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词汇 smoking cessation
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A third option, considered by Nice's Citizens Council, is to use“ carrots” instead, by providing cash or in- kind incentives to people who attend, for example, smoking cessation programmes.
第三由 NICE的公民委员会审议的选择是用“胡萝卜政策”,对参加某个相关活动的人使用现金或实物奖励,例如戒烟计划。 yeeyan

A new study found drug varenicline, individualized counseling, and referral to outpatient smoking cessation programs together helped82 percent of smokers quit smoking in12 months.
一项最新的研究报告发现,通过使用戒烟药物瓦伦尼克林,单独个人咨询,以及门诊戒烟计划,成功的帮助了82%的吸烟者在12个月之内实现了戒烟。 yeeyan

A team of researchers, led by Jed Rose, director of the Duke University Center for Nicotine and Smoking Cessation Research, have begun doing just that.
Jed Rose,达克大学尼古丁戒烟研究中心的负责人,由他率领了一组研究院开始使用起这个方法。 yeeyan

Aberle said that while the results are very encouraging and should re- shape screening guidelines in the future, CT screening is not an alternative to smoking cessation.
Aberle说,虽然结论非常令人振奋,而且将重塑未来的影像检查指导方针,但 CT拍片并不是戒烟的代替品。 yeeyan

All smoking cessation treatments can have side effects.
所有的戒烟疗法都有副作用。 yeeyan

Although these factors are often difficult to modify, patients should be counseled that a benefit of smoking cessation and weight reduction is a decreased risk of infection with spine surgery.

Ask your pharmacist or GP which treatments are likely to be suitable for you. Not everyone can safely take all the smoking cessation treatments available.
你应该问问你的药剂师或家庭医生,哪种疗法可能适合你,因为并不是所有的人都能安全地采用所有可用的戒烟疗法。 yeeyan

Bupropion is a prescription medication classified as a type of antidepressant. A sustained- release form of bupropion is approved for smoking cessation.
安非他酮其实是一种抗抑郁的处方制剂,但它能够释放一种成分被证明对戒烟是有利的。 yeeyan

Depression may also lead to early addictive smoking, and recurrent depression impedes smoking cessation attempts.
抑郁也可能导致更早有烟瘾。反复的抑郁妨碍了戒烟的尝试。 yeeyan

Half received, for eight weeks, a moderate dose of varenicline1 mg a day, which is half the recommended dose for smoking cessation.
一半接受八周中等剂量的伐伦克林每天1毫克,给戒烟者推荐剂量的一半。 yeeyan

In addition, managers of indoor public areas should actively carry out health education about the harms of smoking, and arrange for smoking cessation services to be provided.
此外,室内公共场所经营者应当积极开展吸烟危害方面的健康宣传,并对提供戒烟服务做出安排。 who

It means we reimburse doctors when they’re consulting with people on things like smoking cessation and weight control and exercise.
这意味着我们还要承担医生在咨询工作如减少吸烟、减轻体重和加强锻炼上的费用。 yeeyan

More recent data, however, found no association between smoking cessation and snus use.
近期的数据却表明,不吸烟和吸食无烟制品间没什么联系。 yeeyan

Other steps include the promotion of smoking cessation, exercise and diet programmes plus the use of generic drugs to reduce blood pressure, control blood sugar and cholesterol.
其它的步骤包括提倡戒烟、锻炼和饮食调节,加之应用通用名药物来降低血压、控制血糖和胆固醇。 dxy

Physicians and health professionals should be encouraged to increase their efforts at promotion of smoking cessation in all individuals.
内科医生和健康专家更加积极努力地向病人推广戒烟。 yeeyan

Previous research has compared a product or pill with a placebo a dummy treatment rather than other smoking cessation products.
以前的研究是将一个产品或药物和安慰剂一种虚拟疗法相比较,而不是比较其它戒烟产品。 yeeyan

Researchers have pointed to various potential reasons for the weight gain that often follows smoking cessation.
研究人员已解释戒烟后发福的各种潜在的原因。 yeeyan

The change was expected to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease from4.2 at baseline to0.8 after12 months of smoking cessation.
我们希望在成功戒烟12个月之后,罹患心血管疾病的风险能够从4.2的水平降低到0.8。 yeeyan

The researchers also found smoking cessation was associated with increases in total and large HDL particles in those who quit, compared with smokers.
调查研究人员还发现,与吸烟者们相比,已经戒烟的人们体内的高密度脂蛋白含量总体有所上升。 yeeyan

We should be focusing on public health campaigns: encouraging exercise, smoking cessation and so on.
我们应将注意力放在倡导运动,放弃吸烟等全民医疗活动上。 yeeyan

Smoking cessation programmes can only go so far.
戒烟规划只能进行到此。 who

Smoking prevalence declined in China over the study period, perhaps due to the combined effect of smoking cessation, reduced uptake in women and selective mortality among men over40 years of age.
在整个调查研究期间,出于控烟工作的综合效应、女性吸烟者的减少以及吸烟对40岁以上男性的致死作用等原因,中国的吸烟率已有所下降。 who




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