

单词 Smokey
释义 Smok·ey 英ˈsməʊkiː美ˈsmokiAHDsmōʹkē
A soft, deep taupe shade that has subtle hues of rose. Very versatile. Making it a good highlight for dark skin, or a gentle smokey colour for lighter skin tones.
柔和,深黑色带有微妙的玫瑰色调。 颜色非常多样化。 可以作为深肤色很好的高光或者作为浅肤色的烟熏色。 xmily

Actor Burt Reynolds showed his image as a good old boy by driving a powerful black Pontiac Trans Am in Smokey and the Bandit.
在1977年的电影《熊和强盗》中,伯特-雷诺兹驾驶一辆黑色庞蒂克 Trans Am,成功地塑造了一位良家老男孩形象。 www.i21st.cn

I remember when I was very young, my cousins and I would go exploring in the woods of the Smokey Mountains.
那时的我一度怀着极强的好奇心和我的堂姐妹们走进“火山”所在的树林里去探险。 blog.sina.com.cn

The “ smokey eyes” look favoured by ancient Egyptians such as Cleopatra is one of the most enduring in fashion.
这种烟熏妆式的眼睛是古埃及人最喜欢的,像克娄巴特拉就是其中之一的经典之作。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

The famously smokey cafes, restaurants and nightclubs in France are now smoke free.
在法国,一向烟雾弥漫的咖啡馆、餐厅和夜总会现在已经完全禁烟。 www.voanews.com.cn

A footpath plaque honoured the singer alongside such other Apollo legends as James Brown and Smokey Robinson.
阿波罗剧院一条纪念在此诞生的传奇人物的人行道上,杰克逊加入了詹姆斯·布朗和斯莫基·罗宾逊的行列。 yeeyan

Coffee marc, burnt, strong roasted, smokey.
咖啡渣,焦香,强烈的烘烤味,烟薰。 chinaperfumer

Despite this variety of foods, however, the Japanese have succeeded in making every single thing they eat, from tea to plums, taste like smokey beef.
不管食物的多样性,无论如何,从茶到葡萄干,日本人成功的让每一样他们吃的东西吃起来像熏牛肉。 yeeyan

For the quickest smokey eye, just line your top and bottom lash lines, then smudge and blend the liner onto your lids using your fingers.
想要快速炮制一双烟熏眼,只需在上下眼睫毛的根部画上眼线,然后用手指将其晕开。 yeeyan

I had hair extensions in and I had a tan and dark, smokey eyes, so I was completely transformed.
剧中我接长了头发,晒得黑黑的,还画了烟熏妆,看上去真是完全不一样了。 mtime

I remember hot August nights, running around in bare feet, chasing after fireflies in the enchanted hills of the Smokey Mountains.
我至今仍记得在那炎热的八月午夜,我光着脚丫,在云烟缭绕并散发着魔力的山上追逐萤火虫的情景。 blog.sina.com.cn

It is typically mild, finely grained, smokey cooked salami.
它是一种温和的带有烟熏味的含精肉肉粒的腊肠。 iciba

Last summer I returned to the Smokey Mountains to find many people enjoying my grandmother's mountain.
去年夏天,我再次来到“大火山”去看生活在这座属于祖母的山上的人们。 blog.sina.com.cn

Matte, velvety deep charcoal brown. Great for smokey looks and eyeliner.
哑光、丝缎般的深炭褐色。作为烟熏色和眼线佳。 xmily

The oil- burning tools are used to remove frost from crops on fruit trees but Smokey was left with a bitter taste in his mouth from the rusty pot.
这个烧油的工具原来是用来清理水果树果实上的霜冻的,但现在卡在锈迹斑斑的顶管里的“烟圈”,嘴里的剩下只是苦涩。 kekenet

This noisy, smokey and lethal weapon is so intimidating it causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.
而且这种吵闹、烟雾迷漫的致命武器可以造成既打击士气又伤害肢体的威力。 dj.client.iciba.com

Smokey the Purr Machine; Credit: Ruth Adam, Geoff Robinson Photography.
斯莫科,咕噜机器:来自:露丝亚当,乔夫罗宾逊摄影。 yeeyan

Smokey- grey painted walls and contrasting crisp white wainscoting and window moulding give modern edge to this traditional foyer space.
烟灰色的墙壁,雪白的护墙板和窗框,强烈的对比让这个门厅看上去很是时尚。 blog.sina.com.cn

Smokey is actually quite camera shy so I was very conscious not to upset her during the record attempt so we kept it all kept very calm and low key.
斯莫科实际上面对镜头很害羞,所以在录音期间我非常注意不要让她感到失望和沮丧,所以我们大家都保持安静,室内光线也调暗了些。 yeeyan

Smokey the cat is happy and you know it.
斯莫科,这只猫很快活,你知道。 yeeyan




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