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词汇 snaps
释义 snaps AHDˈsnaps,-näps COCA¹⁴⁴⁵⁶BNC³⁰⁴⁴⁶Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vt. & vi. 猛地咬住

snatch with the teeth

vt. & vi. 使某物发出尖厉声音地突然断裂〔打开,关闭〕

cause sth to to break suddenly/open/close sth with a sharp noise

vt. & vi. 厉声地说

speak or say sth in a sharp voice

vt. 拍…的快照

to take a snapshot of

the act of catching an object with the hands;

Mays made the catch with his back to the plate

he made a grab for the ball before it landed

Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away

the infielder's snap and throw was a single motion

a spell of cold weather;

a cold snap in the middle of May

tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sectionsa crisp round cookie flavored with gingerthe noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand;

servants appeared at the snap of his fingers

a sudden sharp noise;

the crack of a whip

he heard the cracking of the ice

he can hear the snap of a twig

a sudden breakingthe tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed;

the waistband had lost its snap

an informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera;

my snapshots haven't been developed yet

he tried to get unposed shots of his friends

a fastener used on clothing; fastens with a snapping sound;

children can manage snaps better than buttons

any undertaking that is easy to do;

marketing this product will be no picnic

the act of snapping the fingers; movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand;

he gave his fingers a snap

American football putting the ball in play by passing it between the legs to a back;

the quarterback fumbled the snap

utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone;

The sales clerk snapped a reply at the angry customer

The guard snarled at us

separate or cause to separate abruptly;

The rope snapped

tear the paper

break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension;

The pipe snapped

move or strike with a noise;

he clicked on the light

his arm was snapped forward

close with a snapping motion;

The lock snapped shut

make a sharp sound;

his fingers snapped

move with a snapping sound;

bullets snapped past us

to grasp hastily or eagerly;

Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone

put in play with a snap;

snap a football

cause to make a snapping sound;

snap your fingers

lose control of one's emotions;

When she heard that she had not passed the exam, she lost it completely

When her baby died, she snapped

bring the jaws together;

he snapped indignantly

record on photographic film;

I photographed the scene of the accident

She snapped a picture of the President

snap, bite, chew, gnaw, nibble

这几个词都有“咬,嚼”的意思。其区别在于:bite 是“咬”,即用牙钳住或切断; chew 是“嚼”,即用牙磨碎; gnaw是“啃”,即不断啮咬,例如:

The dog was gnawing a bone.狗在啃骨头。
He was gnawing at his fingernails.他在咬指甲。

snap 是突然猛咬,例如:

The dog jumped and snapped at his throat.那条狗跳起来猛咬他的喉咙。

nibble 是“小口地啮咬”。

例如:She nibbled at the biscuit.她一点点地咬饼干。







用作动词 v.
~+名词snap the line咬住线snap the metal bar in two金属杆啪的一声压断snap a nice photograph拍一张挺棒的快照snap the rubber band橡皮筋啪的一声拉断snap one's whip鞭子抽得很响~+副词snap explosively轰的一声关上snap irritatingly厉声地说snap joyously拍出笑盈盈的照片snap nervously愤怒地说snap back弹回; 厉声回答; 猛然恢复到原来的水平snap off折断; 啪地关灯snap on扣紧; 啪地开灯~+介词snap at咬; 对…厉声说; 急切地接受
snap at v.+prep.

急切地接受 be eager to accept or take advantage of sthOf course I snapped at the price, it was so low.当然我立即接受了那价钱,太便宜了。

snap at sb/sthThe dog snapped at his ankles.狗对准他的脚踝猛地咬去。
As the fish snaps at the fly, he gets caught on the hook.鱼咬饵时,就被钓在钩上。
snap back v.+adv.

猛然恢复到原来的水平 improve or return to a former standard, suddenlyShare prices snapped back when the good news reached possible buyers.想买股票的人获悉那好消息时,股票猛然回升到原来的价格。

snap off v.+adv.

啪地关灯 turn off a light suddenly用于be ~ed结构

snap offThe branch snapped off under the weight of the snow.那树枝在积雪的重压下啪的一声折断了。
Suddenly the branch that he was standing on snapped off.他踩的树枝突然啪的一声折断了。snap sth ⇔ offSuddenly the light was snapped off and no one could see the murderer escape.灯突然啪的一声关了,谁都没看见凶手逃走。
snap on v.+adv.

啪地开灯 put a light on suddenly

snap onThese earrings snap on with special fastener.这付耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的。snap sth ⇔ onHe snapped the lid on to keep the contents dry.他把盖子扣紧,以使内物保持干燥。snap sth ⇔ onThe policeman snapped the light on and caught the thief stealing the jewels.警察啪地打开灯,抓住了正在偷珠宝的贼。
snap up v.+adv.

抢购 buy or obtain sth

snap sth ⇔ upI snapped up the coat at that cheap price.在价格便宜时我买下了这件大衣。
The cheapest articles at the sale were quickly snapped up.大减价中最便宜的物品很快抢购一空。近义词 失败毁…nip夹bite咬hook钩flip掷发生故障gnaw咬vim精力shot注射grab抓住tear撕掉chew咀嚼crack破裂break打碎shout呼喊burst爆发split分裂seize抓住snarl吼叫shoot发射catch赶上bark狗吠snatch抢夺retort反驳bounce弹起bust半身像picnic野餐breeze微风shatter粉碎instant瞬间quick迅速的click咔嗒声rupture破裂sudden突然的cracking分裂snapshot快照break down分解snatch up抓起photograph相片gingersnap姜饼elasticity弹力bite at咬叫骂impulsive冲动的flick快速的轻打lose it把胃清空cinch马的肚带centering定中心effortless容易的walkover轻易取胜duck soup小菜一碟snap fastener按扣snap bean食荚菜豆ginger nut姜汁饼干ginger snap姜汁饼干press stud掀钮, 摁扣child's play容易干的事piece of cake非常容易的事…pushover俚易于征服或控制的人…spontaneous自发的,自然的,本能的…spur-of-the-moment即兴的, 一时兴起的…
S+~+AThe branch suddenly snapped.树枝突然折断了。
He stretched the rubber band till it snapped.他的橡皮筋啪的一声拉断了。
The lace snapped when I pulled hard at it.我用力拉鞋带,鞋带啪地绷断了。
He snapped down the lid of the box.他砰的一声把箱子盖合上了。
The sergeant snapped out an order.警官厉声下了一道命令。
He never speaks calmly—just snaps all the time.他从来不心平气和地说话——总是高声说话。
He snapped into action.他立即行动起来。
After years of hard work and poverty, he finally snapped.他多年劳累和贫困终因体力不支而病倒。
S+~+ n./pron.The enormous fish snapped the line.一条大鱼咬住了线。
The great weight snapped the metal bar in two.重量很大把金属杆啪的一声压成两截了。
The photographer snapped a nice photograph of him.摄影师给他拍了一张挺棒的快照。
I snapped you sunbathing on the beach.我给你拍了一张海滩日光浴的照片。
He snapped the children playing in the garden.他给正在花园里玩耍的孩子拍照。
The circus manager snapped his whip.马戏团主管把鞭子抽得很响。引出直接引语“Come here at once,” she snapped.⎩“快过来,”她高声喊道。“Mind your own business,”he snapped.⎩“别多管闲事,”他厉声嚷道。⎫
S+~+ n./pron. + adj./v -edThe box snapped open.箱子啪的一声开了。
She snapped her bag shut.她喀达一声把提包关上了。
The shark snapped its jaws shut.鲨鱼啪的一声把嘴合上了。





用作动词Most pinesnapsas it burns.大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。
The violin stringsnappedbecause it was fastened too tight.小提琴的弦上得太紧,突然断了。
This final misfortune caused his mind tosnap.最后这次不幸事件使他的精神一下子崩溃了。
The sharksnappedits jaws shut.鲨鱼啪嗒一声把嘴合上了。
The fishsnappedat the bait.那鱼一下子咬住了鱼饵。
She was all the more inclined tosnapat Hall.她真想痛痛快快地骂霍尔几句。
Nim controlled an impulse tosnapback angrily.尼姆压住了怒火,没有顶撞。
I'llsnapthe child when he run to me.我要在这孩子朝我跑过来时,给他抢拍一张。
You have tosnapa photo.你得照一张快相。用作名词Thesnapof a twig broke the silence.一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。
He called the waiter with asnapof his fingers.他用捻手指发出的劈啪声召唤侍者。
She showed us her holidaysnaps.她给我们看了她度假时拍的照片。用作形容词They carried out asnapcheck on the expense account.他们对费用户口进行了突然的审查。
It 's asnapdecision .这是个仓促的决定。用作副词Suddenly the oar wentsnap.桨突然啪的一声断了。 And the most natural function of all might be the way the camera snaps a picture when the wearer frames something with his fingers.
装置最人性化的功能应该就是当使用者用他的手指做什么事情的时候,摄像头会立刻中断图像的放映。 yeeyan

“ Because I was born here,” he snaps.
“因为我出生在这里。”他猛然说。 yeeyan

As soon as something comes on the market, a buyer from China snaps it up.
市场上一出现某件中国古董,来自中国的买家就会马上出手抢购下来。 yeeyan

Because osteoporosis often causes no symptoms at all until a fall snaps a bone, the only way to tell if you have it is via a bone mineral density test.
由于只有骨折了,你才知道骨质疏松症之前是常毫无症状的发生了。唯一鉴定的办法是做一个骨头无机密度检测。 yeeyan

Creating false identities used to be easy: an intelligence officer setting off on a job would take a scuffed passport, a wallet with a couple of credit cards, a driving licence and some family snaps.
过去制造假身份证件简直易如反掌:准备执行任务的情报人员会随身携带一个磨旧的护照,一张驾驶证,塞着几张信用卡和一些家庭大头贴的皮夹。 putclub

Furthermore, whilst out taking your arty snaps, you can also indulge in a little of what we call' citizen science' by taking part in the Woodland Trust's Nature's Calendar project.
此外,当你外出拍那艺术照时,通过参加林地信托基金机构的自然日历项目,你也能让自己沉溺于一点我们所称的“百姓科学”。 yeeyan

He knows that the climate has natural ups and downs imposed on such trends, and that cold snaps happen.
他知道,气候变化有它自然的上升和下降影响着这种趋势,而且寒冷也会突然到来。 ecocn

If they do, their holiday snaps will never have looked better.
如果他们这样做,他们的假期摄影效果绝不会显得更好。 ecocn

It makes it easy to set up separate groups, thus sparing your boss from seeing your semi-clothed and inebriated party snaps. It also lets up to ten people hold a video chat together.
它让创建不同的群变得容易,因此不会让你的老板看到你的半裸和醉态熏熏的派对快照,同时它最多还能容纳十个人在一起视频聊天。 yeeyan

It snaps a pre- set number of pictures per second and sends them wirelessly to a data recorder worn on the patient's waist. The images are downloaded to a computer for diagnosis.
它每秒钟快速拍摄预先设定好的一系列图片,并将图片无线传送到患者手腕上的数据阅读器中,在电脑中可下载这些图像用于诊断。 ecocn

Japan coast guard searching for another ship with80 on board washed away by tsunami, AP snaps.
AP报道,日本海岸警卫队正在搜寻一只被海啸卷走的船,船上有80人。 hjenglish

Once the string is complete, the protein snaps itself into the right shape and gets to work.
一旦串联完成,蛋白质会自动形成正确的构象并发挥作用。 yeeyan

Otherwise, the car can recharge overnight via a plug that snaps into the little door above the rear wheel where gas would go if the car burned gas.
除此之外,汽车能够通过插头插入后轮上面的小小入口充电一晚上将电充满,如果汽车烧气时在这个地方同样可以加气。 yeeyan

She snaps at me if I move too slowly.
如果我行动太慢,她就冲我嚷嚷。 yeeyan

Since she is one of the youngest in her class, most of her school pals are already using the social network to swap snaps and gossip, and even helpful hints about homework.
由于她是班上最年轻的一个,大部分她在学校的好朋友已在使用的社交网站交换信息和八卦,甚至有关家庭作业的暗示。 ecocn

Then, when it snaps back, it creates a coronal mass ejection, which can disrupt communications and even electric power transmission on Earth.
然后,当它迅速返回时,它会产生一个大型的冠状喷射物,这能扰乱通讯,甚至能破坏地球上的电能传输。 yeeyan

They have now published a book of the silliest snaps and hope it will become a Christmas bestseller.
他们现已出版一本书,登报最蠢最糗照片,并希望它会成为圣诞畅销书。 yeeyan

Today, she notices that Sandgathe snaps his right wrist forward when he strikes the flint.
今天,她注意到,敲击燧石时,桑德加特突然向前弯转他的右手腕。 yeeyan

Vaclav Silha, the Czech photographer, had set up his camera on the banks of the Nile in the Serengeti national park, Tanzania, to take snaps of50 hippos bathing in the river.
捷克摄影师瓦茨拉夫·希尔哈在流经坦桑尼亚的塞伦盖蒂国家公园的尼罗河河段的岸上支起了照相机,抓拍50头在河里洗澡的河马。 yeeyan

When I ask her, genuinely curious, whether the people who work for her would ever eat, say, a bacon sandwich in the office, and she snaps at me for asking“ a Daily Mail question”.
我问她,真的是好奇而已,有没有为她工作的人,曾经在办公室吃过或者谈起过熏肉三明治。她生气地说我问了个“报纸来信问题”。 yeeyan

While shopping, he finds an item he wants, snaps a picture of the bar code with his cell phone, and places the item in his cart.
在购物时,他发现了需要的商品,使用移动电话拍摄了条形码图形,并将商品放在购物车中。 ibm




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