

单词 snitches
释义 snitch·es 英snɪtʃ美snɪtʃ COCA⁷⁵⁸⁸⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
take by theft;

Someone snitched my wallet!

give away information about somebody;

He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam

近义词 mole痣glom偷hook钩grass草steal偷rob抢劫pinch捏pilfer盗talk交谈tell告诉blab泄密thieve偷shop商店swipe重击rat变节者inform通知betray背叛denounce谴责give away赠送sneaker运动鞋canary 金丝雀informer告发者sneak偷偷摸摸做tell on影响到 …tattletale告密者tattler说闲话的人blabbermouth长舌者telltale泄露内情的squealer声响指示器knock off停止做某事stag只准男子参加的…cop纺锤状线团、管纱…fink破坏及反罢工的人…spill the beans泄露秘密stoolpigeon警察的眼线…snitchersnitch的名词形式…stoolie用来诱捕野鸟的…tell tales揭人隐私泄露秘密…shit表示愤怒、厌恶等的感叹词…stool pigeon诱捕用的鸽子, 诱饵, …

用作不及物动词He has taken care of the girl who wanted to snitch.他已经干掉要告密的女孩了。 The East German Stasi also engaged in rampant surveillance, using a network of snitches to assemble secret files on every resident of East Berlin.
东德斯塔西Stasi也曾经进行过疯狂地监视,他们通过告密系统对东柏林每位居民的隐私建立档案。 yeeyan

“ Because Snitches have flesh memories, ” she said.
她说:“因为金色飞贼有人的记忆。” blog.sina.com.cn

I am convinced the other captives are flunkies and maybe snitches.
我意识到其他的俘虏都是势力小人甚至告密者。 yeeyan

If a con snitches, he“isn’t long for this world.”
如果一个囚犯告密,他就“命不久矣”。 yeeyan

Widely reported exonerations have alerted the public to the uncomfortable fact that juries are sometimes biased, that the police sometimes lie and that snitches often do.
定罪后又被判无罪的事情广为报道。陪审团有时存有偏见而警察有时撒谎这一令人不安的事实使公众警觉起来。 ecocn




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