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词汇 snipers
释义 snipers 'snaipəz COCA²⁴⁵⁶⁰BNC³⁴⁴⁰⁷Economist¹⁶⁷⁸¹
n.狙击手sniper的名词复数原型sniper的复数 It showed that the snipers had positioned themselves on the fantail of the Bainbridge.
画面显示狙击手已经在班布里奇的尾突选好了位置。 yeeyan

The residents described intense shelling around the post office, and especially in the north of the city. Residents were shot at checkpoints and by snipers, they said.

When they controlled the ministry of health four years ago in a previous coalition government, during the worst of Iraq’s sectarian violence, their snipers shot Sunnis from the roofs of hospitals.
四年前的上届联合政府中,他们控制了卫生部,在伊拉克最严重的宗教暴力冲突中,他们的狙击手从医院的屋顶射杀逊尼派。 ecocn

“ There are snipers among them, but they won't talk, ” says a guard, pointing his finger at the huddled individuals in the room, containing Ali and75 others.
“当中也有一些狙击手,但他们不愿供认,”一名守卫说,手指着房里挤作一团的人,包括阿里·奥斯曼和其他75人在内。 yeeyan

“ We are running an operation to clear out the snipers from this part of Tripoli Street,” he says, standing among the burning buildings that were the scene of that morning's battle.
他站在被今晨的战火灼烧的建筑旁边,说道:“我们正在开展一项行动,目的是清除的黎波里街道这一片区域的狙击手。” yeeyan

A team of snipers has been dispatched to save those trapped.

A US navy officer said today it took only three shots for navy snipers to kill the trio of pirates holding captain Richard Phillips hostage on a lifeboat drifting in the high sea.
一名美国海军官员今天说,海军狙击手仅用三枪就击毙了三名海盗。 当时他们挟持船长理查德·菲利普斯作为人质乘坐一艘救生艇漂浮在公海上。 yeeyan

Aides warn you not to stray, lest you tempt the snipers positioned in the shadows around the compound.
幕僚警告你不得随意闲逛,免得被森林暗处潜伏的狙击手误会。 yeeyan

Armed police are everywhere and there are snipers on the roof.
外面到处是武装警察,屋顶上还有狙击手。 yeeyan

Army snipers climbed the ridge but came under fire from rebel anti- aircraft guns mounted on pick-up trucks.
大批狙击手爬到山脊上后,却遭到反政府军安在小卡车上的高射炮的轰击。 ecocn

As in Cairo, flags are waved and God is praised, but tracer fire is also seen, criss-crossing the early-morning sky. Snipers from both sides hold rooftops around the city.
而在开罗,虽然广场上旌旗飘扬,人人称颂,但拂晓的天际犹可见到曳光弹交错的火光,敌对双方的狙击手依然盘踞在城市各处的屋顶之上。 ecocn

Asked how the snipers could have killed each pirate with a single shot in the darkness, Gortney described them as “ extremely, extremely well-trained”.
被问及为何狙击手能在黑暗中一枪一个击毙海盗时,格特尼形容他们“训练极其、极其有素”。 yeeyan

But even among his allies the brutal tactics used by Mr Assad, including mass arrests and the deployment of tanks, artillery and snipers against unarmed crowds, have muted support for his regime.
大规模的逮捕行动,布置坦克、火炮和狙击手对付手无寸铁的平民,这些阿萨德用来对付示威人群的野蛮手段,即便他的盟友也无法公开表示支持。 ecocn

Closer to the capital Tripoli, witnesses in the besieged port city of Misrata told al- Jazeera TV that pro- Gadhafi snipers continued to attack them using artillery and sniper fire.

It would be, like, Yeah, so today I detonated a bunker filled with snipers, and then I texted my boyfriend, and I agreed that we should only use cerulean for an accent wall.
情况可能会变成像是:耶!今天我爆掉了一个蹲满狙击手的沙坑呢,紧接着我给我的男朋友发短信,对我们应该只用天蓝色的墙面表示赞成。 yeeyan

Military officials were widely praising the snipers for three flawless shots, which they described as remarkable, coming at night and from the stern of a ship on rolling waters.
军方官员们高度赞扬狙击手的三次完美的射击。他们描述道,在夜晚波涛汹涌的海面上,从船尾射出这三枪堪称精彩绝伦。 yeeyan

On Friday snipers hidden on rooftops opened fire on the crowds gathered for prayers outside Sana'a University.
星期五,狙击手藏在屋顶上向聚集在萨那大学外进行祈祷的人群射击。 ecocn

On the wedding day itself, all rooftops will be covered by police to foil potential snipers.
在婚礼当天,行程沿途的屋顶将会安排警察守卫以防有潜在的狙击手。 yeeyan

Residents were shot at checkpoints and by snipers, they said.
平民常常在检查点被狙击手射杀,他们说道。 yeeyan

Some left behind say that snipers prevented their flight by taking aim at columns of departing residents.
一些留下来的民众说为了阻止他们逃跑,狙击手一度向逃离的居民射击。 ecocn

Still, the battle is not over. Loyalist snipers and mortar crews continue to harass rebels in Tripoli, fighting with extraordinary devotion to a regime which seems doomed.
然而,战争还未结束,忠于卡扎菲的狙击手和迫击炮手还会让的黎波里的反对派不得安宁,他们依然在为这个注定要灭亡的政权拼死战斗。 ecocn

There are no soldiers to be found among the rebels. Some people became hospital orderlies, others snipers. And no one received any training.
反抗军中不见有任何士兵,一些人成了医院的勤务兵,一些人则成了狙击手.没有人受过任何训练. yeeyan

These include a system to locate snipers, which relies on sound sensors wired into the clothing of troops in the vicinity.
这其中包括一个可以通过植入附近部队士兵服装中的传感器找到狙击手的系统。 ecocn

Snipers have fired indiscriminately from the rooftops and, it is said, helicopter gunships have spread terror from the sky see article.
屋顶上的狙击手不加分辩地开火,据传,武装直升机从天空撒播恐怖见文章。 ecocn




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