

单词 snuffed
释义 snuff·ed 英snʌf美snʌf COCA⁴⁸⁶⁸¹BNC⁵⁰²⁹⁵Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺
the charred portion of a candlewicka pinch of smokeless tobacco inhaled at a single timefinely powdered tobacco for sniffing up the nosesensing an odor by inhaling through the nose
snuff colored; of a greyish to yellowish brown
sniff or smell inquiringlyinhale audibly through the nose;

snuff coke

snuff it死up to snuff正常的精明的…snuff out掐灭snuff film凶杀影片snuff stick鼻烟勺take it in snuff动怒(生气go off like a candle in a snuff突然死掉go off like the snuff of a candle突然死掉give someone snuff严厉地对待某人,惩罚…
近义词 sniff嗅kill杀死douse浸入quench熄灭put out熄灭smother窒息destroy破坏abolish废除snuff out掐灭eliminate除去eradicate根除snuffle抽鼻子extinguish熄灭annihilate消灭snuff-brown鼻烟色的mummy-brown鼻烟色的chukker-brown鼻烟色的blow out吹灭(突然爆裂…

用作动词He leant forward andsnuffedthe candle.他俯下身掐灭了蜡烛。
His dadsnuffedit a couple of years ago.他爸爸两年前就吹灯了。
Moreover, such protests as have taken place have been easy to snuff out.而且,已经发生的这种抗议很容易遭到扼杀。
The dog came over andsnuffedat her feet.那条狗跑过来,用力嗅她的脚。 And the wild asses stood upon the rocks, they snuffed up the wind like dragons, their eyes failed, because there was no grass.
野兽站在童山上,像野狗一般喘息;双目失神,因为没有草吃。 ccreadbible

In218 B.C., the Carthaginian general Hannibal famously led an army of North Africans and Iberians — and37 elephants— across the Alps and nearly snuffed out the Roman republic.
公元前218年,迦太基将军汉尼拔率领一支由北非人和利比亚人——以及37只大象——组成的联军翻越阿尔卑斯山脉,这场著名的战役几乎消灭了古罗马共和国。 yeeyan

The city authorities saw things differently, particularly after the military coup that snuffed out democracy for two decades in1964.
政府机构的想法却不尽相同,尤其是1964年军事政变后民主被消灭的二十多年里。 ecocn

The complication snuffed out his hope of recovery.
并发症使他痊愈的希望破灭了。 hotdic

The evil old society snuffed out the lives of her three children.
万恶的旧社会夺走了她三个孩子的生命。 hotdic

The fireplace snuffed out at midnight.

The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is snuffed out.
义人的光明亮;恶人的灯要熄灭。 ebigear

The sharp recovery that began last year as fuel costs eased and demand picked up was soon snuffed out when oil prices rose again.
由于燃料价格缓和、需求上升,去年出现急剧恢复,但是这种情况却很快因油价再度攀升而停止。 ecocn

But even this flicker of life may prove to have been snuffed out in the first quarter of this year.
但这微弱的闪光或许会被今年第一季度所抹杀。 ecocn

But it will cause ash for some100 miles in all direction, bad enough that life may be snuffed in those areas.
但黄石会在各个方向上大约100英里远的地方引起火山灰,情况足够糟糕,或许生命会在那个区域被掐灭。 blog.sina.com.cn

For this reason, unrest in the eastern Kurdish areas never quite gains momentum, and opposition groups have been snuffed out.
为此,东库尔德区的动荡并未愈演愈烈,反对派也得以瓦解。 ecocn

He established Hunan Army, which fought with millions of Tai-ping troops for many years, and snuffed out it at last.
他组建湘军,与拥有百万之众的太平军征战十几年,最后扼杀了太平天国。 cnki

He snuffed out his cigar, and began to drink whisky.

He snuffed out the match with his fingertips.
他用指尖掐灭了火柴。 httpcn

Her hopes were completely snuffed out.
她的希望完全破灭了。 hotdic

His hopes were nearly snuffed out.
他的希望几乎都被打破了。 yeshj

I snuffed the smell of fish.

I snuffed the money.

In recent days, in response to a call to arms from WikiLeaks reps, hundreds of mirror sites have sprung up around the globe, effectively preventing WikiLeaks from being snuffed out for good.
最近,为了响应维基解密网要求支持的号召,数百个镜像网站在全球范围内迅速地被建立,有效地防止了维基解密网被永远地抛弃。 yeeyan

Malapa, it seems, was both a water source that gave life and a trap that snuffed it out.
现在看来,马拉帕过去既是供养生命的水源地,也是扼杀生命的陷阱。 yeeyan

My dog snuffed the scent of games.

No one believes such a resilient and protean enemy can be completely snuffed out by 2014.
没有人相信这种有很强适应性和变化多端的敌人能够在2014年被完全消灭。 ecocn

Old Jack was over90 when he snuffed it.
老杰克咽气的时候已经90多岁了。 iciba

The revolution was quickly snuffed out.
那场革命被迅速镇压了。 iciba

Thousands of lives were snuffed out during the famine.
饥荒夺去了成千上万人的生命。 hjenglish

Yet if companies stop investing for long periods, capitalism will have the life snuffed out of it.
然而,要是企业长期不投资,资本主义恐怕命不久矣。 ecocn




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