方都可以买得到的冷饮,但其实它远不止这么简单。 topenglish

Since his death in 1967 at the hands of US- backed forces in Bolivia, Guevara's iconic image has been used to sell everything from soda pop to cheap Chinese made t-shirts.
自从1967年他于玻利维亚死在美国支持的势力手上之后,格瓦拉的标志性头像被用在各种商品上,从汽水到廉价的中国制造的汗衫无一例外。 yeeyan

Sock hop, soda pop, basketball and auto shop.
矮装袜,汽水,篮球和汽车店。 qq123768322www.fanghuaview.com

The man got me another cup of coffee and opened himself a bottle of soda pop.
那人给了我另一杯咖啡,并且为自己开了一瓶汽水。 www.edu114.cn




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