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词汇 smugglers
释义 smugglers ˈsmʌɡələrs COCA²⁰⁰⁶⁷BNC²⁰⁹⁹⁷Economist¹¹⁸⁷⁴
n.走私者smuggler的复数形式原型smuggler的复数 As the agency has built up its enforcement capacity around cities and other ports of entry, they have seen some shifts in strategy from the smugglers.
这个机构已经加强了城市和港口的执行能力,因此对走私者的策略也要有所转变。 ecocn

The authorities drove cocaine smugglers out of the Caribbean in the1980s. But they then popped up in Mexico.
1980年代当局将可卡因走私犯赶出了加勒比海地区,但他们却在墨西哥蹦了出来。 ecocn

The island's remote location off the southeastern coast of Australia has worked to its advantage, making it harder for smugglers to divert the crop to the heroin business.
该岛地理位置偏远,在澳洲东南方向,离海岸有一段距离,这给予了它一定的有利条件,使得走私者很难把这种作物当作海洛因走私。 yeeyan

A hundred years ago it was carried here from Italy by smugglers in a cargo of silks and laces.
一百年前,走私者将这种飞蛾装进运送丝绸和蕾丝的货船里,将它从意大利带了过来。 yeeyan

And as the planet's surface becomes ever more crowded, and national borders are closed, tunnels provide pathways for our vehicles and for smugglers of every kind.
随着地面变得越来越拥挤,但国家之间的边界却不能扩张,隧道为车辆和各类走私者提供了另一条途径。 yeeyan

Another proposal that won an approving mention at the South African meeting— plain packaging for all cigarettes— would help counterfeiters and smugglers, BAT says.
英美烟草公司还指出,另外一项南非会议的提议——对所有香烟采用简易包装——会帮助制假者和走私者。 ecocn

Asylum-seekers turn up without permission, sometimes in boats and nearly always after a long journey from places like Sri Lanka or Afghanistan, organised by professional people- smugglers.
寻求庇护者未经许可擅自入境,有时是坐船,而且几乎总是有专业人员—走私者—组织从斯里兰卡和阿富汗这样的国家长途跋涉而来。 ecocn

But since the blockade began, he has had to rely on smugglers and pay up to an extra40% for the goods.
以前他直接从中国进口货物,但是封锁开始后,他只得求助于走私犯并且得多付40%的钱。 yeeyan

Do we look like rich smugglers?
我们看起来象有钱的走私贩吗? yeeyan

He was unsuccessful, but he could, he assured us, show us the no-man’s land along the river, where smugglers pay off guards to move human traffic from one country to another.
他没有成功,但是他向我们保证,他可以成功。他向我们展示了河边的无人区,在那里走私者将人口从一个国家运送到另一个国家。 yeeyan

Its smugglers have taken over much of the Ivorian cocoa trade, which has been crippled by the imposition of UN sanctions.
这个国家的走私者已经占据了许多象牙海岸的可可贸易,已经被联合国通过税收的制裁遏止。 ecocn

My mom, my father, and I were all there, along with other smugglers, distributors, dealers, and their families.
我妈妈,爸爸和我都在那,还有很多的走私贩,经销商,毒贩和他们的家人。 yeeyan

One of the hall marks of its constitution, along with getting rid of Royalty and replacing them with smugglers and other criminals, was that people could say what they liked in the press.
除了废除皇族,以走私贩和其他各色罪犯取而代之,这个国家宪法的一个里程碑就是可以公开表达个人憎恶。 yeeyan

Since then Guatemala has become far more dangerous, as Mexican cocaine smugglers have put down roots in the wild jungle areas near the northern border.
因为当时瓜地马拉变得更加危险,当墨西哥古柯碱走私者在北部边境附近的野生丛林区内种植毒品。 ecocn

Some locals knew them as“ smugglers”, a term indicating uncertainty over how they earned their keep.
一些当地居民则认为他们是“走私者”——这一词汇表示并不清楚他们如何谋生。 ecocn

That would cut out the people- smugglers, and the revenues could help to pay for public services.
这一做法将会把走私者拒之门外,而且所征收的费用还可为公共服务买单。 ecocn

The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers.

The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.

The place is rife with smugglers, dealers, undocumented immigrants, and slaves.
这里到处都是走私者、交易商、无证移民甚至奴隶。 yeeyan

The task is made more difficult when smugglers use deep underground tunnels linking, for example, Mexico and the United States.
但是,当走私者利用地下隧道的时候就会很困难了,例如连接墨西哥和美国的地下隧道。 yeeyan

The group said smugglers use“ bribery, false papers, transportation at night and avoiding checkpoints” to get around the restrictions on sending the wood across the border.
该组织称走私者通过“贿赂、伪造文件、夜间运输和避开检查点”来躲开层层限制,将木材运送过境。 yeeyan

The sparsely populated region also provides safe haven for drug smugglers and Iranian rebel groups.
这个人烟稀少的地区还为贩毒走私者及伊朗的反叛组织提供了安全庇护所。 yeeyan

WEST AFRICA has become an attractive trade route for Latin America's cocaine smugglers in recent years.
最近几年,西非地区成为了拉丁美洲毒品走私贩最中意的贸易路线。 yeeyan

WEST AFRICA has become an attractive trade route for Latin America’s cocaine smugglers in recent years.
就拉丁美洲的可卡因走私者而言,西非现在变成了一条诱人的非法贸易路线。 ecocn

Yet Keefe proves entirely capable of understanding smugglers, extortionists, money launderers, assassins— people who would have ample reason not to be forthcoming with an author.
但是基夫能够完全理解走私贩、勒索犯、洗黑钱的人、杀手的心理——这些人都不具有什么向作者坦言心路历程的理由。 yeeyan




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