

单词 snagging
释义 snag·ging 英'snægɪŋ美'snægɪŋ COCA⁴¹¹⁶⁹BNC⁶⁶¹⁵⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
名词 snag:
a sharp protuberancea dead tree that is still standing, usually in an undisturbed forestan opening made forcibly as by pulling apartan unforeseen obstacleverb.catch on something
同义词 rip,run intohole,nail,tear The advertisement likely finds an appreciative audience in female great tits, since snagging a male with high- quality sperm isn't exactly a lark.
广告就像是要在雌性大山雀中寻找一位令他心仪的对象,因为找到一位有高质量精子的雄性可不完全是为了好玩。 transcn

The noise of the cat jumping clumsily onto her lap, the feeling of her pressing up and down with alternate paws, claws snagging loops of cotton.
猫吵闹着,笨拙地跳到她的膝盖上,爪子来回踩着她的腿,产生压迫的感觉,衣服上的棉线也被爪子刮出来了。 yeeyan

You know, the ones whose mothers despair of them ever snagging a husband and whose success sends insecure men running in the opposite direction.
那些女性的母亲对她们能够找到丈夫已经不抱任何希望了,而且她们的成功把那些不可靠的男人打发到别的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn

A pelican is rescued in south Florida after snagging its wing on a fishing line and getting stuck in a tree. Rescue workers removed the fishing line. The pelican is expected to fully recover.
在南佛罗里达,一只鹈鹕的翅膀缠上了渔网线,又被树粘老了。救援工作者们解除了渔网线。鹈鹕有望完全恢复。 putclub

An inside- out version of Straight Bar Lacing, which distributes pressure evenly plus keeps the knots& ends to the side, away from either snagging undergrowth or from bicycle chains& cranks.
一个由内至外版直酒吧拉筋,而平均散布的压力加上不时的活结及两端一侧,阔别任何荒灌木丛或自行车铁链曲柄。 happy9go

Because satins are susceptible to the wear caused by rubbing and snagging, they are considered luxury fabrics.
因为缎子在摩擦或被扯到后会产生皱纹,因此被认为是很奢侈的衣料。 tdict

By my sophomore year of college, however, I had made a name for myself by snagging the highest grade out of70 students in an advanced discrete mathematics class.
然而到我大学二年级的时候,我已经在有70名学生的高等离散数学课中脱颖而出了。 yeeyan

For heavy- pressure. form, plunge grinding, snagging of such materials as stainless steel ductile cast iron etc.
适于重磨削、型磨削、入磨削及钢材荒磨,可用于不锈钢和特种球墨铸铁磨削加工。 dictall

Give your laundry a little TLC. Use mesh bags to keep lingerie from snagging and good soap to prevent fine washables from fading.
给你要洗的衣物带来一点关爱。用网袋子来预防内衣物被挂破。用好的肥皂来防止洗物褪色。 iciba

He had been avoiding doctors all along. But now there was the snagging cough that wouldn't go away.
他一路上避开医生,但现在这撕心的咳嗽却不肯退去。 blog.sina.com.cn

I think we can all agree it’s a good thing that the days of beauty ads that focus solely on how makeup can make you prettier for the purpose of snagging a husband are mostly over.
那些只侧重于化妆怎样能使你更加漂亮从而追到一个丈夫的广告已经基本结束了,我认为我们都同意这是件好事。 yeeyan

In golden world, at snagging cast crisscross rooms.
在金色的世界里,在戳铸交错间。 expo2011eshop

Playoff experience is nice; snagging Rose and Kevin Durant in the lottery really makes a franchise.
季后赛经验确实难能可贵,但摘下罗斯和杜兰特才是让球队脱胎换骨的所有前提。 yeeyan

Researchers at Rothamsted Research redesigned the model to allow for elasticity and flexibility in the spider's dragline, its most sturdy line of silk used for moving about and snagging prey.
罗瑟斯塔研究所的研究人员重新设计了蜘蛛运动模式,让最强韧的用来四处活动和阻挡猎物的牵引丝具有弹性和柔韧性。 cri

Thanks very much to TLC for snagging a capture from a commercial advertising the Queen's Party.
非常为粗磨来自一个商业的广告抓取皇后的党谢谢到 TLC。 blog.sina.com.cn

This allows the rotor plane to be tilted so that it faces directly into winds blowing up the hill without snagging on the pole.
这能使旋翼机倾斜,以便直面从山脚吹来的风而不划破支柱。 ecocn

When females are in short supply, they have a better chance of snagging a mate, and are thus more likely to pass the gene for fathering daughters on to their offspring.
当女性数量较少时,她们更容易找到配偶,因此生女孩的基因遗传给后代的可能性更大。 ebigear




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