

单词 soberer
释义 so·ber·er 英'səʊbəʳ美'soʊbər COCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
adj.清醒的²⁴;稳重的²;沉着冷静的;颜色暗淡的vt.使清醒²;使沉着¹vi.清醒⁶⁹;冷静下来²原型sobere 的比较级副词soberly比较级soberer最高级soberest名词soberness过去分词sobered现在分词sobering三单sobers
vt. & vi. 严肃; 镇定

make or become sober

vt. & vi. 使清醒

make sb avoid drunkness; recover from too much alcoholic drink

not affected by a chemical substance especially alcoholdignified and somber in manner or character and committed to keeping promises;

a grave God-fearing man

a quiet sedate nature

as sober as a judge

a solemn promise

the judge was solemn as he pronounced sentence

lacking brightness or color; dull;

drab faded curtains

sober Puritan grey

children in somber brown clothes

completely lacking in playfulness
cause to become sober;

A sobering thought

become more realistic;

After thinking about the potential consequences of his plan, he sobered up

become sober after excessive alcohol consumption;

Keep him in bed until he sobers up

用作动词 v.
~+名词sober children使孩子们静下来sober crowd使人群静下来sober students使学生静下来~+副词sober extremely极度严肃sober moderately适度地严肃sober occasionally〔uncommonly,unusually〕非常清醒sober thoughtfully彻底地清醒sober down清醒sober up醒酒
sober down v.+adv.

使清醒起来,冷静下来 (cause to become less excited)

sober downThe class sobered down as the teacher came into the room.老师走进了教室,全班就安静了下来。
Please sober down a bit; I've got some important news for you.请冷静,我有重要消息要告诉你。sober sb ⇔ downI suppose one bad crash and two near misses would sober most people down.我想,一次撞车和两次险些相撞会使大多数人严肃起来。
You must find a way to sober the children down.你想个办法让孩子们平静下来。
sober up v.+adv.

使醒酒,使清醒 (cause to cease being drunk)

sober upThe offender apologized when he sobered up.冒犯者醒酒后道了歉。
He will sober up after a nap.睡一会儿他就会清醒过来的。sober sb ⇔ upThrow a pail of water over him, that will sober him up.给他浇一桶水,这会使他醒过来的。
The shock will sober her up.这次打击会使她清醒过来的。近义词 sound声音grave坟墓dull呆滞的calm平静的mild温和的plain清楚的somber微暗的sombre昏暗的solemn庄严的drab土褐色的dreary沉闷的sedate安静的serious严肃的drunken常醉的moderate适度的sensible明智的temperate温和的realistic现实的unplayful严肃的restrained克制的thoughtful深思的reasonable合理的sober up清醒起来abstemious有节制的teetotal绝对禁酒的clear-headed头脑清楚的unintoxicating法 不醉人的, 不会…反义词 intoxicated喝醉的
S+~+ n./pron.The bad news sobered all of us.那坏消息使我们严肃认真起来。
The voice of our dean sobered him a little.主任的声音使他平静了一些。
Who would like to sober the children?谁愿意去让孩子们安静下来?



表示“使醒酒”,常说sober up; 表示“使清醒”,常说sober down。

用作形容词He was tipsy yesterday , but now is sober.他昨天醉醺醺的,但现在是清醒的。
We should make a sober estimate of the situation.我们对形势要有清醒的估计。用作及物动词He drank a cup of strong tea to sober himself up.他喝下一杯浓茶以使自己清醒过来。用作不及物动词Hesoberedup quickly when he heard the terrible news.他听到这个坏消息,马上就清醒过来了。 His fame, though still on its upward slope, already overshadowed the soberer reputations of his fellow-clergymen, eminent as several of them were.
他的名声虽然仍处于上升阶段,却已超过了他的同行,其中有好几位还颇有声望。 hjenglish




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