

单词 so
释义 so 英səʊ美soAHDsō


such a great degree


in this or that way


in the same way; also


certainly; it is true





and that is why

the syllable naming the fifth dominant note of any musical scale in solmization
to a very great extent or degree;

the idea is so obvious

never been so happy

I love you so

my head aches so!

in a manner that facilitates;

he observed the snakes so he could describe their behavior

he stooped down so he could pick up his hat

in such a condition or manner, especially as expressed or implied;

They're happy and I hope they will remain so

so live your life that old age will bring no regrets

to a certain unspecified extent or degree;

I can only go so far with this student

can do only so much in a day

in the same way; also;

I was offended and so was he

worked hard and so did she

in the way indicated;

hold the brush so

set up the pieces thus

usually followed by `that' to an extent or degree as expressed;

he was so tired he could hardly stand

so dirty that it smells

subsequently or soon afterward often used as sentence connectors;

then he left

go left first, then right

first came lightning, then thunder

we watched the late movie and then went to bed

and so home and to bed

used to introduce a logical conclusion from that fact or reason or as a result;

therefore X must be true

the eggs were fresh and hence satisfactory

we were young and thence optimistic

it is late and thus we must go

the witness is biased and so cannot be trusted

in truth often tends to intensify;

they said the car would break down and indeed it did

it is very cold indeed

was indeed grateful

indeed, the rain may still come

he did so do it!

so, accordingly, consequently, hence, then, therefore, thereupon, thus

这组词的共同意思是“因此; 所以; 于是”,它们的区别是:

1.so, then和thus是一般用词; accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore和thereupon是正式用词。


3.accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thereupon和thus都表示因果关系。accordingly语气较缓和,常译为“于是”; consequently一般不强调因果间的必然联系,而只是根据逻辑推理得出的结果; hence表示合理的推断,指出原因及其必然结果,但更强调原因; therefore强调因果间的逻辑关系,多用于表示严密推理或精确论证的郑重场合,故常用在数学、逻辑学等领域; thereupon则指“作为…的结果”; thus的意思和hence, therefore相近,但更正式庄重。

4.accordingly常位于分句句首或句中; consequently, hence常位于分句句首; so只用于分句句首; then常用于分句句首,有时用于句末; therefore和thereupon常用于分句句首,有时用于句中; thus常用于分句句首。

5.consequently, hence, so, then, therefore和thereupon前有时可加and; accordingly前偶尔可加and; thus前一般不可加and。

6.hence常引导省略句; thus还可跟现在分词短语表示结果或目的。

so long, bye-bye, cheerio, farewell, goodbye

goodbye, farewell, so long, bye-bye和cheerio都有“再见”的意思。其区别是:

goodbye用于暂别的场合; cheerio常用于英国口语中,表示暂时的再见,有时也用在打招呼中; farewell用于亲友远行,在短时期内不能再见面,属正式用语; bye-bye是俗语,常为儿童所用; so long是非正式美式英语,多用在熟人或亲友之间,但英国人几乎不用。例如:

After talking for a moment, they said cheerio to each other.谈了一会儿,他们互道再见。

“Cheerio!You are here!”“好哇!你在这儿啊!”

“Bye-bye,Mum!”the boy said to his mother.“再见,妈妈!”孩子对母亲说道。
Farewell!I hope we'll meet again soon.再见!我希望我们很快能见面。
So long, everybody!各位再见!so, such

so是副词,用来修饰形容词或其他副词, such是形容词,用来修饰名词位于不定冠词a或an的前面; 在形容词+可数名词的单数短语前,既可用so,也可用such,但它们的词序不同; 如果形容词后面的名词是复数形式,一般情况下用such,不用so; no可以和such连用,而不和so连用。









来自中古英语 so,来自古英语 swa,因此,来自 Proto-Germanic*swa,因此,来自 PIE*swo,反身 代词词干,可能来自 PIE*so,指示代词干,词源同 sic,soon.so far迄今为止and so on等等and so forth等等not so much as与其 … 不如…so be it好罢so as to为的是or so大约so that因此just so正是如此so and so某某so much这么多so long as只要多指否定…so long再见So far so good到现在为止一直都还不…So what?那又怎么样?…even so虽然如此ever so非常so far from非但不决不是…so many那么多一群…so so一般般
用作副词adv.and so on〔forth〕


ever so


not so much…as

不是…而是…not one thing but rather sth else

or so


so as to

为了…with the intention of doing sth

so… as to

如此…以致in such a way as to

so long as

只要as long as

so many〔much〕

多少an unspecified number or amount

so much so that

到这种程度以致such an extent that

so that

结果,以致with the result thatEveryone lent a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule.每个人都帮了忙,所以工作提前完成了。

用作连词conj.So what?

那又怎么样this may be true but not concerned

故事记忆有一个 Leader领导独自去 Theater剧院穿一件 Sweater毛衣被当成 Cleaner清洁工这工作我能 Do做为什么你说 No不不要我我就 Go去其实我希望 So这样对方说:我这样想 Also也故事记忆这工作我能 Do做为什么你说 No不不要我我就 Go去其实我希望 So这样对方说:我这样想 Also也非常记忆s蛇+o洞⇒所以蛇就钻进了洞里近义词 too也way路for为yes是the那and和also也like像very很that那so那么this这of关于lot许多thus这样ergo因此then那么case例子damn该死hence因此in在 … 里being存在manner举止real真实的true真实的reason原因well很好地and so所以thusly因此such这样的truly真实地because因为fashion时尚indeed真正地that way那边actual实际的and then而且thence从那里therefore因此extremely非常certainly当然factual事实的correct正确的condition条件likewise同样地enormously极度positively极其positive积极的truthful诚实的for real严肃的accordingly因此resultingly由于similarly相似地as a result结果damn well非常地a lot许多,大量confirmed确认的consequently因此absolutely完全地definitely肯定地subsequently后来considerably非常地terrifically非常地in like manner同样地in this way用这种方法solC大调音阶中的第五音…in this manner用这种方式a英语字母表的第一个字母…SOH计信息标题开始信…extraordinarily非常格外in this fashion用这种方式like that那一类的那样的…that being so因此(由此看来…for this reason为此因此之故…thus and so如此这般按特定方式…that being the case情况既然如此…
用作副词(adv.Don't be so childish.别那么幼稚。
First, you turn the engine on so.首先,你这样开动引擎。
“Is he coming?”“I believe so.”⎩“他来吗?”“我想他能来。”“He's gone to school?”“She said so.”⎩“他去学校了吗?”“她是这样说的。”“He can play football.”“So can I.”⎩“他会踢足球。”“我也会。”“He is a student.”“So am I.”⎩“他是一个学生。”“我也是。”“There is a bee in your tea.”“So there is.”⎩“有一只蜜蜂在你的茶里。”“真的有一只。”“He will go to Hongkong.”“So he will.”⎩“他将要去香港。”“是的,他将去。”⎫
If you say so,I will have to believe it.你如果这么说,那我就只得相信了。
I am so glad that you have come.我对你的到来感到很高兴。
It was late, so we went home.天晚了,所以我们回家了。
He was so young that he could join us.他如此年轻,以致不能加入我们。
He is not so old a age as his wife.他没他妻子年龄大。用作连词conj.The dog was hungry, so we fed it.狗饿了,所以我们喂它。
I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost.我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。
So here we are again.那么,我们又来这里了。
So you have come back. What's your story this time?你回来了,这回你将怎么说?Psoeverad.无论不论何种任何


so用作副词时常用于形容词或其他副词之前,用于表示程度,作“这么,那么”解; 可用于表示方式,作“这样,那样”解; 可用以避免重复,常用于believe, do, say之后,作“如此,这样”解; so作“同样,也”解时,其后跟be, have, do或will, can, should等,然后再接主语; so作“当然”解时,后接there或代词主语,然后再接be, have, do或will, can, should等; so也可用于代替已经陈述的事物,尤用在接that…的动词之后。

“not so+ adj./adv. +as…”表示“不像…这么…”; “so+ adj./adv. +that…”用于表示结果; “so+ adj. +a/an+ n. +as sb/sth”可用于比较。


so用作连词可用于表示结果,作“因此,所以”解; 也可用于表示目的,作“为了,以便”解; 还可用以引出一段话进行评比。

用作副词He felt pity for a man sufferingsomuch.他对那个受过那么多痛苦的人感到同情。
How could you besostupid as to believe him?你怎么这么笨竟相信他的话?
Stand with your arms out,so.两臂伸开站著,就这样。
I gave you a mapsoyou wouldn't get lost.我给你一张地图,这样你就不会迷路了。
The room wassohot that she felt dizzy.房间里如此之热,以至于她觉得头晕目眩。用作形容词So I really enjoyed my tea just now.所以刚才的茶点我真的很欣赏。
No matter who may sayso, it is not true.不管谁这样说都不是真的。
He's alwayssopolite to people.他对人总是非常有礼貌。
The city enveloped in snow lookedsomysterious.这座被白雪覆盖著的城市看上去非常神秘。用作连词These glasses are very expensive,soplease be careful with them.这些玻璃杯十分昂贵,因此请小心些。
It was snowing, andsoI could not go out.天在下雪,所以我无法外出。
He ran quicklysoas to catch the last bus.他跑得很快以便赶上那末班车。
Please clear your toys offsothat I can study.请把你的玩具清理一下以便我能学习。adv.to a degree
同义词 extremely,remarkably,unusually,veryindefinitely,indeterminately,infinitely,so large,so much,such,this much,uncertainly,vaguelyadv.thus
同义词 thusand so forth,and so on,even so,in such manner,in such wise,in this degree,in this way,on this wise,to this extentadv.accordingly
同义词 then,thereforehenceand so,consequentlyadv.exactly right
同义词 just sofitaccurate,correct,exactconj.in order that
同义词 thereforeas long as,if only,provided that,with the purpose that,with the result thatconj.in such a manner
同义词 apparently,indeed,quite,then,therefore,thus,too,very,wellhence,trueaccordingly,afterward,because,consequently,ergo,exact,likewise,sic,similarly
accordinglyadverb in an appropriate, suitable way
appropriately,as a consequence,as a result,consequently,correspondingly,duly,equally,ergo,fitly,hence,in consequence,in due course,in respect to,in that event,properly,proportionately,respectively,resultantly,subsequently,suitably,then,therefore,thus,under the circumstances
ergoadverb for that reason
accordingly,consequently,hence,in consequence,so,then,therefore,thereupon,thus,thusly
henceadverb for that reason;therefore
accordingly,as a deduction,away,consequently,ergo,forward,from here,from now on,henceforth,henceforward,hereinafter,in the future,it follows that,on that account,onward,out,so,then,thence,thereupon,thus,wherefore
highlyadverb very, well
awful,awfully,bloody,but good,decidedly,deeply,eminently,exceedingly,exceptionally,extraordinarily,extremely,greatly,hugely,immensely,mighty,mucho,notably,parlous,plenty,powerful,profoundly,real,really,remarkably,right,so,so much,strikingly,supremely,surpassingly,terribly,terrifically,too much,tremendously,vastly,very much
likewiseadverb also, similarly
additionally,along,as well,besides,correspondingly,further,furthermore,in addition,in like manner,in the same way,more,moreover,so,too,withal
remarkablyadverb unusually
almighty,awful,awfully,curiously,especially,exceptionally,extra,extraordinarily,mighty,oddly,peculiarly,plenty,powerful,rarely,real,really,right,singularly,so,so much,strangely,surprisingly,terribly,terrifically,too much,uncommon,uncommonly,very




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