

单词 snatched at
释义 snatched at短语²⁹³²⁵
Becky snatched at the book to close it, and had the hard luck to tear the pictured page half down the middle.
贝基一把抓起书想把它合上,可是不幸拦腰把那张图撕了一半。 chinaorb.com

He snatched at the offer.
他马上接受该项提议。 rainlane

Musarrat,21, was snatched at gunpoint by the local feudal lord and raped three times after she had married a man her father disapproved of.
莫莎拉21岁,嫁给了一个她父亲不认可的男人,后来在枪口威逼之下被当地封建贵族抓获,并被强奸了三次。 ecocn

She snatched at the instrument, and half succeeded in getting it out of his loosened fingers: but her action recalled him to the present; he recovered it speedily.
她抓住钥匙,几乎从他那松开的手指中夺出来了,但是她的动作使他回到了现实;他很快地恢复过来。 putclub

She snatched at every chance to improve her marksmanship.
她抓住一切机会提高射击技术。 iciba

The climber snatched at the rock, but missed.
攀登者抓信那导体岩石,便没抓到。 hotdic

The climber snatched at the rope, but missed it.




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