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词汇 banyan
释义 ban·ian 英ˈbænjən美ˈbænjənAHDbănʹyən 常高COCA⁷⁵⁷⁴⁵BNC⁵²²⁶³iWeb³⁴²³⁴

East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunksa loose fitting jacket; originally worn in India在印度和亚洲一些地方有一种形状奇特的树,枝条上生有气根,垂入土中即变成新树干,覆盖面积可达数英亩,树下可容数千人歇荫,印度商人往往把它作为集市场所,从事各种买卖活动。英国人把印度商人称为banian,也将这种树取名为banian,一般多作banyan,汉语通译为“印度椿树”。banian/banyan源自梵语vanij商人。据另一种说法,banyan系因印度商人在这种树下建造宝塔而得名。banyan network榕树网络banyan day缺肉天,伙食不好的日…
非常记忆ban扮+yan演⇒扮演菩提树近义词 banian榕树
A dearth of pan- Asian images speaks volumes, but the banyan tree serves better than most, for it or similar trees are found somewhere in most Asian countries.
泛亚洲形象的缺乏意义重大,但是榕树却最为适合,因为在大多数亚洲国家都有榕树或者类似的树木存在。 hjenglish

The banana and banyan trees are an exotic backdrop seen through the authentic vintage wood windows.
从正宗老式的木头窗户看出去,香蕉和榕树形成异国情调的背景。 yeeyan

The Bodhi tree, under which Buddha attained enlightenment, was a banyan by another name.
佛是在菩提树下悟道的,菩提又名榕树。 hjenglish

The hope has been largely dashed, the fear almost fully borne out see Banyan.
期望的基本上完全破灭了,担心的几乎全部得到证实详见菩提树一文。 ecocn

A Hindu ascetic, or sadhu, wrapped in a bright- red cloth, smokes underneath a vad banyan tree outside a temple in MumbaiBombay, India.
印度孟买,一个教禁欲主义者或苦行僧,包裹在明亮的红色衣服里,在榕树下吸烟。 yeeyan

An ancient connection exists between public business and the banyan tree, as between its huge overarching shade and its deep intertwining roots.
公共事务和榕树之间有一种久远的联系,就像其拱形的树荫和其相互交缠的深根之间的联系一样。 hjenglish

But the pessimist in Banyan counters that the army retains its huge say on national security.
但是在 Banyan的悲观主义者反驳道,军队在国家安全问题上仍把持着巨大的发言权。 ecocn

Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes and believes, it is not just a question of limping through the next few weeks until the monsoon ends.
即使他是对的,正如我们所希望和相信的那样,这也不仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前的几个礼拜的事情。 ecocn

Here Banyan should perhaps declare an interest.
在此, Banyan也许应该宣布一件事情。 ecocn

Many of those who used to bathe there have also followed into oblivion the shade of the banyan tree.
许多曾经在水池里斋戒沐浴过的人也一同随着榕树的影子模糊了。 yeeyan

Only the statue survived a fallen banyan tree that destroyed Pura Pancering Jagat“ temple of the navel of the world”.
一棵倒地的榕树摧毁了“世界中心寺” Pura Pancering Jagat,只有这个雕像幸存下来。 yeeyan

So why Banyan?
那么为什么选榕树呢? hjenglish

The radio was humming and the leaves of the banyan trees in the massive front yards swayed in the sun.
收音机里传出轻柔的哼唱,宽大的前院里,印度榕树的叶子在阳光下婆娑摇曳。 yeeyan

The notion to camp above the ground came to the brothers this spring while they were climbing a banyan tree in Florida.
要在空中安营扎寨的想法是在今年春天产生的,当时这两兄弟爬上了佛罗里达的一棵榕树。 yeeyan

The smile has sometimes turned to snarl of late see Banyan.
最近,这种微笑外交有时会变成咆哮看菩提专栏。 ecocn

The banyan spans Asia’s spirituality and its entrepreneurialism.
榕树即代表了亚洲的精神又代表了其经济意识。 hjenglish

The banyan trees are long gone but one can still see the characters he wrote hanging above the temple's gateway.

When solitude thus reigned over the water, my whole attention would be drawn to the shadows under the banyan tree.
寂静覆盖水面后,我整个的注意力就被榕树下的影子吸引住了。 yeeyan

Banyan had less luck. Near Jinghong nervous policemen ordered him to leg it before he got so much as a glimpse of the structure.
我们菩提树专栏的记者就没那么幸运了,靠近景洪时,在他还为觑得景洪大坝一斑时,神经兮兮的警察强令他走开。 yeeyan

Banyan would find Asia had little in common with itself, a mere congeries of nations and occasional failed states.
菩提将会发现,亚洲没有什么共性,不过是一些国家和临时的失败国家的拼凑。 ecocn




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