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词汇 spellings
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After going through Sue's work with her, Susan would type out what she'd written and give it back so she could learn the correct spellings.
苏姗先和苏一道把苏写的的东西看一遍,然后把它打印出来,还给苏,这样能使她掌握正确的拼写。 zftrans

Ignore the kitschy red and gold decor dining room and ask for the English menu full of mis- spellings from the sleepy staff in their pink pyjamas.
我没有注意用俗气的红黄颜色装饰的餐厅,向一位身着粉色宽腿裤、昏昏欲睡的员工索取一份英文菜单里面满是拼写错误。 haiguinet

Let's be frank here, what use is a language if it has different spellings everywhere?

Searchlights equips all young writers with the strategies they need to tackle spellings, leaving them free to compose their written work with speed and confidence.

The Department of Education that brought us the Spellings Commission report?
是为我们撰写高等教育委员会报告的教育部吗? yeeyan

The same phoneme, or sound, can be represented by different spellings.
以下是国际音标。代表英语口语发音。 weebly

The event drew New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Education Secretary Margaret Spellings plus teachers and about 20 fourth and fifth graders.

When the Chinese government adopted Pinyin for use abroad in1979, one of the main reasons given was that it would standardize spellings across different languages.
1979年,对于推广拼音以方便国际交流,中国政府给出的理由是拼音可以规范中文在不同语言中的不同拼法。 yeeyan

Amazon modifies search results to show products that match correct spellings.
亚马逊修改搜索结果来显示匹配拼写正确的产品。 yeeyan

American English differs from British English in some spellings.
美国英语与英国英语在某些拼写上有些不同。 hgjys

American spellings are used more and more in Canada now. Generally speaking, newspapers follow the American way, but conference reports and schoolbooks use British spelling.
美国人拼法是使用越来越多在加拿大现在。一般而言,报纸跟随美国人路,但是会议报告和教科书使用英国的拼法。 our-sky

Applaud your child's imagination when he draws wings on a kitten or writes using incorrect spellings.
当你的孩子给小猫画上双翼,或是拼错单词时,请赞美他们的创造力。 yeeyan

Chester Finn of the conservative Thomas B. Fordham Institute calls Mr Duncan“ a terrific pick”, and Margaret Spellings, George Bush’s education secretary, calls him“ a kindred spirit”.
福特汉姆研究所的保守派切斯特•芬恩称赞邓肯为“一个伟大的选择“。 乔治•布什的教育部长玛格丽特-斯佩林斯,称他为“一个志趣相投的人”。 ecocn

China's emergence has made it hugely important for American students to be fluent in Mandarin according to Margaret Spellings, US education secretary.
美国教育部部长玛格丽特?斯佩林斯称,随着中国的崛起,熟练掌握普通话对于美国学生来说已变得“极其重要”。 diandian

Content is king, so make nice content. Check for grammatical and spellings errors off line, before publishing the blog.
内容就是一切,在平时一定要注意语法和拼写的错误,尤其在发布之前。 yeeyan

For variant spellings deemed to be identical see Article58.

Four types of errors about translation of non- scenic spots names are found in Zhaotong Travel Guide: wrong spellings, misinterpretation of implication, nonstandard and inconsistent translation.

Google is also rolling out auto- corrected spellings for31 additional languages.
Google还将为另外31种语言提供拼写自动更正服务。 yeeyan

In your group you must decide what to write help each other with spellings grammar phrasing etc. and produce full business letters.
在你的组内,你必须确定写什么,在拼写、语法、造句和标点等方面相互帮助,写出完整的公函。 pzbc

It uses the“ did you mean” link to suggest alternative spellings.

Keywords can also be aliased, in case alternate spellings are possible such as in an international setting.
如果可以使用其它的拼写,则关键字可以有别名譬如在国际化设置中。 ibm

Proofread your spellings before submitting the writing as misspellings can ruin the writing.
在提交你的作品前要校对一下拼写,因为错误的拼写可以毁掉作品。 xici

The most important point that students might not see is that spelling skill can make them pronounce well, because different pronunciation comes from different spellings.

The software generates possible original spellings and provides accuracy probabilities for each one.
此软件可以制造出所有可能的原始名字的拼写并为每一个名字的拼写提供准确概率以供参考。 ecocn

This word has two spellings.

Would you please correct any wrong spellings that you find?

Spellings vary slightly, but the general notions of quantification, alternation, and sequencing exist in all EBNF- style language grammars.
拼写稍有不同,但是量化、交替和定序这些一般概念都存在于所有 EBNF样式的语言语法中。 ibm




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