

单词 snowballed
释义 snow·ball·ed 英'snəʊbɔːl美'snoʊbɔːl COCA⁶⁶⁷¹⁴BNC⁷²⁷⁵⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
plant having heads of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers; grows in sandy arid regionsball of ice cream covered with coconut and usually chocolate sauceball of crushed ice with fruit syrupsnow pressed into a ball for throwing playfully
increase or accumulate at a rapidly accelerating ratethrow snowballs atsnowball fat肠油; 牛腹表面的小…
近义词 soar翱翔mount登上multiply乘balloon气球magnify放大burgeon发芽increase增加escalate升级aggrandize增加swell使膨胀expand使 … 膨胀

用作名词He was hit by a volley ofsnowballs.他被一阵投来的雪球击中了。
We like having snowball fights in winter.我们喜欢在冬天里打雪仗。用作动词The childrensnowballedeach other.孩子们互相掷雪球。
Orders for the new product have begun to snowball because of our new ad campaign.由于我们的新的广告促销活动,新产品的订货单开始像滚雪球一样迅速增多。 And from there, it all snowballed.

The movement against the forest’s destruction swiftly snowballed from a tiny grassroots organisation into a politically inconvenient mainstream political issue for the Kremlin.
从力量微薄的草根组织到针对俄罗斯政府的在政治上不被承认的主流政治争端,这场反对森林破坏的运动如同滚雪球般快速发展壮大。 ecocn

The protests snowballed, last month, as demonstrators blocked roads and prevented workers from reaching the plant.
抗议愈演愈烈。上个月,示威者堵住道路,不让工人进入基地。 iciba

The scandal snowballed.
丑闻如滚雪球般的扩大。 ecocn

What started off as a low-key message urging straight people to register their support for the over 50 million LGBT people in China, had soon snowballed into a nationwide campaign.
一个在中国低调发起的、使更多异性恋者支持中国5000多万同性恋的活动,很快发展成为一项全球活动。 blog.sina.com.cn

After he tested his own family's DNA, another family asked Jackson to test their DNA, then another family asked, and the project snowballed from there.
当他验证了自己家族的 DNA之后,接二连三地有家庭邀请杰克逊验证自己家族的 DNA,项目如滚雪球般扩展开来。 yeeyan

And asked why the Arctic Sea affair had snowballed into an international incident, he added dryly: “You don't normally get attacks on ships in the Baltic.”
当被问起为什么“北冰洋”号事件会如滚雪球般演变成一个国际事件,他淡淡地表示:“正常情况下航行在波罗的海的船只不会遭到袭击。” yeeyan

Bank failures snowballed as desperate bankers called in loans which the borrowers did not have time or money to repay.
银行倒闭滚雪球绝望银行家作为所谓的贷款,借款人没有时间或金钱来偿还。 blog.sina.com.cn

Business was slow at first but it's really snowballed the last couple of months.
一开始有些清淡,但是近两个月来生意越来越好。 sznews

In Lebanon, a row in a college cafeteria snowballed into running street battles between followers of rival Sunni and Shia parties; four were killed.
在黎巴嫩,发生在一所大学食堂的争吵迅速升级成彼此敌对的逊尼派和什叶派政党跟随者之间的不断的街头战斗,并造成4人死亡。 ecocn

Instead it has snowballed into a constitutional crisis that reveals the wobbly underpinnings of a democracy yet to be tested by a handover of power at the federal level.
相反,它像滚雪球一样,导致了宪法危机,揭示出其不稳定的民主基础,然而,联邦一级的权利移交尚需考验。 ecocn

Just months after it began taking perks away, the US subprime crisis snowballed into a global financial crisis.
就在开始采取这些政策数月前,美国次贷危机转变为全球金融危机。 blog.sina.com.cn

Sally's happy about how her new seafood restaurant is doing. Business was slow at first but it's really snowballed the last couple of months; now you have to wait in line to get a table.
这个老板说:“莎莉对她新开的海鲜饭馆很满意.一开始,生意很清淡,但是最近两个月来生意越来越好.现在你要座位还得排队等。” ept-cn.com

The case snowballed into one of the most famous trials in U.S. history.
此案件是美国历史上最问明的审讯。 kekenet

Their effort to find the truth has snowballed;
他们对真相的探寻就象滚雪球般越积越多; topsage

Their effort to find the truth has snowballed; now Mr Silva heads a group called the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, with branches all over Spain.
他们对真相的探寻就象滚雪球般越积越多;如今席尔瓦先生成立了一个“回复历史记忆协会”,分会遍及西班牙。 ecocn

Their sales market was being snowballed.

Walking along the road, I was snowballed by my son.

When the count climbed to more than 500 pairs“everything snowballed, ” he says, he decided to turn the shoe drive into a year-round endeavor.
但是当数量达到了500多双的时候“感觉像在滚雪球一样 ”他说,他决定将收集鞋子这个行为变成全年的努力。 yeeyan

You may have your doubts, but momentum has snowballed, and the movement has gathered government funding for its national tournaments.
你也许心存疑虑,但是这已是大势所趋,而且这次活动已经为它的全国锦标赛获得了政府基金。 hjenglish




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