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词汇 snatch
释义 snatch 英snætʃ美snætʃAHDsnăch ★★☆☆☆高四六研GI宝6八COCA⁸¹⁰¹BNC¹⁹⁴⁴²iWeb¹⁰⁶⁰⁷Economist¹⁵¹³⁸

vt. & vi. 抓取

take hold of sth with a sudden quick often violent movement; take quickly as chance allows, sometimes wrongly or without permission

a small fragment;

overheard snatches of their conversation

obscene terms for female genitalslaw the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonmenta weightlift in which the barbell is lifted overhead in one rapid motionthe act of catching an object with the hands;

Mays made the catch with his back to the plate

he made a grab for the ball before it landed

Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away

the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion

to grasp hastily or eagerly;

Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone

to make grasping motions;

the cat snatched at the butterflies

take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom;

The industrialist's son was kidnapped

snatch, clutch, grab, grasp, seize, take

这组词都可表示“伸出手或臂去抓住某物”。其区别在于:take仅指抓住具体的东西; clutch强调匆匆忙忙、紧急、迫不及待,因而抓住的可能性较小,引申可用于思想上或情感上的把握; grab常含有庸俗和不关心他人或无视公共准则的意思; grasp的基本意思是指用手、牙齿、爪等紧紧抓住某人或某物,引申指能充分理解难以理解的东西; seize通常指突然地、有力地抓住,引申用于无形的东西时,往往强调该物在快速掠过或难以捉摸,或强调有力地、出人意料地夺取,或强调理解了难以理解或难以分析的事物; snatch强调不为人知、救人及时或动作粗暴,引申指偶然地或无准备地抓住能抓住的东西。例如:

She clutched at my arm as she fell.她跌倒时想要抓住我的胳臂。
He grabbed the coin and ran off.他抓起硬币就跑了。
I grasped the man by the arm.我抓住了那人的手臂。
He seized the gun from the robber.他从强盗手里夺过了枪。
The letter was snatched out of my hand before I could read it.那封信我还没来得及看就被别人从我手里拿走了。take,grasp,grab,grip,clasp,clutch,snatch,seize










可能来自中古荷兰语 snacken,抓,抢,咬,词源同 snack,snap.插入字母 t,比较 bake,batch.
用作动词 v.
~+名词snatch book抢走书snatch child抢走小孩snatch handbag抢走手提包snatch letter抢走信snatch chicken抓起一只小鸡snatch line抓住绳子snatch straw抓住一根稻草snatch time抓紧时间~+副词snatch callously无情地抓起snatch hastily赶紧抓起snatch hurriedly匆忙地抓起snatch instantaneously〔swiftly〕迅速抓起snatch away夺走,迅速移开snatch off吹飞snatch up突然拿起~+介词snatch at抓住snatch from从…夺走snatch out of从…夺走
snatch at v.+prep.

抓住…,抓向… try to seize (sth or sb)

snatch at sthHe snatched at the magazine but was not quick enough.他想一把抓住那本杂志,但动作慢了一点。
He snatched at the ball but did not catch it.他伸手去抓球,但没抓住。
She snatched at the line that the sailors threw to her.她一把抓住水手抛给她的绳索。
You should snatch at every chance to improve your English.你应该抓住一切机会提高你的英语。
snatch at a straw v.+prep.+n.

抓住一切机会 try to save oneself by any means, however hopeless

snatch away v.+adv.

夺走,抢走 take (sth or sb away from sb suddenlyThe death suddenly snatched away his mother.)死神突然夺去了他母亲的生命。

snatch from v.+prep.

从…把…夺走 take (sth or sb sharply or suddenly away from sb or sth)

snatch sb/sth from sb/sthThey snatched the drowning man from the river.他们从河里把溺水的那个人救了出来。
He snatched the baby from fire.他迅速地将婴儿从火中救出。
The thief snatched the purse from the old lady.小偷一把抢走了老太太的钱包。
He snatched the letter from me.他从我手上抢去了那封信。
Mother held her child tightly, as if she were afraid he would be snatched from her.妈妈紧紧抓住孩子,生怕别人会把他抢走似的。
The baby had been snatched from pram.那婴儿被人从婴儿车中劫走了。
snatch out of v.+adv.+prep.

从…里面把…夺走〔拿出〕 take (sb or sth sharply or suddenly from inside sth)

snatch sth out of sb/sthSnatching his handkerchief out of his pocket he mopped his perspiring face.他从口袋里掏出手绢,擦掉脸上的汗。
The letter was snatched out of my hand before I could read it.那封信我还没有来得及看就被别人从我手里抢走了。
snatch up v.+adv.

猛地抓起 seize (sth or sb and lift it or him)〔her〕 suddenly

snatch sb/sth ⇔ upThe soldiers snatched up their rifles and prepared to fire.战士们急速拿起步枪准备射击。
He snatched his coat up and ran out of the house.他抓起外套,冲出屋子。
He snatched up some food and ran.他抓起一些食物就跑了。
The boy snatched up a handful of snow and stuffed it in his friend's collar.那孩子抓起一把雪往朋友的衣领里塞。GRE红宝书snapv 突然折断; 猛咬, catch抓: 猛抓-强夺, 攫取
snap猛然 + catch捕捉;音:撕拿扯,撕着拿走一扯;音:撕拿 + catch
非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+nat纳特〖熟词Nat〗+ch菜花〖拼音〗⇒美女把纳特手上的菜花抢夺过去了联想记忆sna看作snap迅速的+ tch看作catch抓→ 迅速地抓 ⇒强夺GRE难词记忆snatch→stanch v.止血→抢夺止血用具和catch抓一起记近义词 take拿hook钩bit少量steal偷pinch捏grab抓住nick刻痕trap圈套grip紧握twat傻瓜cunt阴道slit裂缝grasp把握seize抓住snare陷阱scrap碎片catch赶上small小的clasp扣子clutch抓住kidnap绑架amount数量abduct诱拐robbery抢劫snap劈啪作响shred撕成碎片snatch up抓起kidnapping诱拐run off with偷走snag隐伏的障碍…puss爱称小猫儿…small amount小批量filch偷不贵重的东西…nobble暗中破坏使…pussy小猫
S+~+ADon'tsnatch, the teacher is coming.别抢了,老师来了。
It is rude tosnatch.抢夺是无礼的。
S+~+ n./pron.The thief snatched her handbag and ran.小偷抢了她的手提包就溜了。
She snatched my book.她一把就把我的书抢去了。
The hawk snatched the chicken and flew away.鹰抓起一只小鸡就飞走了。
He snatched a kiss when no one was looking.在无人注意时,他偷吻了一下。
I packed, then snatched four hours' sleep.我整理好行装后抓紧时间睡了四个小时。
They snatched victory in the closing seconds.他们在比赛的最后几秒钟侥幸获胜了。Psnatchya.断断续续的不规则的Psnatchern.攫夺者诱拐者绑架者




用作名词The thief made asnatchat the woman's purse.小偷试图抢夺那妇女的钱包。
He made a bravesnatchat victory but failed.他奋力争取胜利,但是失败了。
He has asnatchof sleep sitting in his chair.他坐在椅子里稍睡片刻。
They put thesnatchon him for a cut of the take.他们强要他分给他们一分。用作动词Hesnatchedup his gun and fired.他突然拿起枪来射击。
The hawksnatchedthe chicken and flew away.老鹰抓住小鸡飞走了。
He wouldsnatcheagerly at a plan.他会热切地抓住这个计策。
I must learn tosnatchat every chance to meet him.我必须学会抓住一切机会同他见面。noun.small part
同义词 snippetbit,fragment,minim,piece,smattering,spell
反义词 wholeverb.grab away
同义词 abduct,catch,clutch,jerk,jump,kidnap,pluck,pull,rescue,seize,snag,steal,win,wrench,wrest,yankcollar,gain,grapple,grasp,grip,nab,nail,takeclap hands on,get fingers on,make off with,spirit away
反义词 free,give,let go,lose,push,release,misunderstandreceive
abductverb take by force and without permission
carry off,dognap,grab,kidnap,make off with,put the snatch on,remove,seize,shanghai,sneeze,spirit away
appropriateverb steal
annex,borrow,clap,confiscate,cop,embezzle,filch,get fingers on,get hands on,grab,grab hold of,hijack,liberate,lift,misappropriate,moonlight requisition,pilfer,pocket,secure,snatch,swipe,take over,usurp
assumeverb adopt, acquire
annex,appropriate,arrogate,borrow,clap hands on,commandeer,confiscate,expropriate,get fingers on,get hands on,glom onto,grab,grab hold of,hijack,kipe,liberate,moonlight requisition,preempt,seize,snatch,swipe,take over,usurp
assumesverb adopt, acquire
accepts,ascertains,concludes,conjectures,considers,counts upon,deduces,deems,divines,estimates,expects,falls for,fancies,finds,gathers,gets the idea,guesses,has a hunch,have sneaks suspicion,hypothesizes,imagines,infers,is afraid,is inclined to thinks,judges,posits,postulates,predicates,presumes,presupposes,speculates,supposes,surmises,suspects,theorizes,thinks,understands
bitnoun tiny piece
atom,butt,chicken feed,chip,chunk,crumb,dab,dash,division,dollop,dose,dot,driblet,droplet,end,excerpt,flake,fraction,fragment,grain,iota,item,jot,lick,lump,mite,modicum,moiety,molecule,morsel,niggle,parcel,part,particle,peanuts,pinch,portion,sample,scale,scintilla,scrap,section,segment,shard,share,shaving,shred,slice,sliver,smidgen,snatch,snip,snippet,specimen,speck,splinter,sprinkling,stub,stump,taste,tittle,trace,trickle
captureverb catch and forcefully hold
apprehend,arrest,bag,bust,catch,collar,conquer,cop,gain control,get,grab,hook,land,nab,nail,net,occupy,overwhelm,pick up,pinch,prehend,pull in,put the cuffs on,round up,run-in,secure,seize,snare,snatch,take,take captive,take into custody,take prisoner,trap,tumble The poems snatch precious remembered moments. They linger over the sweetness of particulars— vetch, the feel of an eel on a line.
诗句也捕捉到了那些珍贵的得以记得的时刻,字里行间充满了作家对一些特殊时刻的温馨感受——如野豌豆。 ecocn

While the puma sleeps, grey foxes discover her catch, and snatch a bite.
美洲狮睡觉的时候,灰狐狸可能会发现她的猎物,跑来抢走一口。 kekenet

A secular priesthood of social workers snatch children from“ elitist” parents though that scandal, he later discovers, turns out to be not what it seems.
社会工作者长久信奉的宗教制度将孩子们从“杰出的”父母手里抢走(尽管他后来发现,这种丑闻并不是我们认为的那样。 ecocn

And there was the hospital worker who treated Mrs. Peeples as though she was trying to snatch a white baby when she took Riley, who had blond curls, out of his crib in the nursery.
还有一次,皮尔普斯太太从保育室的童床上抱起赖利时,医院的职工竟以为她要偷走这个宝宝。因为赖利是个有着金色卷发的白皮肤宝宝。 yeeyan

But now- since I am irrevocably doomed- wherefore should I not snatch the solace allowed to the condemned culprit before his execution?
可是如今,我既已命中注定无法挽回,又何必不去捕捉已经定罪的犯人临刑前所能得到的那点慰藉呢? ebigear

Freeze onto that bag or someone in the crowd may snatch it.

He then tried to snatch it from me and was rewarded with a sharp kick for his troubles.
然后他试图把照相机从我手里抢过去,被我狠狠踢了一脚。 yeeyan

He is part African populist, prepared to snatch agricultural land from commercial farmers—and thereby destroying one of Africa's most successful economies— yet part Anglophile gentleman.
他部分是非洲民粹主义者,准备从工业农场主那抢夺农地—--因此摧毁了非洲最成功的经济体之一;然而部分又是亲英派绅士。 ecocn

He is puzzled, rather than vengeful, when other children snatch things from him or push him around.
当其他孩子抢他的零食,或是推他的时候,他更多的是困惑,而不是报复。 yeeyan

He knew it was not that easy to snatch away my dreams alone.
他知道凭他自己的力量要想拿走我的梦想并不那么容易。 ebigear

If he were to pay less, he would gain a surplus and this fact would attract new competitors whose endeavors to snatch away the workers would raise wage rates back to the break-even point.
如果他付的酬劳少于工人所应得,他虽能获得额外盈余,但这会吸引新的竞争者挖走他的工人,从而使工资水平又回升到损益平衡点。 yeeyan

Mr Obama is clearly betting that his forceful new tactics will be enough to snatch a spectacular victory from the jaws of near- certain defeat.
很显然,奥巴马下了赌,他认为他新出的有力策略已足让他在一片“几乎注定失败”的议论声中赢个空前的胜利。 ecocn

On health reform, the Democrats may yet summon the votes they need in Congress to snatch victory out of defeat.
在医疗改革上,民主党需要在国会争取所需的选票,以确保不被打败,赢得胜利。 ecocn

One of these seafaring men- the shipmaster, indeed, who had spoken to Hester Prynne- was so smitten with Pearl's aspect, that he attempted to lay hands upon her, with purpose to snatch a kiss.
这些水手当中有一个人就是同海丝特·白兰谈过话的那位船长,他被珠儿的容貌深深吸引,试图把一双手放在她头上,并且打算亲亲她。 hjenglish

Several hours after the scheduled time of pickup, the CIA field unit received a message from the agent team, reporting that the snatch had been successful.
在预定接人时间过去了几个小时之后,中情局的外勤部门收到了小分队发回的消息,报告说接人行动已取得成功。 yeeyan

The department bought100 Jackals to provide a safer patrol vehicle than the Snatch Land Rover, which was regarded as being too vulnerable to roadside bombs.
国防部买了100辆豺狼装甲车来代替 Snatch Land Rover作为巡逻车使用,因为 Snatch Land Rover对路边炸弹袭击显得过分脆弱。 yeeyan

The company has delivered the SPV400 to the U.K. Ministry of Defence for trials alongside machines from two other suppliers in hopes of replacing the Snatch Land Rover with a better protected vehicle.
该公司已经为英国国防部交付了 SPV400进行测试,以及其他供应商提供的两台车辆,以期待以更好地保护车辆替换路虎“夺取”型军车。

Their aggression is although cute in a way that at most they will try to snatch a sandwich from you at a picnic.
他们的攻击性,尽管在方式上比较可爱,更多的时候他们会去尝试抢夺你野游的三明治。 yeeyan

These automate attacks and can be configured to deface or crash a website, or even snatch goodies ranging from credit- card details to industrial designs.
这些自动程序可以攻击或者能被设置能破坏或者使网站瘫痪,甚至顺带着攫取一些甜头,从信用卡细节资料到工业设计。 ecocn

They snatch junk- food addicts from the wild and put them in a large cage at San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park.
研究人员从野外攫取一些垃圾食物狂爱族并将它们置于圣地亚哥动物园野生动物区的一座大笼子中。 ecocn

Your perspective can demoralize you or motivate you, it can get you the results you want or even snatch the opportunities from you.

Snatch is a 2000 crime film written and directed by British filmmaker Guy Ritchie, and featuring an ensemble cast.
《偷拐抢骗》是一部有英国导演盖.里奇编剧和导演的犯罪电影,并得到一个最佳整体表演奖。 yeeyan




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