

单词 snacked
释义 snack·ed 英snæk美snæk COCA⁹²³⁵²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
C 小吃;点心;快餐

light meal of sandwiches,etc.

a light informal meal
eat a snack; eat lightly;

She never loses weight because she snacks between meals

snack bar快餐柜snack counter快餐柜snack table单人小餐桌snack shop小吃店cocktail snack小点心
近义词 eat吃out出bite咬to对于light光nosh小吃food食物EATS食物chow食物tuck打摺have已经meal一餐lunch午餐snack小吃meals伙食hors 不必grub动蛆morsel少量tidbit趣闻sarnie三明治munchies快餐munch大声咀嚼collation整理sandwich三明治light meal便餐refreshment恢复nourishment营养nibble一点点地咬hoagie英雄三明治between在 … 之间munch out狼吞虎咽appetizerC开胃食品…light lunch清淡的午餐club sandwich总会三明治a英语字母表的第一个字母…double-decker 双层电汽车…butty三明治elevenses午前茶have a bite to eat有东西吃hors d'oeuvre正菜前的开胃小菜…
用作名词n.I only have a snack at lunch time.午饭我通常只吃一份快餐。
用作名词We are in a hurry so we have to make doing with a quicksnack.我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃
Usually I only have asnackat lunchtime.我中午通常只吃点心。
Apples are a more nutritionalsnackthan popcorn.苹果是比爆米花更有营养的零食。用作不及物动词If yousnacktoo much, you may get fat.零食吃的太多,你会长胖的。
She likes tosnackwhile watching TV.她喜欢一边看电视一边吃零嘴。as in.nibble
同义词 eat,gnaw,nipcrop,munch,peck,snackeat like a bird,nosh on
反义词 devour,gorge,gulpas in.consume
同义词 absorb,devour,eat up,feed,guzzle,ingest,inhale,swallowbolt,down,gobble,gorge,gulp,Hoover,ingurgitate,mow,nibble,partake,punish,scarf,snack,swill,take,wolfchow down,meal,polish off,put away,put down,stuff one's face,toss down
反义词 abstain,nibbleaccumulate,build,collect,construct,fast,gather,neglect,not use,starve,storeas in.eat
同义词 attack,bite,chew,devour,dine,feed,ingest,inhale,nibble,pick,swallowabsorb,banquet,bolt,breakfast,cram,digest,dispatch,gorge,gormandize,graze,lunch,masticate,munch,nosh,ruminate,scarf,scoff,snack,sup,wolfbreak bread,chow down,dispose of,fall to,feast upon,gobble up,have a bite,have a meal,have for,make pig of oneself,partake of,peck at,pig out,polish off,pork out,put away,take food,take in,take nourishment
反义词 abstainas in.feed on
同义词 devour,eat,graze,ingest,live on,nibble,prey onexist on,fare,feast,have a bite,meal,munch,nurture,partake,pasture,peck,pig out,scarf,snack,sponge,subsist,take,take nourishment
反义词 abstain The president snacked on peanuts, and chatted with surprised customers while he waited for his order.
在等候要买的食品装袋之际,总统边吃花生,边和惊讶的顾客聊天。 yeeyan

After posing for some photos with them, they kindly gave us a lunch box filled with pastries which we snacked on while watching the waves.
跟他们找了几张照片之后,他们很友好的给了我们一个午餐盒里面装有小糕点。我们在看海的时候吃掉了它。 yeeyan

Hundreds of gleeful participants snacked on sausages and sipped cold drinks as the portly pests were weighed, measured and killed in the state's inaugural “ Toad Day Out” celebration.
在这场一年一度的“除蟆日”活动中,肥蛤蟆被一一称重、计量、然后杀死,数百名除蟆者则聚在一起,兴高采烈吃腊肠、喝冷饮。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Last night during a break in our recording session everybody was watching Germany vs Sweden. As I snacked and watched, I felt like this was a happy moment for humanity.
昨天晚上录音休息期间,大家都在看德国队对瑞典的球赛,而我也便吃着夜宵边看,感觉这真是人生中已大惬意的事情。 sinosplice

One evening we lounged at a wood-lined wine bar on Sisavangvong Road, ordered a beautiful Bordeaux and snacked on fried broad beans.
有天晚上我们散步到Sisavangvong路上的一间木屋酒吧,点了一瓶上好的波尔多和一些炸蚕豆。 yeeyan

The important thing is that the snacks are not added to the meal:if he snacked enough, at dinner time he could eat only a plate of pasta or only a main dish, but never both.
最重要的是不要把零食加在孩子的正餐中,一旦吃了太多零食,到了该吃晚餐时孩子只吃的下一小盘义大利面或是一条小鱼而已,绝对无法两样都吃。 iyaya

They snacked about the charges.

Though they all ate the same amount, the fat mice snacked more when they were less active, perhaps failing to burn off those calories.
虽然它们的进食量总量相等,但肥鼠懒起来的时候吃的就多了,可能就没办法燃烧这些热量了。 yeeyan

Until now it has been thought that children who missed breakfast were more likely to be obese because they snacked during the day and ate late at night.
直到现在人们认为不吃早餐的儿童更可能患上肥胖是因为他们在白天吃零食并且在夜晚吃东西。 yeeyan

We each drank about a quart of water, snacked on some peanuts and pitched our tents.
我们每人喝了约一夸脱水,简单地吃了点花生,然后搭帐篷。 jukuu

We snacked on microwave popcorn, cereal, and low fat turkey sandwiches.
我们吃着微波炉烤的爆米花、麦片和低脂火鸡三明治。 yeeyan

When Matson snacked on a piece of the fudge, he bit into something hard—the ring.
当马森拿一块软糖当点心吃时,他咬到硬物—戒指。 iciba




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