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词汇 smokescreen
释义 smoke·screen 美'smok'skrin ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁴⁵¹⁵BNC⁴⁸⁷⁴⁴iWeb³⁵⁴⁰⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
military screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movementsan action intended to conceal or confuse or obscure;

requesting new powers of surveillance is just a smokescreen to hide their failures

smoke,烟,screen,幕布。引申词义烟幕,障眼法等。smoke screen烟幕
smoke-screen⇒n.烟幕;障眼法;烟幕用以掩盖真相的言行v.用烟雾欺骗或掩盖近义词 outside在外面smoke screen烟幕

用作名词His peace talks are merely asmokescreen.他的和平演说不过是一种烟幕。
The export business is just asmokescreenfor his activity as a spy.他做出口生意只是为他的间谍活动打掩护。noun.action to confuse or conceal
同义词 red herringcamouflage,cover,false colors,false front,masquerade,screen
camouflagenoun disguise
beard,blind,cloak,concealment,cover,coverup,deceit,deceptive marking,disguise,dissimulation,faking,false appearance,front,guise,mask,masking,masquerade,mimicry,paint,plain brown wrapper,protective coloring,red herring,screen,shade,shroud,veil
concealmentnoun hiding, secrecy
beard,blind,camouflage,cover,cover-up,covering,curtain,disguise,dissimulation,fig leaf,front,hideaway,hideout,laundromat,mask,obliteration,obscuration,occultation,privacy,red herring,secretion,smokescreen,veil,wraps
covernoun cover-up, mask
camouflage,disguise,facade,false front,fig leaf,front,guise,mask,masquerade,pretense,put on,semblance,smokescreen,veil,veneer,window dressing
cover-upnoun concealing; preventing investigation or exposure
burial,camouflage,closeting,complicity,concealment,conspiracydisguisingdissimulation,evasion,front,hush-up,masking,placing under wraps,pretense,seal of secrecy,smokescreen,veil of secrecy,whitewash
deodorantnoun something that freshens
air freshener,antiperspirant,cleanser,cosmetic,deodorizer,disinfectant,fumigant,fumigator,smokescreen
disguisenoun covering, makeup for deception
beard,blind,camouflage,charade,cloak,color,coloring,concealment,costume,counterfeit,cover-up,dissimulation,dress,facade,face,faking,false front,fig leaf,front,getup,guise,illusion,make believe,mask,masquerade,pageant,pen name,pretense,pretension,pretentiousness,pseudonym,put on,red herring,screen,semblance,smokescreen,trickery,veil,veneer Indeed, his allies suggest that attacks on Mr Trichet may create a useful smokescreen for the more important business of getting on quietly with economic reform.
他的盟友建议他通过对特里谢先生的攻击来为更重要的经济改革事业制造烟幕。 ecocn

There is also the alleged use of white phosphorous shells: permitted as a smokescreen, but not over civilian areas.
据称,以军在此次事件中还使用了磷弹——一种本应只能在战区作烟幕弹用,而不应在平民区使用的炮弹。 ecocn

among documents that did leak onto the internet, some appeared to be plants designed to throw up a smokescreen.
这其中的一部分档案已经在互联网上解密,一些已经扔进工厂进行销毁。 ecocn

But Tom Cargill, director of the Africa programme at Chatham House, suspects Nkunda may hope to use China as a smokescreen.
不过,智库机构 Chatham House非洲项目主管 Tom Cargill怀疑 Nkunda或许在利用中国,作为其烟幕。 yeeyan

Chris Palmer, the technology director with the Electronic Frontier Foundation advocacy group, thinks recent rhetoric about cyber war is a “ smokescreen to limit freedom of speech on the internet”.
克里斯帕姆尔是电子边境基地倡导集团的技术主管,他认为最近关于网络战争的花言巧语其实是限制网络言论自由的烟幕。 yeeyan

I find this a convenient smokescreen for the Audit Commission, which has twice the level of exposure in Icelandic banks that Kent County Council has.
“我觉得这可能是审计委员会故意在放烟雾弹掩饰自己,他们在冰岛泡汤的存款是肯特郡的两倍。” yeeyan

Indian diplomats say the talk of a threat from India is a smokescreen to divert attention from Pakistan’s failure to tackle the real issue: its nurturing of terrorists.
印度的外交官说,巴方的印度威胁论就是为了转移大家对巴基斯坦军事失败的注意力,企图掩盖其暗中支持恐怖分子这一事实。 yeeyan

It may also be a smokescreen.
然而,这也可能仅仅只是个烟幕弹。 fortunechina

Like much else in the budget dispute, this is a smokescreen.
欧盟不过是在耍障眼法而已,正如欧洲委员会在预算之争中的其他很多提议一样。 ecocn

Many on the left suspect that this is simply a smokescreen for an ideologically- motivated gutting of the welfare state.
很多左翼人士认为,这只是个幌子,其实是在意识形态的驱使下想去破坏社会幸福。 ecocn

Most of us peered through the smokescreen and concluded that United's manager was fed up with the way Rooney's life off the pitch was affecting his contribution on it.
大部分球迷则透过了层层迷雾得出了主教练厌烦了鲁尼场外的花边新闻而开始打压他贡献的结论。 yeeyan

Mr Assange’s fans believe that the allegations are a smokescreen and that Sweden is acting as a tool of American influence; some even say he may end being extradited there.
阿桑奇的粉丝相信这些所谓指控是一个烟幕,而瑞典正扮演一个受美国操纵的工具;一些人甚至表示他可能最终会被引渡至美国。 ecocn

Mr Assange’s supporters believe that the furore is a smokescreen and that Sweden is acting as a tool of American influence; some even say he may end up eventually being extradited there.
阿桑奇的支持者相信这些公愤只是烟雾弹,而瑞典正充当着美国势力的工具;一些人甚至说他可能最终被引渡至美国。 ecocn

Mr Assange's fans believe that the allegations are a smokescreen and that Sweden is acting as a tool of American influence;
阿桑奇的粉丝相信这些所谓指控是一个烟幕,而瑞典正扮演一个受美国操纵的工具; ecocn

Rangers progress through a smokescreen created to cover their movement .
别动队员在烟幕环境的掩护下前进。 iciba

Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually hidden behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false—and often is.
悲哀的是,企业,作为网络性市场想要与之对话的另一方,通常躲在小贩式欺瞒主义的烟幕之后,他们的叫卖是无信义的——通常都是如此。 yeeyan

Senior US officials call cyber attacks' acts of war', but critics think the tough talk is a smokescreen for censorship.
美国高级官员称网络袭击为“战争行为”,但评论家认为如此强硬说法只是为了掩护审查制度。 yeeyan

The Israelis retort that white phosphorus is legally used by many armies as a smokescreen provided it is not fired over densely populated areas.
以方反驳说,在人口不密集地区,白磷作为合法烟幕弹被很多军队使用。 ecocn

The sovereign- CDS debate is a smokescreen to obscure an unpalatable truth.
关于主权信用违约掉期的辩论是烟幕,掩盖了一个令人不快的真相。 globalpfc

Today Steve Jobs hit back, arguing those terms are just a“ smokescreen” clouding the“ real issue.”
今天,斯蒂夫.乔布斯予以了反击,争论到那些名词只是一个烟雾弹,掩盖了“真正的问题”。 yeeyan

Unfortunately the smokescreen is not likely to help.
不幸的是这道烟幕没有任何帮助。 ecocn




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