

单词 smoothing out
释义 smoothing out短语⁶⁴⁷⁹⁷
“ My dress is blue and white checked, ” said Dorothy, smoothing out the wrinkles in it.
“我的衣裳上面是蓝色和白色的格子,”多萝茜一边说着,一边在压平衣服上的皱纹。 calm-sea

Correcting grammar: the second level involves smoothing out grammatical anomalies and further improving word choice.
更改语法:中级,包括理顺语法,以及进一步修改词汇。 pkucat

She is smoothing out her husband's jacket with an iron.
她在用熨斗烫平她丈夫的夹克衫。 hotdic

She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt.
她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。 eee114

Stock prices are reported in real time, which means investors witness the volatility. However, homes are usually valued yearly or less often, thereby smoothing out perceptions of volatility.
流行的概念,不像股票,房屋不属于价值被认为有助于躁狂症用于购买住房。 blog.sina.com.cn

Turning the Kashmir Valley into something less like a land under Indian military occupation would go a long way towards smoothing out that dent in Pakistan's pride.
如果把克什米尔谷换番容颜,消除些印军占领区的意味,那将是安抚巴基斯坦受损尊严的一大步。 ecocn




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