

单词 snacks
释义 snacks 英snæks美snæks 高ICOCA¹²⁹²⁸BNC¹²²²⁵Economist¹³²⁸⁸
名词 snack:
a light informal meal
动词 snack:
eat a snack; eat lightly用作名词I feel like some Chinesesnacks.我想吃点儿中式快餐。
She always shares hersnackswith me.她总是与我分享她的快餐。
The machine dispenses a range of drinks andsnacks.这台机器发售各种饮料和小吃。
There are many famoussnacksin the Yu Garden.豫园有很多出名的小吃。as in.eats
同义词 grubchow,comestibles,eatables,fare,meals,nosh,nourishment,nutriment,provisions,rations,sustenance,tidbits,victualsvittlesas in.junk food
同义词 candy,canned food,convenience food,dehydrated food,fast food,frozen food,prepackaged food,processed food,snack food,unhealthy food
eatsnoun food
junk foodnoun unhealthful food
candy,canned food,convenience food,dehydrated food,fast food,frozen food,prepackaged food,processed food,snack food,snacks,unhealthy food The children are friends and always share their snacks with each other at school, although their parents know nothing about this.
两个孩子是好朋友而且总是在学校共享他们的小吃,但是他们的父母对此并不知情。 yeeyan

What you definitely need: helmet, appropriate clothing, phone, passport with visas, water and snacks.
必需品:头盔,适量的衣物,电话,护照和签证,水和点心。 yeeyan

At lunch time, you should begin with the selection of dim sum, which is an innovative array of the traditional tea snacks with a Thai twist.
午餐时分,你应该从选择点心开始。这里的一系列点心制作很有创意,是对传统小茶点进行了泰式改良。 ebigear

Half a sandwich, fresh or dried fruit, or a small handful of nuts are all good snacks.
半个三明治,新鲜的或干的水果,或一些方便的坚果都是很好的小吃。 yeeyan

I made them three meals and gave them snacks.
我会给他们准备三餐和其他时间的小吃; yeeyan

It supplies each crew member with three balanced meals, plus snacks.
它供给每位工作人员平衡的三餐,另加小吃。 yeeyan

Keep healthy snacks at your desk or in your car or wherever you go.
放一些健康的零食在你的桌子上、车里,或者任何你在的地方。 ebigear

One beer is always enough for me, but I love those little spicy meat balls and other snacks they put on the table free.
其实我喝一杯啤酒就够了,但是放在桌上的那些供应的香喷喷的小肉丸子和其它点心我可真爱吃。 examw

One beer is always enough for me, but I love those little spicy meat balls and other snacks they put on the table free.
其实我喝一杯啤酒就够了,但是我很喜欢放在桌上的那些免费供应的香喷喷的小肉丸子和其它点心。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Replace the junk you left out with healthier snacks.
用更健康的小吃代替你留下的“废料”。 yeeyan

Shall we buy some snacks?
我们买一些快餐,好吗? hjenglish

She always shares her snacks with me.
她总是与我分享她的快餐。 hjenglish

Small amounts of chocolate may help prevent heart disease, but only if it replaces other high energy and therefore high calorie snacks.
少量的巧克力可以预防心脏病,但这是在以巧克力代替了其他高能量和高热量点心的前提下。 hjenglish

This is because these foods are eaten everyday in snacks and meals and are essential for healthy growth and development in children.
这是因为这些食物包含在每天的小吃和正餐里,并且是孩子们健康成长和发展的必需品。 yeeyan

Whenever he buys something, whether it be drinks or snacks, he remembers to share with his buddies.
每次他买来东西,无论是饮料还是零食,他都不忘和伙伴们分享。 i21st

While you are there, buy healthy snacks for your employees.
当你在那里购物时,给你的员工买些健康的零食。 yeeyan

You should plan ahead and prepare meals and snacks that you have tried before and know will sit well with you.
你必须提前计划,准备好所需要的正餐和零食,所有食品都是自己以前吃过适合自己的。 yeeyan




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