

单词 soars
释义 soar·s 英sɔːʳ美sɔːr COCA³⁰⁵⁶⁷BNC³⁴¹⁰⁵Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vi. 翱翔

fly, especially at a great height without moving the wings

vi. 昂扬

rise rapidly or to a very high level

vi. 屹立

be very high especially so as to give one a feeling of splendid power

the act of rising upward into the air
rise rapidly;

the dollar soared against the yen

fly by means of a hang gliderfly upwards or high in the skygo or move upward;

The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced

fly a plane without an engine
用作动词 v.
~+副词soar high高飞soar gracefully优美地翱翔soar lazily懒散地翱翔soar loftily高高地飞翔soar magnificently雄伟地屹立着soar serenely静静地屹立着soar up飞涨~+介词soar above在…上飞翔soar into飞入soar on凭…高飞soar over在…上飞过soar through穿过…soar to升至…
soar up v.+adv.

高飞,翱翔,升高 fly or go up high in the air; rise

soar upA skylark soared up into the sky.一只云雀高飞入云。
The balloon soared up on a gust of wind.一阵狂风把气球吹向空中。
The prices seemed soaring up without limit.物价好像在无限制地飞涨。近义词 flyglide
S+~+AA bird is soaring into the sky.一只鸟正飞向云端。
The temperature soared to 80℃.温度猛增到摄氏80度。
Price soared when war broke out.战争爆发时物价飞涨。
Skyscrapers soar above the horizon.摩天大楼拔地而起高耸入云。
His ambition soared to the throne.他志在登上王位。



用作不及物动词The eagle cansoarwithout flapping their wings.老鹰无需振翼就能翱翔。
Food pricessoarduring the cold weather.这个寒冷的冬季食品价格猛涨。
Air pollution will soonsoarabove safety levels.空气污染会很快突破安全标准。
Finally, the river continued tosoar, the priest was merciless floods drowned.最后,河水继续高涨,神父被无情的洪水淹死了。
The cliffssoar500 ft into the air.峭壁高耸达五百英尺。用作名词Thesoarof trade brings big benefits to the two countries.贸易的剧增给两国带来了极大的好处。
The key to realize thesoarof Shanghai shipbuilding industry is to heighten the ability of comprehensive competition.实现新世纪上海船舶工业的腾飞,关键是提高综合竞争能力。 Otto Lilienthal soars above a crowd in one of his manned gliders in an1893 photograph.
这是1893年的一张照片,奥特·李林塔尔乘着他的载人飞行器翱翔在人群上空。 yeeyan

The factories close, unemployment soars and tax collections collapse.
工厂纷纷关闭,失业率大幅上升,税收急剧下降。 yeeyan

The government is newly focused on the price of telephony as unemployment soars, and the regulatory and tax environment is getting tougher.
由于失业猛增,监管和税务环境变得更加困难,政府又重新将精力集中于电话通讯的价格上。 ecocn

The online travel market, however, will grow at double-digit rates as technology adoption soars in markets like China, Japan and Singapore.
然而,在线旅游市场将以两位数的幅度增长,因为中国、日本和新加坡等市场的技术采用将会激增。 yeeyan

As the cost of college soars, the admissions process has become increasingly competitive.
随着大学费用的飙升,录取过程的竞争越来越激烈。 yeeyan

As the cost of diesel power soars, schemes for renewable power and plans to link the region’s power grids may be speeded up.
由于柴油动力能源价格飞涨,推广可再生能源的计划和政府区域能源网的计划很可能被提前。 yeeyan

Australia tends to run big deficits financed by heavy foreign investment in the country’s mines; Saudi Arabia and Russia sensibly accumulate big surpluses whenever the oil price soars.
澳大利亚由于本国的矿场有巨额外国投资以至于容易产生严重财政赤字;一旦油价飙升,沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯显然将积攒大量贸易盈余。 ecocn

Banks close, unemployment soars and tax collections collapse.
银行纷纷关闭,失业率大幅上升,税收急剧下降。 yeeyan

Even as unemployment soars, bankers are talking again of big bonuses and a “ war for talent”.
即使失业率猛增,银行经理们仍然又在谈论巨额奖金和“人才大战”。 yeeyan

Just like this California condor, which— though teetering on the edge of extinction— still soars near the Grand Canyon in Arizona and in the state it was named after.
就像加利福利亚秃鹫,虽然依旧翱翔于亚利桑那和加利福利亚的大峡谷附近,但已在灭绝的悬崖边摇摇欲坠。 yeeyan

Krugman notes that the Federal Reserve must commit to holding interest rates low even after the recession ends and inflation soars in order for monetary policy to be effective.
克鲁格曼提出为了让货币政策有效,即便是萧条已过同时通胀上升联储也必须将利率维系在低水平。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the price of food and energy soars everywhere.
与此同时,食物和能源的价格四处飞涨。 yeeyan

Nothing seems very dramatic compared with a tenor standing at the front of the stage warbling about love or treachery, while an orchestra swoops and soars at his feet.
当一位男高音站在舞台前高唱爱或背叛之际,交响乐团的激昂演奏萦绕其脚畔,似乎没有什么比这种场景更激动人心的了。 ecocn

Or maybe we fall in love and our spirit soars.
或者我们陷入了爱情里,精神得到提升。 yeeyan

Saudi Arabia and Russia sensibly accumulate big surpluses whenever the oil price soars.
一旦油价飙升,沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯显然将积攒大量贸易盈余。 ecocn

Taller buildings also tended to taper inwards, further reducing rentable space; the cost of moving materials and people also soars.
更高建筑的内部也开始变尖了,进一步减少了可出租的空间;运人运货的成本也直线上升。 yeeyan

The days I do, my productivity soars.
我这样做的日子,我的生产率大增。 yeeyan

The solar Impulse soars high above the streets of Paris, France earlier this year.
在今年早些时候,阳光动力号高耸飞翔在法国巴黎的街头的上空。 yeeyan

When the American flag soars, so too does our Nation and the ideals it stands for.
当国旗升起时,我们的国家及国旗所代表的理想也随之弘扬。 ebigear




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