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SMR 基本例句 n.标准马来西亚橡胶 Especially, theSMRhas elaborate design and excellent performance.其中扁环填料具有独特的结构和优异性能。 The incidence andSMRwere 10.21/100000 and 4.10, respectively.男性膀胱癌发病19例,发病率较高,为10.;21/10万。 He was used for passenger train inSMRand Manchuria national railway.这是在南满洲铁道里驾驶普通客车列车。 We present a case of nasal septal cyst which may be a rare complication ofSMR.本科经历一鼻中隔囊肿的病例,推测可能是鼻中隔黏膜下切除术后的罕见并发症。MacCormack, A. “How Internet Companies Build Software.”SMR: reprint #4226, 75-84. 互联网公司如何建设软件>,刊于《史隆管理评论》,2001年冬季:再版#4226,第75-84页。Quinn, J. B. “Strategic Outsourcing: Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities.”SMR: reprint #4041, 9-21. 战略性的外包:善用知识能力>,刊于《史隆管理评论》,1999年夏季:再版#4041,第9-21页。⎤ |