

单词 snores
释义 snore·s 英snɔːʳ美snɔːr COCA⁵¹⁹⁴³BNC⁵⁵⁰⁴⁴
vi. 打呼噜,打鼾

breathe roughly and noisily when sleeping

C 呼噜,鼾声

sound of snoring

the rattling noise produced when snoringthe act of snoring or producing a snoring sound
breathe noisily during one's sleep;

she complained that her husband snores

snore like a grampus鼾声如雷
近义词 wheeze喘息breathe呼吸stertor鼾声snuffle抽鼻子saw wood 打呼噜saw logs锯木头snort喷鼻息作声snoring动词snore的现在进行…
S+~+AHow frightful to have a husband who snores!有一个发鼾声的丈夫多讨厌啊!用作名词n.His snores woke me up.他的鼾声吵醒了我。
用作动词Her husbandsnoresloudly.她丈夫睡觉时打鼾很响。
He soon fell asleep and began tosnore.他很快睡着并开始打起鼾来。
I didn't sleep because of hissnoring.由于他打鼾,我一直未睡着。用作名词Mary accused her husband ofsnoretoo loudly.玛丽指责她丈夫打呼噜太响。
The woman said that she could not sleep without her husband'ssnoreafter 20 years of marriage.那位妇人说结婚20年来,听不到她丈夫的呼噜声,她就睡不着觉。 A young nomadic woman, who had earlier tucked me into my makeshift bed on the floor, snores loudly in my ear.
先前为我铺地铺并帮我掖好被褥的那个年轻的游牧族妇女已鼾声如雷。 yeeyan

Before long I heard snores of contentment coming from the bed beside me.
不一会儿,我听到了从旁边的床上传来的惬意的鼾声。 www.523333.com

Loud snores from the other room kept her awake.
那边房间有人打鼾声音很大她无法入睡。 www.52qdu.com

The bear waits until low blood oxygen and loud snores indicate that the person sleeping on Jukusui- kun is snoring loudly, then the paw strikes.
直到血液中较低的含氧量和响亮的鼾声表明睡在 Jukusui- kun上的人正鼾声大作,机器熊才会伸出爪子移动。 huanqiu

When he is sawing wood, he really snores.
他熟睡时还真的打鼾呢。 hotdic

After writing this week about the link between marriage and better sleep, I heard from several skeptical readers who were the long- suffering bed partners of snores.
自从这周写了关于婚姻和更好的睡眠之间的联系后,我听到一些读者持怀疑态度,这些读者长期遭受伴侣打鼾的折磨。 soudoc

Even the snores of her brothers in the back made her smile and be thankful that she and her mother were safe and sound.
甚至后面房间她兄长们的鼾声也让她微笑和感激——她和妈妈能安然回家。 yeeyan

For example: slippers marching, splashing water in the bathtub, snores cut up and put into a drum machine, and a pillow tapped to sound like a bass drum.
比如:拖鞋的嗒嗒声、浴室里飞溅的水花声、把打鼾声剪切成曲子的节拍以及拍打枕头时发出的像是低沉的贝司声。 mosh

He snores all night long. I can't stand it!
他整晚都会打鼾。我受不了了! www.360abc.com

His snores woke her up.
他的鼾声把她惊醒了。 hotdic

However, experts warn that excessive snoring is not something that should be ignored for it can be a sign of ill health, with snores more likely to have high blood pressure.
然而,专家提示,如果打鼾较为严重,千万不可忽视,因为这可能是某种疾病的徵兆,打鼾严重的人患高血压的可能性较大。 big5.cri.cn

I could never know the depths of their fear; it was a region I dared not explore. In our smothering proximity, we shared everything else— snores and farts and bad breath and odorous feet.
我无从得知他们有多恐惧,这是一个我不敢深入探究的领域,我们越走越近,我们一起承担所有——打呼噜、放屁、口臭、脚臭。 yeeyan

In between snores, the breathing passages get completely blocked, resulting in no air at all for 10 seconds or more.
在打呼之间,呼吸道被完全关闭,造成大约10秒或更长时间内完全没有空气。 yeeyan

My husband snores louder than a lawnmower, and I kick him harder than Beckham with a soccer ball. We both slept much better when single.
我的丈夫鼾声比割草机噪音还大,我踢他比贝克汉姆踢足球还狠,但我们都睡得好得比单身时好得多。 soudoc

The reason, a friend said: “ He snores like a freight train.”
关于其中的原因,一个朋友说:“他的鼾声堪比货运火车。” yeeyan

You probably know at least one person who snores.
你可能至少认识一个打鼾的人。 http://www.jukuu.com

You probably know at least one person who snores. It could be your partner, parents, grandparents, or even Uncle Ned or Aunt Sophie that snore at various noise levels.
你可能至少认识一个打鼾的人。也有可能你的丈夫、父母、祖父母、甚至可能是叔叔,阿姨都打呼,只是声响大小不同。 kuenglish




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