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词汇 banlieues
释义 banlieuesCOCA¹⁶¹⁵¹⁹BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹Economist¹²⁴¹⁵
n.郊区原型banlieue的复数 Has this improved the lot of mainly Muslim people in the banlieues?
这有没有提高以穆斯林为主的郊区人的生活? ecocn

In a post- modern twist, teenagers are importing American slang via the heavily north African banlieues, where hip-hop flourishes and street dress is styled on the Bronx.
在后现代主义的交错中,法国当代的青少年在北非移民聚集的郊区学会了美国俚语,那里嘻哈文化盛行,人们都是以纽约布朗克林地区的着装风格打扮。 ecocn

It has expanded a subsidised- jobs scheme, which has helped to bring overall unemployment down to 8.8%, though it remains closer to50% in some of the worst banlieues.
虽然一些地区的失业率仍接近50%,但政府扩大了工作补助计划的实施范围,将全国失业率降至8.8%。 ecocn

The heavily Muslim estates of the banlieues, where joblessness is high, are even more cut off.
在城郊失业率很高的伊斯兰人聚居区,阻隔的情况更加严重。 ecocn

The ambushes on public transport in the banlieues are a new phenomenon.
袭击郊区的公共交通是个新情况。 ecocn

The heavily immigrant banlieues that encircle French towns are steeped in unemployment, gang violence and rage.
围绕着法国城市的郊区是移民者的聚集地,这里失业现象严重,帮派暴力以及愤怒无处不在。 ecocn

The Paris mayor does not govern the banlieues, and runs a city numbering just2.3m people fewer than the 2.9m in inner London.
巴黎市长不负责管理城中的郊区地带,管辖区域人口仅有230万少于内伦敦290万人口。 ecocn

An official report before the riots noted a rise in attacks on policemen in the banlieues.
暴乱前,一份官方报告就指出了郊区市镇的警察受到的攻击有所上升。 ecocn

As Mr Douste- Blazy admits, France is sensitive to the potential knock- on effects in its own disaffected Musliminhabited banlieues.
正如杜斯特-布拉齐先生所承认的那样,法国十分担心这会引起自本国穆斯林居住区的不满,造成对法国潜在的冲击影响。 ecocn

But the stealthy lawlessness of car- burning in the dead of night seems less menacing than either British rioting or the racially charged violence in banlieues around Paris.
但是与英国骚乱及巴黎附近郊区的种族暴力相比,在深夜里鬼鬼祟祟无法无天的焚车行为看上去并没有令人感到多么受威胁。 ecocn

But he is now so unpopular in the banlieues that— unlike Mr Le Pen—he has barely set foot in them during the campaign.
但他现在在郊区非常不受欢迎,与勒庞不同,萨尔科奇在选举期间几乎没去过郊区。 ecocn

French politicians of many stripes are keen to draw a firm line in order to thwart further proselytising, particularly in the heavily Muslim banlieues.
法国高层的政治家们热衷于画一条阻止进一步改宗的明确的界限,特别是在改宗严重的穆斯林郊区。 ecocn

He is just as vocal denouncing an elite that has lost touch with ordinary folk—a message that may explain his curious appeal in ethnic neighbourhoods of the banlieues.
他大声地公开指责已经同普通大众脱离的精英人物——这或许能解释他在郊区种族社区问题上的不同寻常的诉求。 ecocn

Her appointment did not prevent another eruption of street violence in the heavily Muslim banlieues last month.
上个月,她的上任仍未避免另一起在穆斯林居多的郊区城镇爆发的街头暴力。。 ecocn

IN THE autumn of2005 car- burning and riots in the banlieues, the public- housing projects that ring French cities, prompted the declaration of a state of emergency.
由于发生在2005年秋季的巴黎郊区烧毁汽车和骚乱事件,公共住房项目在法国各城市兴起并促使应急方案的颁布。 renren

Laurent Mucchielli, a French specialist on banlieues, said the report, from a liberal think-tank financed by business, played into the hands of the right.
法国郊区研究专家 Laurent Mucchielli表示,这项报告出自一帮受商业团体资助的专家学者,其幕后之手是右派分子。 ecocn

Mr Chirac came to the presidency in 1995 vowing to heal France's “ social fracture”, to cut youth unemployment and to improve the lot of ethnic minorities in the banlieues.
希拉克总统于1995年上台执政,誓言要变革法国的“社会体制”,允诺要降低青年失业率居高不下的状况以及改善郊区少数民族的现状。 ecocn

Not everything in the banlieues works against integration.
并非关于郊区的一切都与整合化有冲突。 ecocn

Set up in the wake of rioting in2005 in the heavily immigrant banlieues, this is designed to promote a fresh image of France on the big screen.
这个工程是在2005年移民区爆发严重骚乱后设立的,其目的是奖励那些在银幕上表现“新法国”形象的作品。 ecocn

Some scholars worry about social breakdown in poor mega- cities. But to regard the British Midlands and the banlieues of Paris as ungoverned spaces would be stretching a point.
有学者担心,在拥有数百万人口的城市,政府的力量会有所减弱,然而将英国中部或是巴黎郊区称为“缺乏管理”的地区,未名太过牵强附会了一点。 ecocn

Sporadic eruptions in the banlieues of Paris pose a challenge on his doorstep.
巴黎郊区偶发的骚动成为他的论据。 yeeyan

The party has taken care to put lots of voting booths in the heavily immigrant banlieues.
社会党还小心翼翼地在移民众多的郊区设置了许多投票箱。 ecocn

The unemployment rate in the banlieues remains more than twice as high as the national averagewhich is 8.1% and on some housing estates is 40%.
郊区市镇的失业率比全国平均失业率8.1%高一倍多,而在房地产方面的失业率达到了40%。 ecocn

There is a fine line between pointing out subtly how Islam is ordering life in the banlieues and whipping up crude fears of Eurabia.
在微妙地指出伊斯兰教如何在郊区安排生活以及引发欧拉伯恐惧之间,有一条楚河汉界。 ecocn

Yet there are growing worries about the spread of hard- line Islamism in the heavily Muslim banlieues.
但是越来越多人担心在大量的穆斯林郊区中强硬路线伊斯兰主义的蔓延。 ecocn




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