

单词 soaking up
释义 soaking up短语³⁶²⁴³

chemistry a process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solidas in.absorption
同义词 consumption,digestion,intake,penetration,retention,saturationexhaustion,fusion,imbibing,impregnation,ingestion,inhalation,osmosis,reception,suctiondrinking in,taking in
反义词 boredom,distractionas in.assimilation
同义词 anabolism,catabolism,consumption,digestion,ingestion,inhalation,metabolismtaking in
absorptionnoun assimilation, incorporation
consumption,digestion,drinking in,exhaustion,fusion,imbibing,impregnation,ingestion,inhalation,intake,osmosis,penetration,reception,retention,saturation,suction,taking in
assimilationnoun absorption
anabolism,catabolism,consumption,digestion,ingestion,inhalation,metabolism,soaking up,taking in And continued budget deficits harm private enterprise by soaking up savings, pushing up interest rates and“ crowding out” private investment.
持续的预算赤字会损害私人公司的利益,主要通过吸收储蓄,推高利率水平和“挤出”私人投资等途径。 yeeyan

In lines that could have come from a green campaigner, Gordon Brown said the forests“ provide a global service in soaking up the pollution of the world.”
本来这只可能来自一位绿色环保运动参加者的话,戈登.布朗引用说森林“为全球提供吸收全世界的污染物的服务”。 ecocn

“ Most mothers don’t think their kids are soaking up this information, but they are, ” Dr. Birch said.
“大多数母亲并不认为他们的孩子都吸纳了这一信息,但他们确是如此” Birch博士说。 yeeyan

Dealers, such as Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, have backed away from soaking up unwanted paper.
诸如高曼、花旗之类的交易商都从拍卖标价证券市场撤出。 ecocn

If you like to relax by soaking up the sand, sun, and sea, then Sydney— with its famous beaches and fine weather— is the place for you.
如果你喜欢放松自己,使自己沉浸在沙滩、阳光和海洋之中,那么悉尼是最好的选择。那里有着著名的阳光海岸和宜人的天气。 edu.sina.com.cn

Sun- loving naturists, look away now: if you're soaking up the rays this summer with the aim of getting a perfect all-over tan, you're likely to be disappointed.
爱好阳光的天体人士别看下去了:如果您今年夏天沉浸在阳光之中,想要晒出一身完美均匀的棕褐色皮肤,您可能要失望了。 yeeyan

That switch introduces a new set of buyers that are capable of soaking up a significant portion of the world’s annual gold production.
这一转变引来了新的一批有能力吸收很大一部分世界黄金年产量的买家。 yeeyan

The new blanket of tree cover would bring its own weather system and rainfall, while soaking up carbon dioxide from the world's atmosphere.
这片新的树木覆盖地在吸收全球大气中二氧化碳的同时,将形成自己的天气系统,还会带来降雨。 yeeyan

This is because the oceans are currently soaking up a lot of the planet's excess heat— and a lot of the carbon dioxide put into the air.
这是因为海洋目前吸纳了这个星球上的大量多余热量和排放到空气中的大量二氧化碳。 yeeyan

We spent our days hiking trails, teaching them to paddle canoes, swimming in the beautiful blue water, and soaking up the simplicity of this amazing place.
我们爬山,教孩子们划独木舟,在碧蓝色的水中游泳,摄取这个不可思议的地方的灵气。 yeeyan

We need to present our freshest, happiest selves to the world and we can only do this by soaking up the beauty of the world around us.
我们需要向世界展现出自己最清新、最愉快的一面,而只有通过汲取周围世界的美,我们才能做到这一点。 hxen




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