

单词 snow melting
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It snowed heavily just after we got across the Tonglha Mountains. The temperature of the ground was very high at noon. It made the snow melting. The weather of Tibet was always changeable like this.
我们刚翻越过唐古拉山就开始下暴雪,正当中午地面很热,所以雪下在地上瞬间也就化了,西藏的天气变化无常。 everestclouds.com

A new road maintenance machine in winter is introduced, which is used for spreading of anti skid and snow melting material.
介绍了一种新型的道路冬季养护机械,其主要用于撒布防滑、融雪材料。 cnki

Comparison with other snow melting, heating cable is easy to operate, easy to control, is conducive to environment protection.
与其他融雪方法比较,发热电缆具有操作方便、易于控制、有利于环保等优点。 fabiao

The research analysis indicates that its achievement is reasonable, and this article supply a new idea and research method of snow melting flood.
研究分析表明,结果比较合理,这为融雪型洪水预报提供了一种新的思路和研究方法。 dictall

The relationship between the time of deicing and the wind scale at different input power is studied and the minimum wind scale which must be considered in deicing or snow melting is obtained.
通过分析在不同的输入功率下化冰时间与风力等级的关系,得到了风力对融雪化冰时效果的影响以及必须考虑的最小风级。 cnki

The two- parameter monthly water balance model has been improved by added to the snow melting runoff model. By testing and verifying, this modified model can be suitable to the Wuyuer River Basin.
对两参数月水量平衡模型进行改进,加入融雪径流模块,经验证,模型适用于乌裕尔河流域。 cnki




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