

单词 socializing
释义 socializing 英'səʊʃəlaɪzɪŋ美'səʊʃəlaɪzɪŋ 高COCA²⁵¹²⁴BNC⁵⁴⁰¹⁴iWeb⁴¹⁰⁶⁸
the act of meeting for social purposes;

there was too much socialization with the enlisted men

近义词 socialising爱社交的socialisation社会化socialization适应社会生活…
用作名词My wife is shy and not good atsocializing.我妻子害羞不善社交。
Enjoy somesocializingthis week.本周要进行些社交。
Businessmen enjoysocializingwith people and making small talk.从商人士难免要交际应酬,与客人打好关系。
Also, remember that bysocializingwith other exchange students you begin the dangerous practice of comparing host families or problems you are having.此外,如果你限于与交流学生们交际的话,只会让你陷入一种攀比的情境,你总是习惯把你的家庭或遇到的问题拿来做比较。as in.cultural
同义词 artistic,developmentaladorning,advancing,beautifying,beneficial,broadening,civilizing,constructive,correctivedignifyingdisciplining,edifying,educative,elevatingennoblingenriching,expandingglorifyinghelpful,humane,humanizing,influential,inspirational,instructive,learned,liberal,liberalizing,nurturingornamentingpolishing,promoting,raising,refined,refining,regenerative,stimulating,uplifting,wideningas in.social life
同义词 communion,community,fellowship,social intercourse
culturaladjective educational, enlightening
social lifenoun social interactions
communion,community,fellowship,social intercourse,socializing Don’t get so busy building your business that you forget the importance of socializing.
别着急匆忙树立你的企业,如果你忘了社交的重要性的话。 yeeyan

I’ve found television watching to be a really poor way for me to recover energy compared with socializing or going for a walk.
和参加社交活动或出去散步相比,我发现对我来说看电视真是一个糟糕的恢复精力的方法。 yeeyan

The Net generation uses technologies both for socializing and for working and learning, so their approach to tasks is less about competing and more about working as teams.
网生一代使用科技手段来进行社交、工作和学习,所以他们完成任务的方法是减少竞争增加合作。 yeeyan

The same is true of socializing.
同样对社交也是成立的。 yeeyan

The wife wasn't having a good time at the party. So, she came home early, alone. Her husband stayed on, socializing with important clients.
妻子在聚会上玩得并不开心,于是,很早就一个人回家了,而她的丈夫继续留在那,与他重要的客户们进行交际。 yeeyan

There are worlds for socializing, worlds for gaming, even worlds for e- learning.
像虚拟的社交世界,虚拟的游戏世界,虚拟的学习世界。 yeeyan

This lack of time socializing with his siblings means that puppy will not develop important canine skills.

Happy people spend a lot of time socializing, going to church and reading newspapers— but they don’t spend a lot of time watching television, a new study finds.
快乐之人会在社交,做礼拜以及读报上花上很多时间——但是一项新研究发现,这些快乐之人却不会在电视上挥霍大量时间。 yeeyan

Her in- class conversations led to some friendships and socializing outside class.
课堂上的交谈给她带来了友谊和课堂外的交往。 ebigear

However, too much socializing could lead to work piling up.
然而,过于爱交际则会导致工作干不完。 ebigear

Humans are social animals, and we need regular socializing to keep ourselves in peak health and energy.
人类是社会性动物,我们需要有规律的社交活动来让我们保持健康和富有活力。 yeeyan

If you want to get better at socializing, you need to put in the effort to learn to get better.
如果你想提高自己的社交能力,你需要付出努力去学习来提升自己的能力。 yeeyan

In contrast with Tom’s goals of socializing, I contrive to learn new and complex things.
汤姆来的目的是社交。相比之下,我想设法学些新鲜、复杂一点的东西。 ebigear

Men, by contrast, tend to spend more of their income on gadgets, beverages and alcohol, dining out, and socializing.
与之相反,男性更倾向于购买电子设备、饮料和酒,出去吃饭或者进行社交活动。 yeeyan

Moira lived with her parents, but seemed content to spend her time in Henry and Colleen’s company, as if she had done all of the socializing she needed to do while she was away at college.
莫伊拉和父母住在一起,她似乎满足于陪着亨利和科琳消磨时光,就好像在离家上大学的那些日子里,她已经过够了社交生活似地。 yeeyan

Opportunities for travel and socializing are evident.
会有诸多旅行和社交的机会。 kekenet

That's the time you spend at work socializing with colleagues, E- mailing back and forth, instant messaging, talking on the phone.
这个时间特指的是你在工作中与同事进行交往的时间,如:往来电子邮件、即时消息和电话交谈等。 yeeyan

The rest of the time is spent socializing, taking coffee breaks, eating, engaging in non-business communication, shuffling papers, and doing lots of other non- work tasks.
其余时间都耗在了社交、工间休息、就餐、与工作无关的交流、把文件挪来挪去,及其它许多与工作无关的事情上。 yeeyan

The study suggests that playing sports, socializing, going to museums or art performances, cooking, sewing, and playing computer games all have little impact on career.
该研究表示,体育运动、社交活动、参观博物馆和艺术表演、做饭、播种、玩电脑游戏对以后的职业影响很小。 yeeyan

This is all personal interaction between people where, yeah, the game's one thing, but the socializing is the key part.
这里只有玩家的互动,在这里游戏只是一方面,更重要的是玩家的相互交际。 hjenglish

This is a circuit- training workout, but most people are poor personal motivators and before you know it they are sitting at a machine for3 minutes or socializing for5.
这是一个循环训练式的锻炼,但绝大多数人都缺乏个人激励因素,当你意识到的时候,他们正在机器上坐3分钟或是社交5分钟。 yeeyan

This means you need to start socializing early, the moment September appears!
这就是说,不要整天宅在家,早点开始社交,九月初就开始吧! yeeyan

With so much help and just two hours of mathematics and classics lectures each morning, there was plenty of time for socializing or private study, van Wyhe said.
范维尔称,有这么多人服侍,而且每天上午只需上两小时的数学和名著课,所以达尔文有充足的时间来社交和自学。 ebigear

You build social energy by being able to handle socializing as well as periods of introspection.
你可以通过处理社交活动以及自省过程建立社会能力。 yeeyan




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