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词汇 snowflake
释义 snow·flake 英ˈsnəʊˌfleɪk美ˈsnoˌflekAHDsnōʹflāk' ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA¹⁸²²²BNC⁴⁹⁵³¹iWeb¹¹⁹⁸⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

a crystal of snowwhite Arctic buntingsnowflake transistor雪片形晶体管…snowflake cataract医 雪花状内障…have as much chance as a snowflake in hell澳毫无希望…
故事记忆开车遇到 Namesake同名者送我一个 Keepsake小纪念品是由上海 Make制造正在手里 Take拿天上忽降 Snowflake雪花原来发生 Earthquake地震刹车快踩 Brake车闸词根记忆snow雪+flake小片→雪花snow雪+flake小片⇒雪花近义词 ice冰snow雪hail冰雹flake薄片sleet雨雪snowfall降雪snowbird雪鸟slush软泥油灰blizzard暴风雪flurry一阵疾风snowstorm暴风雪snow bunting【动物

用作名词Nosnowflakeever falls in the wrong place.没有雪花落到不该落的地方。
I caught the firstsnowflakeof winter!我得到了冬天里的第一片雪花!
Eachsnowflakehas its own unique pattern.每一个雪花都拥有自己的独有图案而从不重覆的。
Can you feel asnowflake's dancing in the air?你能感觉到雪花的漫天飞舞吗?
Nosnowflakemay fall without some reaction of the planet.没有这个行星的某种反作用,雪片不可能掉下来。
In the second morning,snowflakefell from leaden sky.第二天早晨,铅灰色的天空飘下了雪花。as in.(snow
同义词 sleetslush,snowbank,snowdrift,snowfallpowder snow,snow blanket,snow crystal
snownoun frozen vapor
powder snow,sleet,slush,snow blanket,snow crystal,snowbank,snowdrift,snowfall During a snowstorm on Jan.15,1885, Bentley became the first person to ever photograph a single snowflake.
1885年1月15日,暴风骤雨肆虐,本特利成为拍摄到一片雪花的第一人。 yeeyan

The cube model can be seen as an abstraction of a star- join or snowflake- join schema.
多维数据集模型可以看作星形联结或雪花形联结模式的抽象。 ibm

The decomposed snowflake structure visualizes the hierarchical structure of dimensions very well.
分解的雪花型结构很好地展示了维度的层次结构。 ibm

About writing: I worried about structure and voice and style and terseness and grammar and schedules and tools and reading the best authors and the snowflake method and editing and much more.
关于写作:我过去担心文章的结构、语态、格式、简洁度、语法、进展、工具、读最好作家的作品、雪花式写法、编辑问题,甚或更多。 yeeyan

Although the snowflake model does save space, it is generally not significant when compared to the fact table.
虽然雪花型模型不节省空间,但与事实表相比时,这通常是不重要的。 ibm

And I will give you bread as well, a large piece like you had to- day; but then you must promise never to beat Greenfinch, or Snowflake, or any of the goats.
而且我还可以给你我的面包,就像今天那么大的一块;但是你必须保证从来不打小金翅,或者小白,或者其它的山羊。 yeeyan

Another design approach is a snowflake dimension, in which you normalize the dimensions to create dimension tables that link to other dimension tables.
另一个设计方法是雪花式维度,通过规范化维度,来创建关联到其他维度表的维度表。 ibm

By jury-rigging a microscope with a bellows camera, Bentley was able to capture for the first time the exquisite delicacy of a snowflake.
由于本特利在风箱照相机前加装了一个显微镜头,因此他首次捕获到的雪花图案相当精致。 yeeyan

Developers can also elect the snowflake because it typically saves data storage.
开发人员也可以选择雪花型,因为它通常节省了数据存储。 ibm

Dr Hallett is one of a small band of latter-day snowflake researchers.
哈雷特博士是现代为数不多的从事雪花研究的学者之一。 ecocn

Governments have formed and disintegrated faster than a snowflake in a Himalayan gale.
政府一再成形,一再瓦解,如狂风中的雪花般易逝。 yeeyan

He went to the region32 times, astonishing Afghan warlords and General Zia of Pakistan by showing up with beauties called “ Snowflake” or“ Firecracker” in tight pink jumpsuits.
他曾32次到阿富汗,当他在身着粉色紧身衣的美女“雪花”或“礼花”伴随下到达时,也曾使阿富汗的军阀及巴基斯坦的孜阿Zia 将军大开眼界。 ecocn

I am a pure and perfect snowflake when I fall into the world of books.

It has a star or snowflake-like dimensional database schema design.
它具有星形或雪花形的维数据库模式设计。 ibm

May your life be like the snowflake, which leaves a mark but not a stain.
愿你的生命像雪花,留下标记而不是污点。 ebigear

No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.
没有雪花落到不该落的地方。 ebigear

One advantage of the snowflake dimension is the space savings, because you normalize your dimension tables.
雪花式维度的优势之一是,因为规范化了维度表而实现了空间节省。 ibm

Star join supports snowflake schema as well.
星型连接也支持雪花模式。 ibm

The most famous albino animal of all was Snowflake the gorilla, who lived at Barcelona Zoo from1966 until his death from skin cancer in 2003.
最著名的白化动物是大猩猩雪花。自1966年以来,他一直生活在巴塞罗纳动物园,直到2003年死于皮肤癌。 yeeyan

The snowflake model is easy for data modelers to understand and for database designers to use for the analysis of dimensions.
雪花型模型易于数据建模师的理解以及数据库设计师用于维度的分析。 ibm

The snowflake model is the result of decomposing one or more of the dimensions, which sometimes have hierarchies themselves.
雪花型模型是一个或多个维度的分解结果,它们自己有时具有层次结构。 ibm

When a snowflake melted, that design was forever lost.
雪花融化时,这些杰作便会永远消失。 yeeyan

While Bentley may be most famous for his snowflake studies, he was an equal- opportunity weather- lover and conducted experiments with raindrops as well.
本特利不仅在雪花研究方面首屈一指,他也同样为气象爱好者,对雨滴也进行了大量实验。 yeeyan

You are not a delicate snowflake.
你不是一片细柔的雪花。 yeeyan

Snowflake rubbings, snowflake wall hanging, and we glued bits and pieces on a snowman.
制作雪花,雪花壁挂,我们一点一点地堆成一个雪人。 yeeyan

Snowflake schema is an extension of star schema where there could be multiple levels of fact- dimension relationships.
雪花模式是星型模式的扩展,它可以包含多层次的事实-维度关系。 ibm




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